محتويات: |
(إظهار/إخفاء) |
* تأملات في كتاب
يوحنا: |
(1) الخوري بولس الفغالي: إنجيل يوحنا، الرابطة الكتابية، 1992، ص 14.
(2)Commentary on John, Book 1:23.
(3) On the Gospel of St. John, tr. 36:5
(4) القديس كيرلس الكبير: شرح إنجيل يوحنا، ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء، يناير 1989، ص12. اقتبست الكثير من أقوال القديس كيرلس الكبير عن هذه الترجمة.
(5) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 1:2.
(6) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 1:3.
(7) St. Jerome: Comm. On Galat. 6:10.
(8) Eusebius: Hist. Ecc. 3:23.
(9) Collat. XXIV c.2.
(10) Eusebius: Hist. Ecc. 3:28.
(11) راجع أيضًا يوسابيوس 14:4.
(12) Eusebius: Hist. Ecc. 5:18:4.
(13) Tertullian: Praescrip, Haer., 36.
(14) Adv. Haer. 3:1:1 PG 7:844.
(15) PG 5:984.
(16) See Jerome Biblical Commentary, p. 416.
(17) Donald Guthrie: N.T. Introduction, 1975, p. 262.
(18) Ibid.
(19) The Gospel according to St. John: an introduction with commentary and notes on the Greek text, Charles Kingsley Barrett, S.P.C.K., 1965, p.87.
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(20) Cf. H. Lietzmann: Die drei altesten Marttyrologein (Kleine Texte, 2), 1911, p. 7f.
(21) Ibid, p. 5.
(22) Hom. 21.
(23) Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on the Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 1033.
(24) Eusebius: H.E. 3:31:3; 5:24:3f. PG 20:485.
(25) Guthrie, p.271.
(26) "The purpose of St. John’s Gospel,” Studia Evangelica. 1959, p. 382-411.
(27) Guthrie, p.272.
(28) دراسات في العهد الجديد، عدد 6، سنة 1960، ص 117- 131.
(29) Jaroslav Pelikan: The Christian Tradition, vol. 1, p. 173.
(30) 2 Clem. 1:1L2.
(31) Commentary on the Gospel of John. P1, 6.
(32) C.M. Laymon: The Interpreter’s One-volume Commentary on the Bible, 1980, p.707.
(33) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 1:1.
(34) Homilyon St. John, 2:8.
(35) Letter, 22:5
(36) Cf. Oscar Cullmann: The N.T., 1968, p. 46.
(37) Eusebius: H. E. 3:24.
(38) Comm. on Matt., Prolong.
(39) Eusebius: H.E. 6:14:5-7.PG 20:552.
(40) Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty: The School of Alexandria, Introduction.
(41) Against Heresies, 3:11:1.
(42) Comm. on Matt., prolong.
(43) PG 5:333.
(44)سبق لنا الحديث عن الأناجيل الإزائية في مقدمة كتاب: الإنجيل بحسب متى، 1983، ص 18-23.
(45) Cullmann, p.45.
(46) Eusebius: H.E. 6:14:5-7.
(47)Hom 4. PG 59:27.
(48) Homily 4:1.
(49) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate18:1.
(50) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 36:1.
(51) دير مارجرجس الحرف بيروت، إنجيل يوحنا، قراءة وتعليق، 1986، ص 10.
(52) The Anchor Bible: R.E. Brown: The Gospel According to John, (1-XII), 1981, p. XLI.
(53) The Anchor Bible: R.E. Brown: The Gospel According to John, (1-XII), 1981, p. XLII.
(54) Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on the Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 1035.
(55) Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on the Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 1035.
(56) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 1:4.
(57) J.C. Fenton: The Gospel According to John, Oxford 1970.
(58) F.M. Braum: Jean le Theologein, t. II, Les grandes traditions d’Asrael, 1964.
(59) Guthrie, p.237.
(60) Guthrie, p.238.
(61) Jerome Biblical Commentary, p. 416-7.
The Anchor Bible: R.E. Brown: The Gospel According to John, (1-XII), 1981, p. XLIII, LII, LXV.
(62) Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on the Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 1023.
(63) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:1.
(64) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:13.
(65) Against Jovinianus, 1:26.
(66) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 2:8.
(67) The Apostolic Teaching and its Development, 1944, p. 65 ff.
(68) Cf. L. van Hartingsveld: Gie Eschatologie des Johannesevangeliums, 1962.
(69) Adv. Haer. 2:31.
(70) Adv. Haer. 3:1:1.
(71) Theologische Rundschau, n.f., 1955, p.295-335.
(72) C.K. Barett: The Gospel According to St. John, 1956, p.138.
(73) Guthrie,, p. 242.
(74)دافع J.N. Senders عن هذا الرأي في مواضعٍ كثيرة، منها:
B.A. Mastin: The Gospel According to St. John, 1986.
تبعه كل منE.F. Harrison وF.V. Fison.
(75) Cf. Correll: Consummatum Est, 1958, p. 204 ff.
(76) M.F. Wiles: The Spiritual Gospel, 1960, p. 9 ff.
(77) راجع حديثنا في هذا المقال عن شخصية يوحنا.
(78)دراسات إنجيلية: مصادر الوحي الإنجيلي 4، صوفية المسيحية 1، ص 70 إلخ.
(79) De Civitate Dei, Lib 10, ch. 29.
(80) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 70:3.
(81) On the Christian Faith, Book 4:9:102.
(82) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 2:7.
(83) Homily 2:7.
(84) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 2:8.
(85)Comm. on John, hom. PG 59:13.
(86) Ibid, hom. 3. PG 59:18, 19.
(87)استخدمت بعض نصوص القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم من سلسلة كنوز مخطوطات البراموس، شرح إنجيل يوحنا للقديس يوحنا الذهبيّ الفم، إعداد القمص أغسطينوس البراموسي، 2001.
(88) Homily 3:3.
(89) On the Faith.
(90) Against Eunomius , book 4:1.
(92) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:2:16.
(93) Ep. ad. Magn. 8:1.
(94) Letter 53 to Paulinus, 4.
(95)مقال 11: 10.
(96) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 68:1.
(97) On the Christian Faith, Book 5:9:117.
(98) Homily 4:3.
(99) Homily 4:1.
(100)Commentary on John, Book 1:277-278.
(101) Commentary on John, Book2:4-8.
(102)Commentary on John, Book 2:8.
(103)Commentary on John, Book 2:9.
(104)Commentary on John, Book 2:10.
(105) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:14:88.
(106)Hom 5. PG 59:37.
(107) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 5:2.
(108) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 3:4.
(109) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:3.
(112) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate1:15.
(113) Homily 2:8.
(114) Homily 4:3.
(115) Homily 5:3.
(116) On the trinity 2 (20).
(117) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:1.
(118) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:2.
(119) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:11.
(120)Commentary on John, Book 1:37- 38.
(121) Commentary on John, Book2:115.
(122)Commentary on John, Book 2:118
(123)Commentary on John, Book 2:132.
(124) Commentary on John, Book2:136.
(125) Commentary on John, Book2:158.
(126) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 5:3.
(127) Homily 5:3.
(128) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate3:5.
(129) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate3:5.
(130) Oration 39, on the Holy Lights (Epiphany),2.
(131) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 5:3-4.
(132) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:5.
(133) Letter 39:3.
(134) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 6:1.
(135)Commentary on John, Book 2:212 - 218.
(136) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 6:1.
(137) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 6:1.
(138) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate2:6.
(139) In lus. 11:33-36.
(140)Hom. 8 PG 59:48.
(141) On Virginity, 11.
(142) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 25:5.
(143) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 28:2.
(144) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate2:11.
(145) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 46:5.
(146) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 31:3.
(147) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate
(148) مقال 12: 8.
(149) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 53:2.
(150) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 31:6.
(151) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate2:13.
(152) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate2:15.
(153)مقال 7: 13.
(154)مقال 11: 9.
(155) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 10:2.
(156) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate3:13.
(157) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 70:4.
(158) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 69:4.
(159) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 69:5.
(160) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 10:3.
(161)مقال 12: 1.
(162) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 11:1.
1 Hom. 12. PG 59:66-67
(163) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 68:1.
(164) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 71:5.
(165) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:16.
(166) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:18.
(167) Letters,39.
(168) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 69:7.
(169) Against Jovinianus, 2:29.
(170) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 17:9.
(171) In John hom. 14:2.
(172)Commentary on John, Book 6:35.
(173) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 14:1.
(174) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate3:2-3.
(175) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate3:9.
(176) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate3:15.
(177)Commentary on John, Book 6:39.
(178)Hom 14 PG 59:82.
(179) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 14:4.
(180)Hom 15 PG 59:85.
(181)مقال 6: 5.
(182)مقال 9: 1.
(183) Against the Pelagians, 3:12.
(184) Letter 108:10.
(185) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate4:13.
(186) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate4:4.
(187) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate4:6.
(188) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 16:2.
(189)Commentary on John, Book 6:101.
(190)Commentary on John, Book 6:103.
(191) Commentary on John, Book2:193.
(192) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate4:7.
(194) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 16:2.
(195) Letters, 63:4-5.
(196) Of the Holy Spirit, Book 1:3:41.
(197)Hom 16. PG. 59:94.
(198)Commentary on John, Book 6:172 - 173.
(199)Commentary on John, Book 6:174 - 175.
(200) Of the Christian Faith, 3:10:71.
(201) Hom.4:7, Forty Gospel Homilies PL 76:1099-1103.
(202) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate4:9.
(203) Hom. 17. PG 59: 96.
(204)Commentary on John, Book 6:206.
(205) Fol. 30.
(206)Commentary on John, Book 6:255.
(207)Commentary on John, Book 6:270.
(208)Commentary on John, Book 6:285 - 286.
(209) Commentary on John, Book1:233.
(210) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 17:1.
(211)مقال 13: 3.
(214) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate4:10.
(215)Commentary on John, Book 1:235.
(216) Peri Pascha 25 (Translated by Robert J. Daly - ACW).
(217) Commentary on John, Book1:28.
(218) Commentary on John, Book1:29.
(219) Of the Christian Faith, 2:11:93.
(220)Commentary on John, Book6:301, 304.
(221)Hom. 17.
(222)Hom 17. PG 59:99.
(223) Commentary on John, Book1:239.
(224) On the Holy Spirit, Book 3:1:4.
(225) On the Holy Spirit, Book 3:1:5.
(226) On the Holy Spirit, Book 3:1:6.
(227) Oratio contra Arianos 1:47 PG 26:108c.
(228) Oratio contra Arianos 2:59 PG 26:273 A.
(229) Epistola ad Serapionem 1:28-29. PG 26:596 A.
(230) Oratio 41, In Pentecosten, 11 PG 36:444 B.
(231) In Epistolarm ad Hebroeos Homilia 15:2. PG 63:119.
(232) Oratio 41. In Pentecosten. PG 36:444 B.
(233) Cf. Oratio Catechetica magna, 2. PG 45:17B.
(234) In Joannis Evangelium 2:1,32. PG 73:265 D.-267A.
(235) In Isaiam 2:11 PG 70:313 D.
(236) Dialogus 6. PG 75:1008 C.
(237) In Joannis Evangelium 4 PG 73:604.
(238) Liber de Spiritu Sancto 19:49.PG 32:157 A.
(240)مقال 3: 14.
(241) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5:11.
(242) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5:8-10.
(243) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5:13.
(244) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5:19.
(245) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate4:13.
(246) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5:2.
(247) Duties of the Clergy, Book, 3:18:102-103.
(248) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5:5.
(249) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5.5.
(250) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate5:6.
(251) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate7:6.
(252) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate7:7.
(253) Cf. Homilies on St. John, Hom. 18:3.
(254) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 18:3.
(255) Commentary on John, Book2:219.
(256) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 18:4.
(257) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 7:9.
(258) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate7:10.
(259)Commentary on John, Book 2:219.
(260) Cf. Homilies on St. John, Hom. 19:1.
(261) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 19:1.
(263)Hom. 20. PG 59:116-117
(264) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 39:5.
(265)Hom 20. PG 59:117-118.
(266) Concerning the Virgins to Marcellina, his Sister, Book 1:1:3.
(267) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 21.
(268) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 72:6.
(269) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate
(270) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate
(271)للاستفاضة يمكن الرجوع إلى رسالة الدكتوراة للدكتور وهيب قرمان: النعمة عند القديس أثناسيوس، بالإنجليزية أو العربية.
Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty: The Divine Grace, 1992.
(272)Benjamin Drewery, p. 109
(273)Brewery,Origen and the Doctrine of Grace, London 1960, p. 48.
(274)Sel Ps. 1: 2.
(275)De Principiis, perf. 8.
(276)In Jer., hom 6: 3.
(277)Sel. Ps. 119: 85.
(279) يقصد طهارة خلقته الأولى التي جُبل الإنسان عليها. (راجع دكتور وهيب قزمان: النعمة عند القديس أثناسيوس - مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة، 1993).
(280) المدرك بالعقل الأسمى من الحواس الجسدانية وهو ما ينعم به السمائيون.
(283)Hom. 14 PG 59:81.
(284)Hom. 14. PG 59:79
(288) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 1:1:42.
(289) مقال 1:2.
(290) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 1:1:50.
(291) Of the Holy Spirit 1:8:93.
(292)Protr. 11: 3; Stromata 7: 13, Protr. 11.
(293)Pret. 1.
(294)In Luc. (Conc. the temptation of Jesus Christ)
(295)الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 1:1: 34.
(296) Prayer of David, Book 4:9:35.
(298)Paedageogus 1: 9.
(299)Comm. on John, Book 10: 4; Comm. on Matt. Book 12: 14.
(301) Praises of St. Paul, Hom.1..
(302) تعريب الأرشيمندريت افرلم كرياكوس: القديس دوروثاؤس: التعاليم الروحية, مقال 2.
(303)Bendicta Ward, p. 197.
(304)Comm. Rom. 22 on 4: 4 f.
(305)الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 2:1:41-42.
(306)الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1:11-12.
(307)الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 2:1:67.
(308) PG 50:417-432. ترجمة: د. سعيد حكيم يعقوب (المركز الأرثوذكسي للدراسات الآبائية بالقاهرة)
(309) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1: 33.
(310) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1: 34.
(311)الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1:19.
(312) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1: 38.
(313) Prayer of David, Book 3.
(314) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1: 24.
(315) Prayer of David, Book 4:2:7.
(316) Prayer of David, Book 4:2:9.
(319) Praises of St. Paul, Hom. 2.
(321)الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1:52.
(324)Stromata 5: 3.
(325)Comm. Matt. 10: 22.
(326) Prayer of David, Book 3.
(327) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1: 38.
(328) الرسالة ضد الآريوسيين 3:1: 39.
(329) Fr. Tadros Y. Malaty: The Apostolic Fathers, 1993, p. 137.
(330) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate8:1.
(331) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate8:4.
(332) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate8:4.
(333)Exposition on St. John PG 73:223- 226.
(334)Exposition on St. John PG 73:223- 226.
(335) Letter 48:11.
(336)Exposition on St. John PG 73:276.
(337) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 21:1.
(338) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 21:2.
(339)Exposition on St. John PG 73:278.
(340) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 21:2.
(341) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 21:2.
(342) Hom. 22. PG 59: 126 -127.
(343) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 21:3.
(344) N & PN Frs., Series 2. vol 13: 48.
(345) Cf. Homilies on St. John, Hom. 22:1.
(346) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 22:1.
(347) Cf. Homilies on St. John, Hom. 22:2.
(348) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate9:6.
(349) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate9:7-8.
(350) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate9:10-11.
(351) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate9:16.
(352) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate9:5.
(353) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 22:2.
(354) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 73:2.
(355) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 21:2.
(356)Commentary on John, Book 10:41-42.
(357)Commentary on John, Book10:38.
(358) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate10:2-3.
(359)Commentary on John, Book 10:80 - 81.
(360) الخوري بولس الفغالي: إنجيل يوحنا، الرابطة الكتابية، 1992، ص 15.
(361) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate10:6.
(362) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate10:7.
(363) Sermon Against Auxentius, 21.
(364)Commentary on John, Book 10:142.
(365)Commentary on John, Book10:240.
(366)Commentary on John, Book 10:243.
(367)Comm. On John, hom 132.
(368) لو 49:2"ألم تعلما أنه ينبغي أن أكون في ما لأبي؟!"
(369)مقال 7: 6.
(370) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate10:9.
(371) Duties of the Clergy, Book 2:30:154.
(372) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate10:10.
(373) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 23:2.
(374) On the Decease of His Brother Saytrus, Book 2:103.
(375)Josephus: Antiq. b.15 c.11 s.1; b.20 c.9 s.5, 7.
(376) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate10:12.
(377) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 24:1.
(378)Commentary on John, Book 10:310.
(379)Commentary on John, Book 10:321.
(380) Homilies on St. John, 24:1.
(381) Homilies on St. John, 24:2.
(382) Homilies on St. John, 24:2.
(383) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate11:4.
(384) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate11:5.
(385) Letters, 166:9.
(386) Homilies on St. John, 24:2.
(387) Homilies on St. John, 24:3.
(388) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate11:6.
(389) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate11:6.
(390) On the Mysteries, 4:20.
(391) Letter 72 to Stephen: 1.
(392) On the Holy Spirit, Book 3:10:64.
(393) القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي، الروح القدس عند العلامة أوريجينوس، تعريب دكتور جورج بطرس.
(394) القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي، الروح القدس عند العلامة أوريجينوس، تعريب دكتور جورج بطرس.
(395) In Lucam 22:8.
(396) الدرر الثمين في ايضاح الدين، 1952، ص 121.
(397) المؤلف: اللّه مقدسي، ص 52.
(398) St. Jerome: Letter 69:6.
(399) Homilies on St. John, 26:1.
(400) Homilies on St. John, 26:1.
(401) Adv. Haer. 5:9:2.
(402) Letter 58:3.
(403) Homilies on St. John, 26:1.
(404) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate12:6.
(405) Homilies on St. John, 26:2.
(406) Homilies on St. John, 27:1.
(407) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate12:8-9.
(408) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 41:7-8.
(409) مقال 13: 20.
(410) Homilies on St. John, 27:2.
(411) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate12:11.
(412) Vita Moysis. PG 44:413, 315.
(413) Concerning Repentance, 1:10:48.
(414)Hom. 28. PG 29: 195.
(415) Concerning Repentance, Book 1:12:54.
(416) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate12:14.
(417) Peri Pascha 4 (Translated by Robert J. Daly - ACW).
(418) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate12:13.
(419) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate13:4.
(420)Hom. 29.PG 59: 165.
(421)Hom. 29. PG 59: 165-166.
(422) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate13:8.
(423) Homilies on St. John, 27:1.
(424) Homilies on St. John, 29:2.
(425) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate13:9.
(426) Homilies on St. John, 29:2.
(427)Adam Clark Comm.
(430) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate13:10.
(431) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate13:12.
(432) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate13:17-18.
(433) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate14:3
(434) Homilies on St. John, 29:2.
(435) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate14:4.
(436) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate14:5.
(437) Homilies on St. John, 29:3.
(438)Hom. 30 PG 59: 170.
(439) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 14:6.
(440) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate14.
(441)Hom. 30. PG 59: 172.
(442)The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, Ch.95. St. Chry 505 tom. hom 30: 2 PG 59:173.
(443) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate14:10.
(444) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 14:11.
(445) مقال 10: 1.
(446) Concerning Repentance, Book 1:12:53-54.
(447) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 14:13.
(448) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate15:3.
(449) Homilies on St. John, 31:1-2.
(450) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate15:2.
(451) Homilies on St. John, 31:2.
(452) Letter 108:13.
(453) Homilies on St. John, 31:2.
(454) Homilies on St. John, 31:3.
(455) Of the Holy Spirit 1:16:184-185.
(456) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:4.
(457) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:7.
(458) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:8.
(459) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate15:9.
(460) Homilies on St. John, 31:3.
(461) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 49:3.
(462) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate15:11.
(463) Homilies on St. John, 31:3.
(464) Homilies on St. John, 31:3.
(465) Homilies on St. John, 31:4.
(466) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 15:12.
(467) Homilies on St. John,31:4.
(468) Of the Holy Spirit 1:16:175.
(469)Adam Clarke Comm.
(470)Hom. On John, 32:1.
(471) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:16.
(472)EP. 62 to Caecilius (see: The Seventh Council of Carthage Under Cyprian).
(473)Hom. On John, 32: 1.
(474) Of the Holy Spirit 1:16:181-182.
(475) Commentary on John, Book 13:20.
(476)Commentary on John, Book 13:25.
(477)Commentary on John, Book13:27 - 39
(478) Romans 7:2.
(480)Hom. On John, 32.
(481)Commentary on John, Book13:41 - 42.
(482)Commentary on John, Book13:43 - 50.
(483) Letter 108:13
(484)راجع السامرية: دار القديس يوحنا الحبيب للنشر بالقاهرةHom. on John, 32.
(485)Commentary on John, Book 13:51.
(486)Commentary on John, Book 13:52.
(487) Letter 48:18.
(488)Hom. On John, 32.
(489) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:23.
(490)راجع السامرية: دار القديس يوحنا الحبيب للنشر بالقاهرةHom. on John, 32: 2.
(491) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:24.
(492) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:25.
(493)Commentary on John, Book13:98 - 99.
(494)Hom. On John, 3 3: 1.
(495) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:26.
(496) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:27.
(497)Hom. on John, 3 3: 1.
(498)Hom. on John, 3 3: 1.
(499)Of The Christian Faith , Book 5 , ch. 4 (50).
(500)Hom. on John, 3 3: 2.
(501)Hom.33 PG 59: 191.
(502)Commentary on John, Book 13:112.
(503)Hom. on John, 3 3.
(504) Letter 58:3.
(505) مز 3:11"من الفجر لك كل حداثتك".
(506)مقال 11: 5.
(507) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:9:105.
(508)On the Trinity Book 2 {31}
(509)Hom. on John, 33: 2.
(510) Hom. on John, 33: 2.
(511) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 51:2.
(512)Hom 34.PG 59: 195
(513)Hom. on John, 33: 3.
(514)Commentary on John, Book 13:175.
(515)Commentary on John, Book 13:179.
(516)Commentary on John, Book 13:181.
(517) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:30
(518)Hom. on John, 34: 1.
(519)Hom. On John, 32.
(520)Hom 34. PG 59: 195.
(521)Hom. on John, 34: 1.
(522)Hom. on John, 34: 1.
(523) Letter 125:1.
(524) مقال 10: 15.
(525)Commentary on John, Book 13:206 - 217.
(526)Cf. Commentary on John, Book 13:245.
(527)Commentary on John, Book 13:242.
(528) Letter 108:13
(529) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 15:31.
(530) On the Christian Faith, Book 5:13:169.
(531) Duties of the Clergy 1:31:163-164.
(532) Sermon Against Auxentius, 14.
(534) Commentary on John, Book 13:274 - 276.
(535)Commentary on John, Book 13:278.
(536)Commentary on John, Book 13:284.s
(537) Letter 76:2.
(538)Commentary on John, Book 13:305 - 307.
(539)Commentary on John, Book 13:308.
(540) Commentary on John, Book 13:309 - 310.
(541)Commentary on John, Book 13:322.
(542)Hom. on John, 34: 2.
(543)Hom. on John, 34: 2.
(544)Hom 34. PG 59: 197 - 198.
(545)Commentary on John, Book 13:326.
(546)Commentary on John, Book 13:340.
(547)Commentary on John, Book 13:246.
(548)Commentary on John, Book13:347.
(549)Hom. on John, 35: 1.
(550)Hom. on John, 35: 1.
(551)Commentary on John, Book 13:352
(552)Commentary on John, Book13:363.
(553) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 16:3.
(554) Homilies on St. John, 35:1.
(555) Homilies on St. John, 35:2.
(556)Commentary on John, Book 13:392.
(557)Commentary on John, Book 13:438 - 439.
(558) Homilies on St. John, 35:2.
(559) Homilies on St. John, 35:2.
(560) Homilies on St. John, 35:2,
(561)Hom 35. PG 59: 204
(562)Hom 28 , Forty Gospel Homilies. PL 76: 1211.
(563)Hom 36. PG 59: 206.
(564) Homilies on St. John, 36:1.
(565) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 74:3.
(566) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 75:2.
(567) Homilies on St. John, 36:1.
(568) Homilies on St. John, 36:1.
(569) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:3.
(570) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:1.
(571) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:2.
(572) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 75:7-10.
(573) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:4-8.
(574)Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:7:88.
(575) Homilies on St. John, 36:2.
(576) Homilies on St. John, 36:1.
(577) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 75:3.
(578)مقال 10: 13.
(579) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:9.
(580)ك 3 ف 4.
(581) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:15.
(582) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:11.
(583) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate17:13.
(584) Against the Pelagians 3:1.
(585) Letter 13 to Rogation, the priest and to the other confessors: 1.
(586)Hom 38. PG 59:217-218.
(587) Homilies on St. John,38.
(588) Cf. Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 75:4-6.
(589)On the Holy Spirit, Book 2, jutr.{2}.
(590) To Pammachius Against John of Jerusalem, 22.
(591) Letter 133:6.
(592) Homilies on St. John, 38:2.
(593) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:2.
(594) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:2
(595) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:3.
(596) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:6.
(597) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:8.
(598) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:9.
(599) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate20:13.
(600)Of the Christian Faith, Book, ch. 18 {224}.
(601) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate19:3.
(602) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate18:8.
(603)Hom 38. PG 59:221-222.
(604) Of the Holy Spirit Book 2:12:134m136.
(605) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:17:112.
(606) Of the Holy Spirit Book 2:8:69.
(607) مقال 11: 23.
(608) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 76:9.
(609) Letter 69:1.
(610) Of the Christian Faith, 4:4:40-43.
(611)Hom 38. PG 59:221-222.
(612) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate21:6-7.
(613)Hom 39. PG 59:223.
(614) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 62:4.
(615) Of the Christian Faith, 4:10:129.
(616) Homilies on St. John,39:1
(617) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate21:12.
(618) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate21:17
(619) Homilies on St. John,39:2.
(620) Homilies on St. John, 39:2.
(621)Hom 39. PG 59:222.
(622) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 77:2.
(623) Of the Christian Faith, 5: 6: 68 - 69.
(625) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate19:8.
(626) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 77:7-8.
(627) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate22:8.
(628) Homilies on St. John, 39:2.
(629) Of the Christian Faith, 4:10:132.
(630) Of the Holy Spirit Book 5:2:35.
(631) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate19:12.
(632) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate19:13.
(633) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate22:10.
(634) Homilies on St. John, 39:3.
(635) Of the Christian Faith, 63: 78 - 79.
(636) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 77:10.
(637) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 77:11-13.
(638) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate19:16.
(639) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate19:18.
(640) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate19:14.
(641) Homilies on St. John, 40.
(642) On the Christian Faith, Book 5:10:123.
(643) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 78:1.
(644) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 78:3.
(645) Letter 66 to Florentius: 2.
(646) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 17:9.
(647) Against Vigiliantius, 8.
(648) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 78:2.
(649) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 3.
(650)مقال 6: 7.
(652) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:13.
(653) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:14.
(654) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:15.
(655) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:13:155-156.
(656) Exposition of the Orthodox Faith. Boo k 4, ch 36.
(657) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 79:6.
(658) Letter 22:27.
(659) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 42:1.
(660) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 42:2.
(661) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 42:2.
(662)Concerning widows, 13: 79.
(663)Hom 42. PG 59:250.
(664) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 24:5.
(665) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 80:1.
(666) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 42:2.
(667) Cf. Letter 47:14.
(668)Hom 42. PG 59:251-252.
(669) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:1-2.
(670) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:4.
(671) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:5.
(672)War, B. 3, c. 25.
(673)Lib. 5, c. 15.
(674) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:6.
(675) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:7.
(676) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 43:1.
(677) Cf. Homilies on St. John, Hom. 43:1.
(678) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:7.
(679) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 43:1.
(680) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 43:1.
(681) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 43:2.
(682) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 44:1.
(683) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 44:1.
(684) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:10.
(685) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:1.
(686)Hom 44.
(687) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:11.
(688)Hom 45. PG 59:262.
(689) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:1.
(690) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:1.
(691) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:12.
(692) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:1.
(693)cf Adam Clarke Commentary.
(694) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:2.
(695) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:1.
(696) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 25:14.
(697) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:2.
(698)Hom 45. PG 59:267.
(699) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:1
(700) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 45:2.
(701) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 46:1.
(702) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:1.
(703) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:2-4,
(704) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 46:1.
(705) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:7.
(706) تحدث القديس يوحناالذهبي الفم في مقاله عن"العناية الإلهية" ترجمة الأخت عايدة حنا فصل 3 عن "قصر حكمة السمائيين في التعرف على اللَّه كما هو ولا أحكامه بكمالها". إذ يقول: "حقا أن اللَّه حتى بالنسبة لهذه الطغمات غير مدرك، ولا يقدرون على الدنو منه، لهذا يتنازل بالطريقة التي جاءت في الرؤيا، لأن اللَّه لا يحده مكان ولا يجلس على عرش...وأما جلوسه على عرش وإحاطته بالقوات السمائية إنما هو من قبل حبه لهم".
(707) مقال 6: 6.
(708)مقال 7: 11.
(709) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:9.
(710) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:10.
(711) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 46:2.
(712) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:11.
(713) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 62:5.
(714) The Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, prayer ofter the Epiclesis.
(715) Ad. Eph. 20:1.
(716) Adv. Haer 4:38:1. PG 7:1105-6.
(717) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 46:3.
(718) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 46:4.
(719) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:13.
(720) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 81:1.
(721)The Faith of Christians, First Apology, 65- 67.
(722) On The Trinity, Book 8:14.
(723)Adv. Haer. 4:18:5.
(724)Adv. Haer. 5:2:2,3.
(725) On the Christian Faith, Book 2:20:135.
(726) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:16.
(727)Hom 47. PG 59:275.
(728)On the Mysteries 9:55,58.
(729)Meditation on the Mystical Supper, Hom 10. PG 77, in Toal 3:155-157.
(730) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 82:1.
(731) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 21:17.
(732) Of the Christian Faith, 4:10:118-122.
(733)Adv. Haer. 4:17:5, 6.
(734) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 26:19-20.
(735) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:1.
(736) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:3.
(737)Hom 47. PG 59:277-278.
(738) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:8.
(739) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:6.
(740) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:7.
(741) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:7.
(742) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:7.
(743) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 81:2.
(744)Hom 47. PG 59:279.
(745) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:8.
(746) Letter 59 to Cornellius: 7.
(748) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:9.
(749) Against the Pelagians, 3:6.
(750) Letter 59 to Cornellius: 7.
(751) Homilies on St. John, Hom. 47:4.
(752) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:10.
(753) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 27:11.
(754) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:2.
(755)Homilies on St. John 48: 2.
(756) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 83:1.
(757) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:4.
(758)Homilies on St. John 48: 2.
(759) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:5.
(760) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:7.
(761) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:8.
(762) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:8.
(763)Hom 48. PG 59:285.
(764) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:10.
(765)Hom 49. PG 59:287-288.
(766) Of the Christian Faith, 5: 7: 93.
(767) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:11.
(768)Homilies on St. John 49: 1.
(769) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:11.
(770) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 28:12.
(771) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 29:2.
(772) Homilies on St. John 49: 1.
(773)Homilies on St. John 49: 1.
(774) On the Christian Faith, Book 2:9:79.
(775) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 29:4.
(776) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 29:5.
(777) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 29:8.
(778) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 30:2.
(779)Homilies on St. John 49: 3.
(780) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 30:4.
(781) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 30:5.
(782) Against Jovinianus, 2:29.
(783) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 30:6.
(784) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 30:7-8.
(785) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:2.
(786)Hom 50. PG 59:294.
(787) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:2.
(788) On the Christian Faith, Book 5:10:120.
(789) Of the Christian Faith, 5: 10: 120.
(790)Hom 50. PG 59:294-295.
(791)Hom 50. PG 59:295.
(792) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:3.
(793) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:4.
(794)Homilies on St. John 50: 2.
(795) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:5.
(796)Homilies on St. John 50: 2.
(797) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:7.
(798) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:8.
(799) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:9.
(800) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:9.
(801) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:4.
(802)Homilies on St. John 50: 3.
(803)Hom 50.
(804) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:10.
(805) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 31:10.
(806) Against Jovinianus, 1:12.
(807) Of the Holy Spirit Book 3:20:153-154.
(808) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 32:2.
(813) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 32:2.
(814) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 32:4.
(815)Hom 51. PG 59:300-301.
(816) Letter, 63: 78 - 79.
(817) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 32:7.
(818) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 32:8-9.
(819)Hom 51. PG 59:300-301.
(820)Hom 51. PG 59:301.
(821) Of the Holy Spirit 1:16:177-178.
(822)Homilies on St. John 52: 1.
(823)Homilies on St. John 52: 1.
(824) Letter 22:1.
(825) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 33:4.
(826) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 33:5.
(827) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 33:7.
(828) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 33:8.
(829)Adam Smith Comm.
(830) Letter 63 to Brother Cecil: 18.
(831) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 34:1.
(832) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 34:3-6.
(833) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 34:7.
(834) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 34:3-6.
(835) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 35:5.
(836) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:19:127.
(837)Hom 52. PG 59:307.
(838)Hom 52. PG 59:307.
(839) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 36:4.
(840)Homilies on St. John 52: 2.
(841) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 36:9.
(842) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 36:11.
(843)cf Homilies on St. John 52: 3.
(844) Homilies on St. John 52: 3.
(845)Homilies on St. John 52: 3.
(846)Commentary on John, Book19:7, 10.
(847)Commentary on John, Book 19:13, 15.
(848) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 37:1.
(849) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 37:2.
(850)Commentary on John, Book19:53 - 55
(851)Commentary on John, Book19:59.
(852) Commentary on John, Book19:59 - 61.
(853)Commentary on John, Book19:70.
(854)Commentary on John, Book19:72 - 73.
(855)Commentary on John, Book19:79 - 80.
(856)Commentary on John, Book19:82.
(857)Commentary on John, Book19:84.
(858) Commentary on John, Book19:85.
(859) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38:1.
(860)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 2.
(861)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 2.
(862)Homilies on St. John 53: 1.
(863)Commentary on John, Book19:83.
(864)Commentary on John, Book 19:111.
(865) Commentary on John, Book19:104.
(866) Commentary on John, Book19:113.
(867)Commentary on John, Book19:114.
(868)Commentary on John, Book19:119
(869)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 2.
(870)Leon Morris, p. 311.
(871)Commentary on John, Book19:135 - 137.
(872)Commentary on John, Book19:138.
(873)Commentary on John, Book19:139.
(874)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 4.
(875)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 6.
(876)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 6.
(877)Hom 53. PG 59:311.
(878)Commentary on John, Book19:152.
(879) Commentary on John, Book19:153.
(880) Commentary on John, Book19:155 - 157.
(881)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 6.
(882)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38: 7.
(883)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 38.
(884)Hom 53. PG 59:311.
(885)Commentary on John, Book19:159.
(886)Hom 53. PG 59:311.
(887)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate40: 2.
(888)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 40: 2.
(889)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 40: 2.
(890)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 40: 5.
(891)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 40: 6.
(892)Commentary on John, Book19:65 - 68.
(893) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 84:1.
(894) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 84:2.
(895) Commentary on John, Book19:22 - 24
(896)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 40: 8.
(897)Homilies on St. John 54: 1.
(898)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 40: 9.
(899)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 41: 1.
(900)Homilies on St. John 54: 1.
(901)Homilies on St. John 54: 1.
(902) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 84:3.
(903) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 84:6.
(904)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 41: 2.
(905)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate41: 3 - 4.
(906)Homilies on St. John 54: 2.
(907)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 41: 8.
(908)Homilies on St. John 54: 2.
(909)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 41: 5.
(910)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 41: 7.
(911)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 41: 9.
(912)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 41: 10.
(913)Hom 54. PG 59:317-318.
(914) Commentary on John, Book20:3 etc.
(915)Commentary on John, Book20:16.
(916) Commentary on John, Book20:67 etc.
(917)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 1.
(918)Hom 54. PG 59:318.
(919) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate3:7.
(920)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 2.
(921)Homilies on St. John 54: 2.
(922)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 3.
(923) Commentary on John, Book20:80.
(924)Commentary on John, Book20:81 - 82.
(925)Commentary on John, Book20:93.
(926)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 3.
(927)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 5.
(928)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 5.
(929)مقال 7: 13.
(930)Commentary on John, Book20:106.
(931)Commentary on John, Book20:109.
(932)Commentary on John, Book20:114.
(933)Commentary on John, Book20:118.
(934)Commentary on John, Book20:126.
(935)Commentary on John, Book20:130.
(936)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 8.
(937)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 9.
(938)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 10: 11.
(939)Hom 54. PG 59:319-320.
(940)Commentary on John, Book20:156.
(941)Commentary on John, Book20:159.
(942) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:16:107.
(943)Commentary on John, Book20:164.
(944) Commentary on John, Book20:165.
(945) Commentary on John, Book20:173.
(946)Hom 54. PG 59:319.
(947) Against Jovinianus, 2:18.
(948)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 1 3.
(949) مقال 2: 4.
(950) Commentary on John, Book20:175.
(951)Commentary on John, Book20:177.
(952) Commentary on John, Book20:181.
(953) Commentary on John, Book20:193 - 194.
(954)Commentary on John, Book20:221.
(955) Commentary on John, Book20:224.
(956) Commentary on John, Book20:226.
(957) Commentary on John, Book20:227.
(958) Commentary on John, Book 20:240.
(959) Commentary on John, Book20:242 - 244.
(960)Commentary on John, Book 20: 248 - 250.
(961)Commentary on John, Book 20: 252.
(963) Philokalia, Book 1.
(964)Commentary on John, Book 20: 274.
(965)Commentary on John, Book 20: 277 - 278.
(966)Commentary on John, Book 20: 281.
(967)Commentary on John, Book 20: 282.
(968)Commentary on John, Book 20: 291 - 293.
(969)Commentary on John, Book 20: 309.
(970)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 15.
(971)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 42: 15.
(972)Commentary on John, Book 20: 310.
(973)Commentary on John, Book 20: 311 - 312.
(974)Commentary on John, Book 20: 313 - 314.
(975)Commentary on John, Book 20: 316 - 3Commentary on John, Book 20.
(976)Commentary on John, Book 20: 3Commentary on John, Book 20.
(977)Commentary on John, Book 20: 321.
(978)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 2.
(979)Hom. 16, Forty Gospel Homilies, 114-115 Pl 16:1150.
(980)Commentary on John, Book 20: 326.
(981)Commentary on John, Book 20: 328.
(982)Commentary on John, Book 20: 332 - 334.
(983)Commentary on John, Book 20: 334.
(984)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 3.
(985)مقال 7: 5.
(986)Commentary on John, Book 20: 339.
(987)Commentary on John, Book 20: 340 - 341.
(988)Commentary on John, Book 20: 342.
(989)Commentary on John, Book 20: 344.
(990)Commentary on John, Book 20: 345.
(991)Commentary on John, Book 20: 348.
(992)Commentary on John, Book 20: 350.
(993)Homilies on St. John 55: 1.
(994)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 4, 9.
(995)Commentary on John, Book 20: 352 - 353.
(996)Hom 55. PG 59:322.
(997)Commentary on John, Book 20: 363 - 367.
(998)Commentary on John, Book 20: 370.
(999)Commentary on John, Book 20: 373.
(1000)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 10 - 11.
(1001)Commentary on John, Book 20: 380.
(1002)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 1 3.
(1003)Hom. 16. Forty Gospel Homilies, 116- Pl 76:1150.
(1004)Commentary on John, Book 20: 394 - 395.
(1005)Commentary on John, Book 20: 398.
(1006)Commentary on John, Book 20: 419.
(1007)Homilies on St. John 55: 2.
(1008) On the Holy Spirit, Book 5:8:113.
(1009)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 4.
(1010) Of the Christian Faith, 2: 8: 72.
(1011) Letters, 177.
(1012)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 16.
(1013)Hom 55. PG 59:323.
(1014) مقال 11: 20.
(1015) Letter 53:4.
(1016)Hom 55. PG 59:324.
(1017)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 17.
(1018)Hom. 16. Forty Gospel Homilies, 116-117.
(1019)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 4 3: 18.
(1020) Hom. 16, Forty Gospel homilies
(1021)Leon Morris, p. 290 - 291.
(1022)Apostolic Constitutions 2: 24.
(1023)Homilies on St. John, 56: 1.
(1024).St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 1
(1025)Homilies on St. John, 56: 1.
(1026) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 86:1.
(1027)Hom. 56. PG 59:327.
(1028) Letter 68:1.
(1029)Hom 56. PG 59:328.
(1030)Homilies on St. John, 56: 2.
(1031) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 85:1.
(1032) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 85:3.
(1033)Of the Christian Faith. 3:7 {48}.
(1034)Hom 56. PG 59:330.
(1035)Explanation on the Gospel. PG 73:601B.
(1036) Commentary on John, Book1:267- 268.
(1037)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 5.
(1038)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 6.
(1039)Hom 4. PG 61:27.
(1040)Hom 56. PG 59:328.
(1041)Poem 23. ACW 40:219.
(1042)Commentary on Tataion’s Diatessaron, 28.
(1043) Peri Pascha 18,19 (Translated by Robert J. Daly - ACW).
(1044)Homilies on St. John, 57: 1.
(1045)Homilies on St. John, 57: 1.
(1046)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 2.
(1047)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 2.
(1048)Homilies on St. John, 57: 1.
(1049)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 8.
(1050)Homilies on St. John, 57: 2.
(1051)Gemara. 14.
(1052) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 86:3.
(1053)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44:9.
(1054)Homilies on St. John, 58: 1.
(1055)Homilies on St. John, 58: 1.
(1056)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 10.
(1057)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 11.
(1058)Homilies on St. John, 58: 2.
(1059)Homilies on St. John, 58: 2.
(1060)Homilies on St. John, 58: 2.
(1061)Homilies on St. John, 58: 3.
(1062)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 11.
(1063)Homilies on St. John, 58: 3.
(1064)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 12.
(1065)Homilies on St. John, 58: 3.
(1066) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 86:2.
(1067) Letter 63 to ِEpictetus: 2.
(1068) Letter 69 to Asturica: 2.
(1069)Homilies on St. John, 58: 4.
(1070)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44.
(1071)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 15.
(1072)Homilies on St. John, 59: 1.
(1073)Homilies on St. John, 59: 1.
(1074)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 15.
(1075) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 86:4.
(1076)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 16.
(1077) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 86:5.
(1078) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 86:6.
(1079) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:5.
(1080)Homilies on St. John, 59: 2.
(1081)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 44: 2.
(1082)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 45: 3.
(1083) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:13.
(1084) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:14.
(1085)Homilies on St. John, 59: 3.
(1086)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 46: 4.
(1087)Homilies on St. John, 59: 3.
(1088) Commentarium in Joannem 1. PG 14:50 S9.
(1089) Catech. 10. PG 33:665 B.
(1090)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 45: 8.
(1091)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 45: 8.
(1092)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 45: 9.
(1093)Homilies on St. John, 59: 3.
(1094)Homilies on St. John, 59: 3.
(1095) مقال 7: 2.
(1096)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 45: 15.
(1097)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 45: 15.
(1098) Hom. 15, Forty Gospel Homilies. PL 76: 1127.
(1099)Homilies on St. John, 59: 3.
(1100)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 45: 15.
(1101)cf Leon Morris, p. 377.
(1102) Hom 59. PG 59: 349.
(1103) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:3, 4.
(1104)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 46: 7.
(1105) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 88:5.
(1106) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 88:10.
(1108)Homilies on St. John, 59: 3.
(1109) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:12.
(1110)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 46: 5.
(1111)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 46: 6.
(1112) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:9.
(1113) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:10.
(1114) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:11.
(1115)cf St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 46: 6.
(1116)Homilies on St. John, 60: 1.
(1117) Hom. 15, Forty Gospels Homilies.
(1118) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 88:6.
(1119)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 47: 2.
(1120) PG 74: 653 AB.
(1121) مقال 4: 7.
(1122)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 47: 3.
(1123)Homilies on St. John, 60: 2. . PG: 353.
(1125) PG 74: 656c.
(1126) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 87:6.
(1127) Letter 67 to Asturica..: 2.
(1128)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 47: 7.
(1129)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 47: 1 3.
(1130)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 47: 14.
(1131)Homilies on St. John, 60: 2.
(1132) On the Christian Faith, Book 2:25-26
(1133)Homilies on St. John, 60: 3.
(1134) Against Eunomius, 2: 13.
(1135)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 2.
(1136)Homilies on St. John, 61: 1.
(1137) Hom. 61. PG 59: 361.
(1138)Homilies on St. John, 61: 2.
(1139)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48:4.
(1140)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 6.
(1141)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 6.
(1142) Of the Holy Spirit, 16: 114.
(1143)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 7.
(1144) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:1:9.
(1145) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 89:1.
(1146) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 98:2.
(1147) Discourses Against the Arians, 1: 23 (3, 4).
(1148)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 8.
(1149)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 9.
(1150)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 10.
(1151) On the Incarnation 4 {5}.
(1152) De lncarn. 54 {3}.
(1153) Oratio de Incarnatione Verbi, 54.PG 25:192BC.
(1154) Adv. Haer 3:19 {1}.
(1155) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate1:4.
(1156) Hom. 61. PG 59: 364.
(1157)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 10.
(1158) On the Mysteries, 3:8.
(1159) Hom. 62. PG 59: 369.
(1160)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 48: 11.
(1162) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,49:3.
(1164) Hom. on St. John, 62:1.
(1165)Homilies on St. John, 62:1.
(1166) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,49:5.
(1167) Hom. 62. PG 59:369.
(1168)St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 49:6.
(1169) Homilies on St. John, 62:1.
(1170)St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 49:7
(1171) Hom. 62. PG 59:369.
(1172)Homilies on St. John, 62:1.
(1173) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 49:8.
(1174)Homilies on St. John, 62:1.
(1175)Homilies on St. John, 62:1.
(1176)Homilies on St. John, 62:1.
(1177) Against Vigiliantius, 6.
(1178) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 49:9.
(1179)St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, cf. 49:9, 10.
(1180) Letter to a Young Widow, 3.
(1181)Homilies on St. John, 62:1.
(1182)Homilies on St. John, 62:2.
(1183)Homilies on St. John, 62:2.
(1184) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,cf. 49:12.
(1185)Leon Morris, p. 409.
(1186)Homilies on St. John, 62:2.
(1187)Cf. Adam Smith Comm. on John.
(1188)Homilies on St. John, 62:3.
(1189)Homilies on St. John, 62:3.
(1190)Homilies on St. John, 62:3.
(1191)Homilies on St. John, 62:3.
(1192)Homilies on St. John, 62:3.
(1193)Homilies on St. John, 62:3.
(1194)Hom. 62. PG 59:181.
(1195)Hom. 62. PG 59:372.
(1196)Homilies on St. John, 63:1.
(1197)Homilies on St. John, 63:1.
(1198)Homilies on St. John, 63:1.
(1199) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,49:18.
(1200) Concerning Repentance 2:7:54-55.
(1201)St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 49:20.
(1202)St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,49:20.
(1203)Homilies on St. John, 63:1.
(1204) Letters, 263.
(1205) Letter 60:7.
(1206)Homilies on St. John, 63:1.
(1207)Homilies on St. John, 63:2.
(1208) Concerning Repentance Book 2:7:56.
(1209) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 48:6.
(1210) Letter 147:9.
(1211)Commentary on John, Book 28:19 - 22.
(1212) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,49:22.
(1213)Homilies on St. John, 63:3.
(1214)Homilies on St. John, 64:1.
(1215) Of the Christian Faith, 4:6:72.
(1216) Of the Christian Faith, 3:4:32.
(1217)Commentary on John, Book 28:36 - 37.
(1218) Of the Holy Spirit Book 2:12:137-138.
(1219)Homilies on St. John, 64:2.
(1220) On Belief in the Resurrection, 2:77.
(1221)Homilies on St. John, 64:2.
(1222)Homilies on St. John, 64:3.
(1223) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 17:2.
(1224) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 17:3.
(1225) راجع لو 5:17.
(1226) مقال 5:9.
(1227) Letter 4:2.
(1228) Letter 7:3.
(1229) Concerning Repentance Book 2:7:57-58.
(1230)Commentary on John, Book 28:54.
(1231)Commentary on John, Book 28:57 - 59.
(1232)Cf. Commentary on John, Book 28:86 - 97.
(1233)Homilies on St. John, 65:1.
(1234)Antiq. 18. c. 3.
(1235)Commentary on John, Book 28:172 - 174.
(1236)Homilies on St. John, 65:1.
(1237)Homilies on St. John, 65:1.
(1238)Cf.Commentary on John, Book 28:185.
(1239)Homilies on St. John, 65:1.
(1240)War, b 4, c. 8 s. 9.
(1241)cf. Adam Clarke Comm.
(1242)Commentary on John, Book 28:192 - 194.
(1243)Commentary on John, Book 28:214.
(1244) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,50:2.
(1245)Homilies on St. John, 65:2.
(1246)Homilies on St. John, 65:2.
(1247) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,50:3.
(1248) St. Augustine:On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 50:4.
(1249) Concerning Repentance 2:7:60.
(1250) Hom. on St. John, 65:2.
(1251) Against Jovinianus, 2:17.
(1252) Hom. 65. PG 59: 391.
(1253) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,50: 6.
(1255) St. Ambrose: Letter 50:26.
(1256) Letters, 43.
(1257) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,50: 10.
(1258) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 50: 11.
(1259)Homilies on St. John, 65: 3.
(1260) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 50: 11.
(1261) hom. 65. PG 59: 391- 392.
(1262) Letter 38:2.
(1263) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,50: 14.
(1264)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 2.
(1265)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 3.
(1266) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,51: 4.
(1267) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 5.
(1268) Hom. 66. PG 59: 395- 396.
(1269)Homilies on St. John, 66: 2.
(1270)Homilies on St. John, 66: 2.
(1271)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 8.
(1272)Homilies on St. John, 66: 2.
(1273) مقال 13:6.
(1274)Homilies on St. John, 67: 1.
(1275) Letter 54:16.
(1276) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,51: 10.
(1277) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,51: 10.
(1278) Hom. 67.PG 59: 401.
(1279) Hom. 67. PG 59: 401.
(1280) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 11.
(1281)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 12.
(1282) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 12.
(1283)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 51: 13.
(1284)Leon Morris, p. 450.
(1285)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 52: 3.
(1286) Of the Holy Spirit Book 2:6:55.
(1287) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,52: 4.
(1288) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 52: 5.
(1289) Hom. 67. PG 59: 403.
(1290) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,52: 6.
(1291) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 52: 7.
(1292) Letter 55:5.
(1293)Homilies on St. John, 68: 1.
(1294) Hom. on St. John, 68:1.
(1295) Hom.68. PG. 59: 405.
(1296)Homilies on St. John, 68: 1.
(1297) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 53: 2.
(1298)Homilies on St. John, 68: 2.
(1299) Hom. 68. PG 59: 406
(1300)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 53: 8.
(1301) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,53: 9.
(1302) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,53: 10.
(1303)Homilies on St. John, 68: 2 - 3.
(1304)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 52: 12.
(1305) Hom. 69. PG 59: 408- 409
(1306) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 90:5.
(1307) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 54: 2.
(1308) Hom. 69. PG 59: 409.
(1309) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,54: 3.
(1310) Hom 69. PG. 59: 409.
(1311)Of the Christian Faith, 2: 2: 24.
(1312) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,54: 4.
(1313) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,54: 5.
(1314) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,54: 6.
(1315) Hom. 69. PG 59: 410.
(1316) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,54: 7.
(1317) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,54: 8.
(1318) Josephus: Antiq. 20:10:1.
(1319) Josephus: Antiq. 14:5:4.
(1320) Josephus: Antiq. 14:8:3-5.
(1321) Josephus: Antiq. 14:9:4.
(1322) Sanhedrin 6:1.
(1323) Hom 70. PG 59: 413.
(1324) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 53:6.
(1325) Letters, 55.
(1326) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,55: 1.
(1327) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,55: 2.
(1328)Homilies on St. John 70: 1.
(1329)Commentary on John, Book 32: 24.
(1330) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,55: 4.
(1331)Homilies on St. John 70: 1.
(1332)Commentary on John, Book 32: 26 - 27.
(1333) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,55: 5.
(1334) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 55: 3.
(1335) Of the Holy Spirit, 1: 1: 13 - 15.
(1336)Homilies on St. John 70: 2.
(1337)Commentary on John, Book 32: 47 - 49.
(1338)Commentary on John, Book 32: 50.
(1339)Cf. Commentary on John, Book 32: 52 - 58.
(1340) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,55: 7.
(1341) Hom. 70. PG 59: 416.
(1342)Homilies on St. John 70: 2.
(1343)Commentary on John, Book 32: 87: 88.
(1344) On the Mysteries, 6: 31.
(1345)Cf. Commentary on John, Book 32: 57 - 58.
(1346)Commentary on John, Book 32: 96.
(1347)Commentary on John, Book 32: 101.
(1348)Commentary on John, Book 32: 19.
(1349)Commentary on John, Book 32: 102.
(1350)Homilies on St. John 70: 2.
(1351)Commentary on John, Book 32: 110.
(1352)Homilies on St. John 70: 2.
(1353) Hom. 70. PG 59: 416.
(1354)Commentary on John, Book 32: 72 - 73.
(1355)Commentary on John, Book 32: 74.
(1356)Commentary on John, Book 32: 75.
(1357)Commentary on John, Book 32: 79.
(1358)Commentary on John, Book 32: 80 - 82.
(1359)Commentary on John, Book 32: 83.
(1360)Commentary on John, Book 32: 84: 86.
(1361) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,56: 4.
(1362) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,57: 1.
(1363) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,58: 4.
(1364)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,58: 5.
(1365)Homilies on St. John 71: 1.
(1366)Commentary on John, Book 32: 115 - 116.
(1367)Commentary on John, Book 32: 120.
(1368) Of the Holy Spirit1:12:129.
(1369) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate,59: 1.
(1370)Homilies on St. John 70: 1.
(1371)Homilies on St. John 71: 2.
(1372)Commentary on John, Book 32: 154 - 155.
(1373)Commentary on John, Book 32: 167.
(1374)Commentary on John, Book 32: 174, 176.
(1375)Homilies on St. John 72: 1.
(1376)Commentary on John, Book 32: 212.
(1377)Commentary on John, Book 32: 213 - 214.
(1378)Cf. Commentary on John, Book 32: 216.
(1379)Commentary on John, Book 32: 235 - 238.
(1380)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 60: 2.
(1381)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 60: 5.
(1382)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 61: 2.
(1383)Commentary on John, Book 32: 278.
(1385) Against Jovinianus, 1:26.
(1386)Homilies on St. John 72: 2.
(1387)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 61: 6.
(1388)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 61: 1.
(1389)Commentary on John, Book 32: 299.
(1390)Homilies on St. John 72: 4.
(1391)Homilies on St. John 72: 2.
(1392) Hom 72. PG 59: 424.
(1393)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 62: 2.
(1394)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 62: 3.
(1395)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 62: 4.
(1396)Homilies on St. John 72:3.
(1397)Commentary on John, Book 32: 301 - 302.
(1398)Commentary on John, Book 32: 309 - 310.
(1399)Commentary on John, Book 32: 313.
(1400)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 62: 6.
(1401)Homilies on St. John 71: 3.
(1402)Commentary on John, Book 32: Commentary on John, Book 320 - Commentary on John, Book 321.
(1403)Commentary on John, Book 32: Commentary on John, Book 322.
(1404)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 63: 2.
(1405)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 63: 3.
(1406) Hom. 72. PG 59: 425.
(1407)Homilies on St. John 72: 4.
(1408)Commentary on John, Book 32: 368.
(1409)Commentary on John, Book 32: 368 - 374.
(1410)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 64: 1.
(1411)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 64: 2 - 3.
(1412)Homilies on St. John 72:4.
(1413)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 65: 1.
(1414)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 65: 2.
(1415)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 65: 3.
(1416)Homilies on St. John 72:4.
(1417)Homilies on St. John 73: 1.
(1418) St. Cassian: Conferences, 16:27.
(1419)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 66: 1.
(1420) On the Decease of His Brother Saytrus, Book 2:28.
(1421)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 66: 1.
(1422)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 66: 1.
(1423)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 66: 2.
(1424) On the Trinity 9: 18.
(1425)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 67: 1.
(1426) Homilies on St. John, 73:1.
(1427) Against Jovinianus, 2:28
(1428)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 67: 2.
(1429)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 68: 3.
(1430)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 68: 1.
(1431) Homilies on St. John, 73:1.
(1432) Homilies on St. John, 73:2.
(1434) On the Christian Faith, Book 3: 7:51-52.
(1435)Commentary on John, Book 6:41.
(1436)Commentary on John, Book 6:105.
(1437) Epistle to Eph., 9
(1438) The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, ch 59
(1439) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 91:1.
(1440) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 91:4.
(1441)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 69: 1.
(1442)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 69: 2.
(1443)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 69: 3.
(1444) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 92:1.
(1445) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 92:2.
(1446) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 42:3.
(1447) Letter 122:1.
(1448) Of the Holy Spirit Book 1:17:108.
(1449) Letter 73 to Jubauan: 17.
(1450) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 92:3.
(1452)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 70: 1.
(1453) Homilies on St. John, 74:2.
(1454) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:7:50.
(1455) Sermon Auxentuis, 32.
(1456) مقال 11: 18.
(1457)De vita sua 1102. PG 37:1106 A.
(1458) Poemata de seipso, 11.PG 37:1165-66.
(1459)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 70: 3.
(1460) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 38:4.
(1461)PG 73:12 a.
(1462) Agaiust Eunomius, 2:4.
(1463) Ibid, 6: 3.
(1464) Of the Christian Faith, 4:6:69-70
(1465) Homilies on St. John, 74:2.
(1466)مقال 11: 16، 17.
(1467)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 71: 1.
(1468)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 71: 1.
(1469)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 71: 1.
(1470) Concerning Repentance, 1:8:34.
(1471) Homilies on St. John, 74:2.
(1472) Homilies on St. John, 74:2.
(1473) Homilies on St. John, 74:2.
(1474)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 71: 3.
(1475)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 72: 1.
(1476)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 72: 2.
(1477)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 73: 4.
(1478) Hom 75. PG 59: 438.
(1479)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 74: 1 - 2.
(1480)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 74: 2.
(1481) Homilia 2 in Hexameron. PG 29:43B.
(1482)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 74: 4.
(1483)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 74: 5.
(1484)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 75: 3.
(1485)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 75: 4.
(1486)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 75: 5.
(1487) Philokalia, Book 1.
(1488) Homilies on St. John, 75:3.
(1489) Hom. 30, PL 76: 1220. Forty Gospel Homilies,
(1490)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 76: 2.
(1491)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 76: 4.
(1492)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 77: 2.
(1493) القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي، الكنيسة عند العلامة أوريجينوس، تعريب دكتور جورج بطرس.
(1494) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 21:33.
(1495) On the Holy Spirit, Book 3:1:8.
(1496) Hom. 30, Forty Gospel Homilies. PL 76: 1220.
(1497) Gregory Nazianzen: Orati xL, iN Sanctum baptisma 41. PG 36:417 c.
(1498)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 77: 2.
(1499) Declaration of Msgr. Joseph Phourde, Archbishop of Ottawa, at the Synod of Rome on October 19, 1971.
(1500) St. Gregory Nazianzen, Oratio 31, Theologica 26. PG 36:161.
(1501) Adv. Haer. 3:24:1.
(1502) Adv. Haer. 3:17:1-2 PG 7:929-30.
(1503) Adv. Haer 3:17:2.
(1504) Adv. Haer. 5:36:2. PG 7:1223 B.
(1505) Adv.Haer. 4: 38:3 PG 1108B.
(1506) Adv. Haer 3:17:2. PG 7:930.
(1507) Adv. Haer. 3:17:2 PG 7:903 A.
(1508) In Librum Jesu nave, Homilia 3:2 PG 12:838A.
(1509) Proof of the Apostolic Preaching, 7.
(1510) On the Trinity 2:35.
(1511) Liber de Spititu Sancto, 18:47 PG 32:153 B.
(1512) Liber de Spiritu Sancto, 18:14 PG 32:153 A.
(1513) Leber de Spiritu Sancto, 26:61 PG 32:180 D.
(1514)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 77: 3.
(1515)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 77: 4.
(1516) Letters, 170.
(1517) Letters, 238.
(1518) Letter 8 to the Caesareans, 5.
(1519) On the Holy Spirit, Book 2:8:59.
(1520) Of the Holy Spirit Book 5:18:224.
(1521) Letters, 22:3.
(1522) Against the Pelagians, 1:22.
(1523)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 79: 2.
(1524)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 80: 1.
(1525) Letters, 52.
(1526)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 80: 3.
(1527)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 80: 3.
(1528)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 81: 1.
(1529) Homilies on St. John, 67:1.
(1530)On the Trininty, 9 {55}.
(1531) Homilies on St. John, 67:1.
(1532)Hom. 76. PG 59: 448.
(1533) يقول الرسول: "أنا غرست وأبلوس سقى، لكن الله ينمي" (1 كو 6:3)، فنسب القديس كيرلس الغرس والسقي للَّه العامل الذي ينمي الزرع.
(1534) مقال 1: 4.
(1535)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 81: 3.
(1536)Hom. 76. PG 59: 447- 448.
(1537)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 81: 4.
(1538)Hom. 76. PG 59: 448.
(1539)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 82: 1.
(1540)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 82: 2.
(1541)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 82: 3.
(1542)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 82: 3.
(1543)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 83: 1.
(1544)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 83: 1.
(1545)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 83: 1.
(1546) St. Jerome: Common. Gal., Lib 3. c. 6.
(1547)Hom. 27. Forty Gospel Homilies, PL 76: 1205.
(1548)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 83: 3.
(1549) Letters, 167:11.
(1550) Hom. 27. Forty Gospel Homilies. PL 76: 1205.
(1551)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 84: 2.
(1552) Duties of the Clergy, 3: 22: 135 - 136.
(1553) Philokalia, Book 1.
(1554)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 85: 2.
(1555)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 86: 2.
(1556)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 86: 3.
(1557)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 86: 3.
(1558) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:2:12.
(1559)Hom. 27. Forty Gospel Homilies.
(1560) Hom. 27. Forty Gospel Homilies.
(1561)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 87: 1.
(1562) Letter 45:6.
(1563) Letter 58 to the people abiding in Thibaris, 7.
(1564)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 87: 2.
(1565)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 87: 4.
(1566) Letter 13 to Rogation, the priest and to the other confessors, 4.
(1567)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 88: 1.
(1568) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 88: 3
(1569)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 88: 2.
(1570)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 89: 1.
(1571)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 89: 2.
(1572)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 89: 3.
(1573)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 90: 3.
(1574)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 91: 1.
(1575)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 91: 2 - 4.
(1576)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 92: 1.
(1577) Of the Christian Faith, 2: 9: 76.
(1578) Legat. 10:24.
(1579) Oratione 39 :12..
(1580) De Oratione Dominica 3.
(1581) Anor. 7.
(1582) Anor. 7.
(1583) Adv. Maced. 10.
(1584) PG 77:318 D.
(1585) القديس باسيليوس الكبير، عظة 4:24 مجلد الآباء اليونان 609:31.
(1586) Photius: De S. Spiritus Mystaggia 16 Mark of Ephesus: Capita Syllogistica 24.
(1587) القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي، الروح القدس عند العلامة أوريجينوس، تعريب دكتور جورج بطرس.
(1588) On the Trinity 2:1.
(1589) On the Trinity 2:33.
(1590) Liber de Spiritu Sancto. 9 :22 PG 32 :108-9.
(1591) Liber de Spiritu Sancto.9 :23. PG 32 :109.
(1592) Oratio 31, Theologica 5:31,29 PG 36:159 B.
(1593) Oratio 41 In Pentecosten, 5. PG 36:436 B.
(1594) Oratio 31. Theologica 5:28 PG 36:105 A.
(1595) In Joannis Evangelium, Liber 10, 15:1 PG 74:333-6.
(1596) In Joannis evangelium 11:10. PG 74:544.
(1597) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus,3. PG 75 :837 A.
(1598) De SS. Trunitate Dialogus, 5 PG 75 :837 A.
(1599) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 3. PG 75 :964 A
(1600) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 3. PG 75 :800 C.
(1601) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 3. PG 75 :833
(1602) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 3. PG 75 :837 A
(1603) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 7. PG 75 :1089 A
(1604) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 7. PG 75 :1089 B.
(1605) De SS Trinitate Dialogus, 7. PG 75 :1113 A
(1606) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 5. PG 75 :964 B.
(1607) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 5. PG 75 :964 B.
(1608) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 3. PG 75 :837 C.
(1609) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 3. PG 75 :856 C.
(1610) De SS. Trinitate Dialogus, 7. PG 75 :1112 B.
(1611) Adv. Haereses 4:6:6.
(1612) Adv. Haereses 4:20:4. PG 7:1034 B.
(1613) Adv. Haereses 4:20:6. PG 7:10367.
(1614) Boris Bobrinskoy: The Mystery of the Trinity, St. Vladimir 1999, p. 72.
(1615) Boris Bobrinskoy: The Mystery of the Trinity, St. Vladimir 1999, p. 73.
(1616)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 92: 2.
(1617)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 94: 1.
(1618)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 93:1.
(1619) Bammidar, R. 21ad Num. 25:13.
(1620)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 93:2.
(1621)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 93:3.
(1622) Homilies on St. John, 77:3.
(1623) Letter 58 to the people abiding in Thibaris, 2.
(1624) Homilies on St. John, 77:3-4.
(1625) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1626) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1627)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 94:3.
(1628)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 94:4.
(1629)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 94:5.
(1630) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1631) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1632)للمؤلف: الله مقدسي، 1967، ص 3.
(1633)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 94:2.
(1634)Moral 8:13.
(1635) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 93:4.
(1636) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1637)للمؤلف: الله مقدسي، 1967، ص 12-13.
(1638) The Mission of the Holy Spirit, in Toal 2:369- 371. PG 74; 922 B2
(1639) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1640)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 95:1.
(1641)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 95:2.
(1642) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1643) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 94:3-5.
(1644) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 94:6.
(1645) Of the Christian Faith, 3:11: 90.
(1646)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 95:3.
(1647) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1648) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 94:6.
(1649)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 95:4.
(1650) Homilies on St. John, 78:1.
(1651) Homilies on St. John, 78:2.
(1652)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 96:1.
(1653)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 96:2.
(1654) Letters, 166:27.
(1655) Of the Holy Spirit, Book 3:14:99.
(1656)Of the Holy Spirit, 2:12 (131, 133, 134).
(1657)Of the Christian Faith, 5:11 {133}.
(1658)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 96:3.cf.
(1659)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 96:4.
(1660) Ad. Eunom. 5.
(1661)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 99:4 - 5.
(1662) أن الروح القدس منبثق من الآب والابن (راجع بحثنا عن الفيلوك في الحوار مع الكنيسة الكاثوليكية).
(1663) Cross: Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, 1985, p. 423.
(1664) Photius: De S. Spiritus Mystaggia 22.
(1665) Photius: De S. Spiritus Mystaggia 29.
(1666)Of The Holy Spirit, 2:11 {118}.
(1667) Of the Holy Spirit Book 3:18:223.
(1668) Of the Christian Faith, 4:8:80.
(1669) Of the Christian Faith, 2:6:51.
(1670)Hom. 79. PG 59-465.
(1671)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 101:2.
(1672)Hom. 79. PG. 59:466.
(1673)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 101:3.
(1674)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 101:5.
(1675)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 101:6.
(1676)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 102:3.
(1677) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 95:1-5.
(1678) Sermon on N.T.Lessons, 95:6.
(1679)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 102:2.
(1680)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 102:4.
(1681)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 102:5.
(1682) On the Trinity, 6{31}.
(1683)On the Trinity, 6{31}.
(1684) In 1Cor. Hom. 20.
(1685) On the Holy Spirit, Book 2:8:80.
(1686)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 102:6.
(1687)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 104:1.
(1688) On the Christian Faith, Book 3:3:22-23.
(1689) Homilies on St. John, 78:3.
(1690) Letters, 39.
(1691) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:4.
(1692)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 103:3.
(1693) Boris Bobrinskoy: The Mystery of the Trinity, St. Vladimir 1999, p. 83.
(1694) Homilies on St. John, 80:1.
(1695)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 105: 1.
(1696)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 105: 3.
(1697) Homilies on St. John, 80:1.
(1698) Homilies on St. John, 80:2.
(1699) On the Christian Faith, Book 5: Prlogue:15.
(1700) On the Christian Faith, Book 5:1:19.
(1701) Duties of the Clergy, 2: 2: 5.
(1702) Homilies on St. John, 80:2.
(1703)On the Trinity, 9: 42.
(1704)On the Trinity, 3 (13,14).
(1705) Homilies on St. John, 80:2.
(1706)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 105: 4 - 5.
(1707) Homilies on St. John, 80:2.
(1708)مقال 7: 10.
(1709)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 105: 7.
(1710) Homilies on St. John, 81:1.
(1711)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 106: 5.
(1712) Homilies on St. John, 81:1.
(1713)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 106: 6.
(1714) Homilies on St. John, 81:1.
(1715)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 107: 2.
(1716) Homilies on St. John, 81:2.
(1717)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 107: 3.
(1718)Hom. 81. PG 59: 480.
(1719) Poemata de seipso 1, PG 37:984-85.
(1720)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 107: 4 - 5.
(1721) Homilies on St. John, 82:2.
(1722)Hom. 81. PG 59: 480-481.
(1723)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 107: 6.
(1724)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 107: 8.
(1725) Homilies on St. John, 82:1.
(1726)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 108: 1.
(1727)Hom 1. on Gal. PG 61: 664.
(1728)Hom. 82. PG 59: 483.
(1729)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 108: 2.
(1730)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 108: 2.
(1731)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 108: 3.
(1732)Hom. 82. PG 59: 483-484.
(1733)Letter 189 to Eustathius, 7.
(1734) Of the Holy Spirit Book 3:4:25-28.
(1735)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 108: 4.
(1736)Hom. 82. PG. 59:484.
(1737)Comm. on John 6: 51.
(1738) Dialogus 6 PG 75:1008 D.
(1739)Hom. 82.
(1740)Of the Christian Faith, 2: 9 {78}.
(1741) In Joannis Evangelium 11. PG 74:548 B.
(1742) In Joannis Evangelium 11. PG 74:549.
(1743)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 108: 5.
(1744)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 109: 5.
(1745)Hom.82. PG 59: 484.
(1746) Letter 124:10.
(1747) Against Jovinianus, 2:29.
(1748) Against Jovinianus, 2:19.
(1749) Against Jovinianus, 2:19.
(1750)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 110: 1.
(1751)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 110: 2.
(1753) Homilies on St. John, 82:2.
(1754) Letter 8 to Caesareans,7.
(1755)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 110: 3.
(1757) On the Christian Faith, Book 5:7:89-90.
(1758) Homilies on St. John, 82:2.
(1759)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 110: 4.
(1760)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 110: 5.
(1761) Of the Christian faith, 2, 9 {82}.
(1762)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 111: 2.
(1763)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 101: 5.
(1764) Homilies on St. John, 80:3.
(1765) Homilies on St. John, 82:3-4.
(1766)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 101: 6.
(1767)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 101: 6.
(1768)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 1.
(1769) Homilies on St. John, 83:1.
(1770)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 2.
(1771)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 2.
(1772) Homilies on St. John, 83:1.
(1773) Homilies on St. John, 83:1.
(1774)دراسات كتابية 4: إنجيل يوحنا- سكريما تعريب رهبنة دير مارجرجس الحرف، ج 2، ص29-30 {1987}.
(1775)Against Eunomius 2: 11.
(1776)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 3.
(1777)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 3.
(1778) Hom 83. PG 59: 490.
(1779) Homilies on St. John, 83:1.
(1780)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 4.
(1781) Homilies on St. John, 83:2.
(1782)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 5.
(1783) Homilies on St. John, 83:2.
(1784)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 5.
(1785)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 112: 6.
(1786) Hom. 83. PG 59: 491
(1787)St. Jerome, Epistle to Marcel.
(1788) Homilies on St. John, 83:2.
(1789) Homilies on St. John, 83:2.
(1790)Exposition 10: 76.
(1791) Hom. 83. PG 59: 491.
(1792)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 113: 3.
(1793) Homilies on St. John, 83:3.
(1794) Against the Pelagians, 3:4.
(1795) Letter 59 to Cornellius: 4.
(1796)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 113: 4.
(1797) Homilies on St. John, 83:3.
(1798)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 113: 6.
(1799) Leon Morris, The Gospel according to John, Eerdmans Grand Rapids 1971, p. 774-786.
(1800)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 114: 2.
(1801) Homilies on St. John, 83:4.
(1802) Homilies on St. John, 83:4.
(1803) Homilies on St. John, 83:4.
(1804) Homilies on St. John, 83:4.
(1805) Homilies on St. John, 83:4.
(1806)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 115: 2.
(1807)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 115: 2.
(1808) Homilies on St. John, 83:4.
(1809) Hom. 84. PG 59: 498.
(1810)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 115: 4.
(1811) Homilies on St. John, 84:1.
(1812)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 115: 5.
(1813)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 116: 1.
(1814) Homilies on St. John, 84:2.
(1815) Homilies on St. John, 84:2.
(1816) Homilies on St. John, 84:2.
(1817)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 116: 4.
(1818) Homilies on St. John, 84:2.
(1819)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 116: 5.
(1820) Homilies on St. John, 84:2.
(1821) Martin Hengel: Crucifixion, London 1977, p. 30-31; Leon Morris, p.655.
(1822) مقال 13: 15.
(1823) Homilies on St. John, 84:2.
(1824) Hom 84. PG 59: 501.
(1825) Hom 85. PG 59: 503.
(1826) Homilies on St. John, 85:1.
(1827) Hom 85. PG 59:504.
(1828) Homilia 6 in Ezechielem 6 PG 13:714 D.
(1829) Homilies on St. John, 85:1.
(1830)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 117: 5.
(1831) Homilies on St. John, 85:1.
(1833)Antiq. B 3 c. 7, s. 4.
(1834) Letters, 76.
(1835)Exposition 10: 116, 119, 120.
(1836)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 118: 4.
(1837)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 118: 4.
(1838) Letter22:19.
(1839) H.E. 1:3:11.
(1840)Hom. 85. PG. 59: 506.
(1841)Ecc. His. Lib 2, 3
(1842) Homilies on St. John, 85:1.
(1843)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 119: 3.
(1844) Letter, 63:109.
(1845)Exposition 10: 129, 132, 134.
(1846) Hom. 85. PG 59: 506.
(1847) الكلمة اليونانية تستخدم عن الحب الذي للأم أو الأب تجاه الابن أو العكس حب الابن لوالديه.
(1848) لو 33:2"وكان يوسف وأمه يتعجبان مما قيل فيه".
(1849) مقال 7: 9.
(1850) Letter 127:6.
(1851) Leon Morris, p. 668.
(1852)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 119: 4.
(1853)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 119: 4.
(1854)Hom. 85. PG 599: 507.
(1855)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 119: 6.
(1856)Josephus: antiq. 6. 16, c.6, s 51.
(1857) Homilies on St. John, 85:1.
(1858) Letter 69:6.
(1859) Concerning Virgins 3: 5 {22}.
(1860)Hom. 85. PG. 59: 507.
(1861) Letter 69 to Oceanus, 6.
(1862)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 120: 2.
(1863) Hom. 85. PG 59: 507- 508.
(1864)Comm. on St.Luke, Hom. 145, ch. 22.
(1865)Hom. 85. PG 59: 508.
(1866)Josephus, b 15 c.3, s.4, b 17, c.8, s.c.
(1867)Hom. 17, Ps. 44: 7, Exegetie Homilies in Fathers of the Church vol 46, p. 290.
(1868) Concerning Virgins 1:7:39.
(1869)Exposition,10: 136, 137.
(1870)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 120: 4.
(1871) مقال 13: 32.
(1872) مقال 14: 5.
(1873).مقال 14: 11.
(1874)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 120: 5.
(1875) Homilies on St. John, 85:4.
(1876)Homily on the Sunday of the Myrrh- bearing Women. PG 151: 244 CD, 245.
(1877) Homilies on St. John, 85:4.
(1878) Cf. Adam Smith: Comm. On John 21:2.
(1879) Hom. 85. PG 59: 510.
(1880) Hom. 85 PG 59: 509- 510.
(1881) Leon Morris, p. 692.
(1882) Homilies on St. John, 85:6.
(1883) Homilies on St. John, 86:1.
(1884)cf. Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies, PL 76: 1189.
(1885)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 121: 1.
(1886) Homilies on St. John, 86:1.
(1887) Letter, 46:5.
(1888)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 121: 1.
(1889) Homilies on St. John, 86:1.
(1890) Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies , PL 76: 1189.
(1891)مقال 14: 12.
(1892) Homilies on St. John, 86:1.
(1893) Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies , PL 76: 1189.
(1894) Homilies on St. John, 86:1.
(1895) Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies , PL 76: 1189.
(1896) Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies, 193.
(1897)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 121: 1.
(1898)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 121: 2.
(1899) Letter, 59, Question 4.
(1900) Letter 39:6.
(1901)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 121: 3.
(1902) Homilies on St. John, 86:2.
(1903)Commentary on John, Book6:288 - 289.
(1904) Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies , 193-195.
(1905)مقال 7: 7.
(1906)مقال 11: 19.
(1907) On the Christian Faith, Book 4:2:25-26.
(1908) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:14:90.
(1909) On the Christian Faith, Book 3:7:50.
(1910) Concerning Repentance, 1:8:38.
(1911) Homilies on St. John, 86:2.
(1912) Hom. 25.Forty Gospel Homilies, 195.
(1913) Letter 48:21.
(1914)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 121: 4.
(1915) Against Jovinianus, 1:36.
(1916) De civite. Dei,22:21.
(1917) Retractiones 2:3.
(1918) Sermon 242:8:11.
(1919) De doctrina christina, 1:19:18.
(1920) City of God 22:19.
(1921) De Civit. Dei 22:29:3 cf. De Gen. ad Lit. 12:35.
(1922) To Fortunatus 22.
(1923) De Civit. Dei, 22:21.
(1924) Sermon 242:8.
(1925) K. Ware: The Orthodox Way:SVSP., P.182.
(1926) Sermon 362:10.
(1927) Paedagogus 3:1.
(1928) Homilies on St. John, 86:2.
(1929) Letter 73 to Jubauan: 7.
(1930) Firmilian to Cyprian: Letter 75: 16 (on 256 A.D.).
(1931) Of the Holy Spirit, Book 3:18:137.
(1932) Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies, 202-204.
(1933) Concerning Repentance, 1:2:8.
(1934) Homilies on St. John, 86:3.
(1935) Cf. Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies, 205.
(1936) Homilies on St. John, 87:2.
(1937) Homilies on St. John, 87:1.
(1938)Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies , 201.
(1939) To Pammachius Against John of Jerusalem, 28..
(1940)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 121: 5.
(1941) Of the Holy Spirit, Book 3:15:108.
(1942) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 48:1.
(1943)Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies , 206-207.
(1944) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 38:2.
(1945)Hom. 87. PG 59: 521.
(1946) B. F. Westcott: (Cf. Leon Morris, p. 696.)
(1947) Cf. Leon Morris: Reflections on the Gospel of John, Hendrickon Publishers, 2000, p. 724.
(1948) Hom 25. Forty Gospel Homilies, PL 76: 185-6.
(1949) Homilies on St. John, 87:2.
(1950)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 122:2.
(1951)Cassian: Conferences, 24:12..
(1952)Hom 24. Forty Gospel Homilies, PL 76: 1184.
(1953)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 122: 4.
(1954)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 122: 3.
(1955)Hom 24. Forty Gospel Homilies, PL 76: 1184.
(1956) Homilies on St. John, 87:2.
(1957) Hom 24. Forty Gospel Homilies, 181-182.
(1958)Hom. 87. PG 59: 522.
(1959) Hom 76. PG 59: 522.
(1960)To Pammachius Against John of Jerusalem, 35.
(1961) Hom 24. Forty Gospel Homilies, 184.
(1962) To Pammachius Against John of Jerusalem, 34.
(1963) Hom 76. PG 59: 522.
(1964)Hom 24. Forty Gospel Homilies, 182-183.
(1965)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 122: 7 - 9.
(1966) Homilies on St. John, 87:2.
(1967) Homilies on St. John, 87:3.
(1968) Homilies on St. John, 88:1.
(1969) Against the Pelagians, 1:18.
(1970) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 96:1.
(1971) Letter 35:1.
(1972) Cf. Leon Morris: Reflections on the Gospel of John, Hendrickon Publishers, 2000, p. 737.
(1973) Ibid, p. 737.
(1974)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 123: 5.
(1975)Exposition on St. Luke 10: 90.
(1976) Letter, 77:4.
(1977) Homilies on St. John, 88:1.
(1978)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 123:4.
(1979)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 123: 4.
(1980) Homilies on St. John, 88:1.
(1981)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 124: 7.
(1982) On the Decease of His Brother Saytrus, Book 1:4.
(1983)Hom 88 PG 59: 527.
(1984) On the Decease of His Brother Saytrus, Book 2:49.
(1985)cf. St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 124: 6 - 7.
(1986) Antiques lib. 19 ch. 20.
(1987) Phil 2:44.
(1988)St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 124: 8.
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