محتويات: |
(إظهار/إخفاء) |
* تأملات في كتاب
رسالة بولس الرسول الثانية إلى أهل كورنثوس: |
(1) Ambrosiaster: Comm. On Paul’s Epistles, CSEL (Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna: Tempsky, 1866) 81:195.
(2) In 2Cor. Hom. 1:2.
(3) Pauline Commentary from the Greece Church.
(4) Commentary on Matthew, 14:1
(5) In 2Cor. Hom. 1:2.
(7) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(8)Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(9) Pauline Commentary from the Greece Church.
(10) Against Eunomius, 2:14.
(11) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:1.
(12) العناية الإلهية، ترجمة عايدة حنا، ص 12.
(13) Pauline Commentary from the Greece Church.
(14) On the Christian Mode of Life.
(15) In 2Cor. Hom. 1:4.
(16) يسوع والمفلوجان: للقديس ذهبي الفم، ترجمة القمص تادرس يعقوب ملطي، 1966، ص35 إلخ.
(17) Exhortation to Martyrdom, 42.
(18)CSEL 81:197.
(19) Ascetical Homilies, 74.
(20) In 2Cor, hom 2, PG 61:428
(21) In 2Cor. Hom. 2:1.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 7.(22)
(23) Pauline Commentary from the Greece Church.
(24)In 2Cor. Hom. 2:2
(25) PG 82:379.
(26) Comm. On 2Cor.
(27) بيلاجوس: مبتدع ركز على الأعمال، وحسب أن الإنسان قادر على الخلاص بفكره وعمله، واستهان بالإيمان والنعمة الإلهية، وقام القديس أغسطينوس بمواجهة هذه الأفكار الخاطئة.
(28) In 2Cor. Hom. 2:3
(29)In 2Cor. Hom. 2:3
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 7.(30)
(31) The Long Rules, 8.
(32)In 2Cor. Hom. 2:4.
(33) للمؤلف: الحب الرعوي، ص 98 - 99.
![]() |
(34)In 2Cor. Hom. 2:5.
(35) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:1.
(36) Cizy of Gld 5:12.
(37) The City of God, 5:12.
(38) Com. On 2Cor. 292.
(39) PG 82:382..
(40) CSEL 81:200.
(41) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:1.
(42) CSEL 81:200-201.
(43) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:2.
(44) PG 82:382.
(45) PG 61:444
(46)In 2Cor. Hom. 3:2.
(47) PG 82:382.
(48) CSEL 81:201-2.
(49) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:3.
(50) PG 61:446
(51) CSEL 81:202.
(52) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:3.
(53) CSEL 81:2o2-3.
(54) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:4.
(55) PG 61:447
(56) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:4.
(57) CSEL 81:203-4.
(58) In 2Cor. Hom. 3:4.
(59) Baptismal Instructions 11:27.
(61) Kay’s Writings of Clement of Alexandria, London 1835, p. 439.
(62) Cat. Lect. 17:35.
(63) Procortechesis 16.
(64) PG 36:361 C.
(65) Epis. 7.6.
(66) Sheph. Sim 9:6:3.
(67) De pudic 9:9.
(68) In 2 Cor. hom 3:7.
(69) PG 33:372.
(70) Cat. Hom 13:17.
(71) PG 36:364; 36:377 A.
(72) PG 46:424 C.
(73) PG 33:333 A, 428 A
(74) Cat. hom 13:17.
(75) Convivum virginum. Ench. Patr n. 613.
(76) علي رسالة أفسس 1، 13.
(77) CSEL 81:204.
(78) In 2 Cor. Hom. 4:1.
(79) CSEL 81:204.
(80) PG 82:386.
(81) Pauline Commentary from the Greece Church.
(82) In Ephes., hom 11.
(83) On Priesthood, book 2:3.
(84) CSEL 81:205.
(85) In Acts, homily 24..
(86) In Joan. PG 59:115.
(87) In Hebrews. PG 62:46.
(88) الحب الرعوي، ص 616.
(89) The Long Rules, 52.
(90) Homilies on Leviticus, 7:2.
(91) In 2 Cor. Hom. 4:2.
(92) In 2 Cor. Hom. 4:3.
(93)In Num. Hom 10:2.
(94) In Philip., hom. 15.
(95) الحب الرعوي، ص 678.
(96) In 2 Cor. Hom. 4:4.
(97) PG 82:387.
(98) The Long Rules, 7.
(99) PG 61: 459
(100) On Repentance and Almsgiving 1:3:22.
(101) In Psalmum 37 Homilia 1:1 PG 12:1370.
(102) In 2Cor. Hom. 4:4.
(103) In 2Cor. Hom. 4:4.
(104) On Priesthood, book 3:17.
(105) CSEL 81:207.
(106) PG 82:387.
(107) The Beatitudes, sermon 3, (ACW)
(108) To Olympias, 8.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 3.(109)
(110) In 2Cor. Hom. 4:5.
(111) CSEL 81:207-8.
(112) In 2Cor. Hom. In 2Cor. Hom. 4:5.
(113) In 2Cor. Hom. 4:5.
(114) Pauline Commentary from the Greece Church.
(115) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 56.
(116) Pauline Commentary from the Greece Church.
(117) PG 82:390.
(118) To Olympias,8.
(119) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 56.
(120) Catechetical Lectures, 13 :2
(121) Sunday Sermons of the Great Fathers, vol. 1, p. 113.
(122) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 3.
(123) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 3.
(124) Adv. Haer. 4:28:3
(125) In Exod. Hom. 9.
(126) CSEL 81:210.
(127) PG 61: 468
(128) In 2 Cor. Hom 5, PG 61:469.
(129) In 2 Cor. Hom. 5:2.
(130) In 2 Cor. Hom. In 2Cor. Hom. 5:3.
(131) To Simplinian - On Various Questions, 1:17.
(132) Eighty Three Different Questions, 27.
(133) من مجدٍ إلى مجدٍ فصل 4:3.
(134) من مجدٍ إلى مجدٍ، فصل 31:3.
(135) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 1.
(136) CSEL 81:211.
(137) In 2 Cor. Hom. In 2Cor. Hom. 5:3.
(138) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(139) CSEL 81:213.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 2.(140)
(141) St. Augustine: On Ps. 8.
(142) Gift of Perseverance 8:20.
(143) Cassian: Conferences, 3:15
(144) De Principiis 1:1:2.
(145) Commentary on John, 4:2ز
(146) Letter to Clementianus, 68.
(147) The Holy Spirit 2:4:30.
(148) In 2Cor. Hom. 6:2
(149) Easter Season, 251:7.
(150) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 86:5.
(151) Letter to Honoratus 140:19.
(152) Letter to Hilarius, 157.
(153) Easter Season 259:3.
(154) Easter Season, 251:7.
(155) On the Spirit & the Letter, 22.
(156) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(157) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:1.
(158) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:1.
(159) Sermon 47:1.
(160) CSEL 81:213.
(161) In 2Cor. Hom. 6::2.
(162) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(163) The Holy Spirit 3:3:13.
(164) On Ps. 44, hom. 17.
(165)Paedagogus 3:12:94.
(166) Commentary on Matthew, 10:15.
(167) Commentary on Matthew, 11:14
(168) PG 82:394.
(169) Comm on John, book 1, ch. 10:17.
(170) In 2Cor. Hom 7, PG 61: 481
(171) The Uncreated Glory, The Triads 3:1:9 [10], p 72.
(172) CSEL 81:216.
(173) Commentary on Matthew, 10:9.
(174) CSEL 81:216.
(175) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:2.
(176) PG 82:395.
(177) CSEL 81:216.
(178) CSEL 81:217.
(179) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(180) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:2.
(181) On the Spirit 31 (52).
(182) City of God 17:7.
(183) Letter to Honoratus, 140:10.
(184) The Usefulness of Belief 3:9.
(185) PG 82:395.
(186) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:3.
(187) In 2Cor. Hom 7, PG 61: 484
(188) The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 3:11. (ACW)
(189) Catechetical Lectures 15:32.
(190) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:3.
(191) On Ps. 88 (89).
(192) Letter, 41.
(193) De. Principiis 1:1:2.
(194) De principiis 1:1:3.
(195) Hom. on Psalm 36:1.
(196) In Jer. hom. 12:13; J.W. Trigg: Origen, SCM, p. 185.
(197) In Jos. hom. 17:1.
(198) In Exodus hom. 7:3.
(199) In Levit. Hom 1.
(200) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:4.
(201) In Exod. Hom. 12.
(202) PG 82:398.
(203) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(204) Letters to Loymen, 69.
(205) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 10.
(206) Against Eunomius, 7:1
(207) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 24:5.
(208) The City of God, 17:7.
(209) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 1:5
(210) Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany (ACW), 1:5
(211) Commentary on Matthew, 10:14
(212) من مجدٍ إلى مجدٍ، فصل 51:3.
(213) يقصد الوصايا وليس الذبائح اليهودية الرمزية، لأن هذه لا يجوز العودة إليها بعدما جاء الرمز (السيد المسيح).
(214) Cassian: Conferences, 21:32
(215) Concerning Virginity 11. PG 46:368 BC.
(216) من مجدٍ إلى مجدٍ، تعريب القمص إشعياء ميخائيل، 1984، فصل 2:1.
(217) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 5.
(218) In 2Cor. Hom. 7:5.
(219) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(220) Ascetical Hom. 2.
(221) The Theological Orations. 4:26.
(222) The Third Instruction 3:25.
(223) On Perfection.
(224) Of the Holy Spirit.
(225) The City of God, 22:30.
(226) CSEL 81:220.
(227) In 2Cor. Hom. 8:1.
(228) الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص 654.
(229) الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص 655.
(230) PG 82:399.
(231) On Perfection.
(232) On Virginity, 12.
(233) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 4:1.
(234) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(235) In 2Cor. Hom. 8:2.
(236) In 2Cor. Hom 8:2. PG 61:493.
(237) Theophylact. PG 124:236A.
(238) Comm. On John, book 1, ch. 8.
(239) Comm. On John, book 1, ch. 9:24.
(240) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(241) PG 82:399.
(242)Paedagogus 2;4.
(243) Theological Orations 4:20.
(244) Homily 6 on Psalm 66 (67) (FC 48:45).
(245) On Prayer 25:1.
(246) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(247) CSEL 81:222.
(248) In 2Cor. Hom. 8:3.
(249) In Ephes., hom 22.
(250) On the Christian Model of Life (FC 5:147).
(251) الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص 136-137.
(252) In 2 Cor. Hom. 8:3.
(253) PG 82:402.
(254) Ascetical Homillies, 37.
(255) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 2.
(257)Apology 1:16.
(258)Kay’s Writings of Clement of Alexandria, p437.
القمص باخوم المحرقي (أنبا غريغوريوس حاليا): القيم الروحية.. في سرّ المعمودية، ص 47.
(259)Paed. 1:6.
(260)On The Holy Spirit 15.
(261) للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي ص 855-856.
(262) ميمر عن المعمودية المقدسة.
(263) Adam Clarke Commentary
(264) Sermon 18:1,2.
(265) Against the Pelagius 3:9.
(266) Cf. On. Ps, hom. 11.
(267) Homily 11 on Ps. 77(78) (FC 48:84).
(268) Homily 20 on Ps. 90 (91) (FC 48:160).
(269) In 2 Cor. Hom. 8:3.
(270) Commentary on John, 4:2
(271) In 2 Cor. hom 9. PG 61:498.
(272) In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:1.
(273)The Four Hundred Chapters on Love, 55.
(274) PG 82:4-2
(275) On Prayer 30:1.
(276) The Song of Songs, Comm. Prologue 2.
(277) للمؤلف: يوحنا كاسيان، 1998، ص 162-164,
(278) CSEL 81:224.
(279) الموعظة على الجبل، 1: 2: 9.
(280) CSEL 81:225.
(281)In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:1.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.(282)
(283) Commentary on John, 1:35.
(284) Commentary on Matthew, 13:16.
(285) Rowan A. Greer: Origen, Paulist Press, 1979, p.5.
(286) CSEL 81:225.
(287) In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:1.
(288) Exhortation to Martyrdom, 17.
(289)In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:2.
(290) Letters to Dardandus, 186:34 (FC 30:248-49).
(291) Letters to Optatus 190 (FC 30:274).
(292) Ep. To the Philippians, 2.
(293) In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:2.
(294) PG 82:403.
(295) CSEL 81:226.
(296) In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:2.
(297) The Way of Life of the Catholic Church 1:35:80.
(298) The City of God, 13:24.
(299) CSEL 81:227
(300) In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:2.
(301) The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 4:14. (ACW)
(302) Homily 21 on Detachment.
(303) In Num. Hom. 14:2.
(304) Comm. On the Song of Songs.
(305) CSEL 81:227.
(306) Cassian: Conference 13:13.
(307) Homilies on Genesis 25:17.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 2.(308)
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 6.(309)
(310) CSEL 81:228.
(311) In 2 Cor. Hom. 9:3.
(312) Homily on Genesis 25:24 (FC 82:143).
(313) Sermon 146:3. (FC 47: 310-11).
(314) Homily on Genesis 63:20.
(315) Cassian: Conferrencws, 3:6, 10.
(316) Commentary on Matthew, 13:20.
(317) The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 3:12. (ACW)
(318) Against Eunomius, 1:26.
(319) In 2Cor. hom 10. PG 61:506
(320) عظات القديس مقاريوس 3:5-5.
(321) المرجع السابق 5:5.
(322) عظة 6:5.
(323) Sernon 5:7.
(324) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(325) In 2Cor. hom 10:1.
(326) In 2Cor. hom 10. PG 62:506.
(327) PG 82:406.
(328) DE Principiis 3:6:6.
(329) The City of God, 14:3.
(330) St. John Cassian: Conferences, 3:6-7.
(331) In Exp. in Ps. 5 PG 55:63C.
(332) See ACW, Vol. 31, p. 316.
(333) Comm. in Gal. 3. PG 61:656C - D.
(334) رسالة 8:4.
(335) رسالة 2:13.
(336) Paedagogus 2:11.
(337) The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, 66, 67.
(338) عظة 8:5
(339) عظة 5:18.
(340) عظة6:18.
(341) Semon 32:6.
(342) Sernon 5:7.
(343) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 8:13.
(344) Fragment 12 (P.N. Frs, 1:570).
(345) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(346) Catechetical Lectures 15:23, 25.
(347) Ibid 18:19, 7:139.
(348) In 2Cor. hom 10. PG 61: 506-607.
(349) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(350) In 2Cor. hom 10:3.
(351) Sernon 5:10.
(352) The City of God, 20:17.
(353) The Resurrection of the Body from Moralium in Job 19:25.
(354) Adv. Haer. 5:37:1.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 5.(355)
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 6.(356)
(357) Commentary of Matthew, 13:21.
(358) In 2Cor. hom 10:3.
(359) 2Cor. hom 10. PG 61: 507.
(360) On the Spirit 16 (40).
(360) PG 82:407.
(361) Question 59:4 (FC 70:114).
(362) Hom 63 on Ps.
(363) CSEL 81:231.
(364) Letter to Honoratus.
(365) The Harmony of the Gospels, 4:10:20
(366) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 38:4.
(367) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 77:5.
(368) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 3:6.
(369) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 41:9.
(370) A. J. Wensinck: Mystic Treatises by Isaac of Nineveh, 1923, p 210.
Dana Miller: The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian, 1984, p.223.
(371) من مجدٍ إلى مجدٍ، فصل 10:1.
(372) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(373) PG 82:407.
(374) On Christian Doctrine, 2:12 (17).
(376) To Proba, 130 (FC 18:370).
(377) In 2Cor. hom 10:4.
(378) An Exhortation to Martyrdom, 4.
(379) Comm. On John, book 1, ch. 9:15.
(380) Commentary on Matthew, 12:30.
(381) Commentary on Matthew, 14:8.
(382) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 4.
(383) In 2Cor. hom 11. PG 61: 513.
(384) من مجدٍ إلى مجدٍ، فصل 41:3.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 5.(385)
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 2.(386)
(387) Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany (ACW), 12:1
(388) St. John Cassian: 10:6.
(389) On Christian Doctrine, 1:34 (38).
(390) Against Eunomius, 6:2
(391) On Virginity, 2.
(392) In 2Cor. hom 11. PG 61: 513.
(393) Sermon 44:1.
(394) Sernon 42 on Luke 8:9-21.
(395) Sernon 60 on Luke 10:1-3.
(396) Against Eunomius, 4:3
(397) Against Eunomius, 2:8.
(398) In Galat., hom 2
(399) In 2Cor. hom 11. PG 61: 515.
(400) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 31:3.
(401) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 71:1.
(402) Commentary on John, 1:6.
(403) In 2Cor. hom 11. PG 61: 517.
(404) In 2Cor. hom 11. PG 61: 517.
(405) Against Eunomius, 2:11.
(406) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 84:5.
(407) In 2Cor. Hom .121..
(408) The Long Rules, 34.
(409) The Long Rules, Fathers of Church, vol. 9:224.
(410) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 1.
(411) In Ephes., hom. 6.
(412)De Sacer. 3:15.
(413) الحب الرعوي، ص 178.
(414) In 1 Tim. Hom. 10
(415) In 1 Tim. PG 62:552
(416) In Act. PG 60: 225.
(417) In Eph. PG 62: 159.
(418) In Ezek. Hom. 5:4. PG 13:707.
(419) الحب الرعوي، ص 656.
(420) In Rom. Hom. 32.
(421) On the Christian Mode of Life.
(422) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 20:1.
(423) A. J. Wensinck: Mystic Treatises by Isaac of Nineveh, 1923, p 288.
Dana Miller: The Ascetical Homilies of St. Isaac the Syrian, 1984, p.279.
(424) Homilies on Leviticus, 6:6.
(425) Letter 21
(426) Homilies on Leviticus, 4:6.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 3.(427)
(428) On Virginity, 20.
(429) In 2Cor. hom 12. PG 61: 525.
(430) من مجدٍ إلى مجدٍ، فصل 4:34.
(431) Pauline Comm. From the Greek Church.
(432) PG 82:414.
(433)On Virginity, 4.
(434) Letter 52.
(435)An Exhortation to Martyrdom, 43.
(436) Epistle 11:5 to Theoctista, Patrican.
(437) De mut Nom. PG 51:135-138.
(438) On Virginity, 4.
(439)Letter 157 to Hilarius.
(440) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 35:3.
(441) In 2Cor. hom 13. PG 60: 531.
(442) In 2Cor. hom 13. PG 60: 531.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.(443)
(444) In Ephes., hom. 9.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 3.(445)
(446) On Perfection.
(447) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 10.
(448) The Lord's Prayer, sermon 2. (ACW)
(449) On Virginity, 15.
(450) Letter 73:15 to Jubian.
(451) Hom. 73 on Psalms.
(452)On the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
(453) Comm on John Book 1, ch. 9:24.
(454) Sermon 32:6.
(455) Sermon 57 on Luke 57:9-58.
(456) On Ps. Hom. 46.
(457) Stromata 3:73:4.
(458) Concerning Baptism 1:2.
(459) الفيلوكاليا، 1993، ص 177.
(460) تأملات في مديح للقديس غريغوريوس النزينزي.
(461) Letter, 9.
(462) الفيلوكاليا، 1993، ص 142.
(463) الفيلوكاليا، 1993، ص 187.
(464) In 2Cor. hom 14. PG 61: 537.
(465) In 2Cor. hom 14. PG 61: 538.
(466)الحب الرعوي، ص 458.
(467)الحب الرعوي، ص 458-460.
(468) In Matt. Hom 17:6.
(469) Statues, Hom 2:10.
(470) PG 82:418.
(471) In 2Cor. hom 14. PG 61: 540.
(472) Against Eunomius, 2:14.
(473)Paradise 15:77.
(474) The Beatitude, sermon 3. (ACW)
(475). In Ephes., hom. 24.
(476) Easter Season 254:2.
(477) Easter Season 254:4.
(478)Hom. On Repentance and Compunction 7:6:19.
(479) In Thess, Hom., 5.
(480) In Eph., Hom. 16.
(481)The Long Rules, 52.
(482) In 2Cor. hom 16. PG 61: 552.
(483) In 2Cor. hom 16. PG 61: 555.
(484) In 1 Cor. Hom. 88.
(485) PG 82:422.
(486) In Rom., hom. 19.
(487) الحب والعطاء، 1970، ص 18.
(488) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 37.
(489)PG 82:422-423.
(490) In Rom. Hom. 19.
(491) الحب والعطاء، 1970، ص 19.
(492) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 37.
(493) In Acts hom., 45.
(494) PG 82:423.
(495) In 2Cor. hom 16. PG 61: 556.
(496) On Ps. Hom. 35.
(497) The Beatitude, sermon 1. (ACW)
(498) Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany (ACW), 12:3.
(499) In Pilpp., hom. 6
(500) In 2Cor. hom 17. PG 61: 560.
(501) On the Mystical Church PL 76:1159-1170.
(502) In 2Cor. hom 18. PG 61: 565.
(503) On Christian Doctrine, 4:28 (61).
(504) In 2Cor. hom 18. PG 61: 567.
(505) In 2Cor. hom !9:1.
(506)PG 82: 430.
(507) In 2Cor. hom 19. PG 61: 573.
(508) In 2Cor. hom 19. PG 61: 573.
(509) In 2Cor. hom 19. PG 61: 573.
(510) Homilies, 13:7.
(511) Homily 8:2 (Frs. of the Church).
(512) Homily 9:1 (Frs. of the Church).
(513) Letter, 268.
(514) In Gen. Hom., 43:8.
(515)Homilia de paenitentia seu de eleemmosyna. PG 49: 291- 300.
(516)St. Basil: De eleemmosyna.PG 31: 1158.
(517) Cf. Homily 10.4:16 A Sermon on Almsgiving.
(518)Sermon 71 on Fasting and Almsgiving.
(519) In 2Cor. hom 19:2.
(520) In 2Cor. hom 19:23.
(521) المطران أبيفانيوس: الأماني الذهبية من مقالات لأبينا الجليل في القديسين يوحنا ذهبي الفم، 1972، ص 15، 133.
(522) In 2Cor. hom 20:1.
(523) In 2Cor. hom 20:1.
(524) PG 82:431.
(525) In 2Cor. hom 20:2.
(526) PG 82: 434.
(527) PG 82:434.
(528) PG 82:434.
(529) PG 82:434
(530) In 2 Cor. hom 21. PG 61: 584.
(531) In 2 Cor. hom 21. PG 61: 585.
(532) Sermon 50:4.
(533) On The Judgment Of God.
(534) In 2 Cor. hom 21. PG 61: 585.
(535) On Priesthood, book 4:7.
(536) Sermon 9:11.
(537) PG 82: 435.
(538) In 2Cor. hom 21. PG 61: 585-586.
(539) CSEL81:274.
(540) CSEL 81: 276.
(541) In 2Cor. hom 22. PG 61: 590.
(542) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(543) Ibid.
(544) On Christian Doctrine, 4:7 (15).
(545) In 2 Cor. hom 22:2.
(546) In 2 Cor. hom 22. PG 61: 590-591.
(547) In 2 Cor. hom 22. PG 61: 591.
(548) CSEL 81: 277-278.
(549) In 2 Cor. Hom22:3.
(550) CSEL 81:279.
(551) In 2Cor. Hom 23:3
(552) CSEL 81: 279-80.
(553) In 2 Cor. hom 23:1.
(554) In 2Cor. hom 23. PG 61: 595.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.(555)
(556) In 2Cor. hom 23. PG 61: 596.
(557) Selected Sermons (Frs. of the Church, 5.
(558) Selected Sermons (Frs. of the Church), 146.
(559)Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany (ACW), 13:2.
(560) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 43:4.
(561) Feast of the Nativity, 188.
(562) Feast of the Nativity,195:2.
(563) Converts and the Creed, 213:7.
(564) Sermon 155:4, On the Ten Virgins.
(565) In Ephes., hom. 22.
(566) In 2 Cor. hom 23. PG 61: 597-598.
(567) In 2 Cor. hom 23. PG 61: 598.
(568) On Priesthood, book 4:6.
(569) In 2 Cor. hom 23:3.
(570) Against Rufinus 1:17.
(571) Sermon 17:10.
(572) CSEL 81:284.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 5.(573)
(574) In 2 Cor. hom 24:1.
(575) The Unity of the Catholic Church, 3.
(576) On Ps., hom. 20.
(577) In 2 Cor. hom 24:1.
(578) PG 82:442.
(579) On Lying.
(580) City of God 19:9.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 5.(581)
(582) In 2 Cor. hom 24:2.
(583) In 2 Cor. hom 24. PG 61: 608
(584) In 2 Cor. hom 24:2.
(585) In Gen. Hom 55.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.(586)
(587) In Galat., hom. 1.
(588) Mishna, Maccoth, Fol 20, 10.
(589) In 2 Cor. hom 25. PG 61: 614-615
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.(590)
(591) في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 2.(592)
(593)Letter 208 to Felicia.
(594) Macrobius.Letter 108 to
(595) On Christian Doctrine, 4:7(12).
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.(596)
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 1.(597)
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 2.(598)
(599) Letter 62: 1.
(600)Letter 40 to Jerome.
(601)On Genesis, hom 57.
(602) In 2 Cor. hom 25:2.
(603) Sermon 26:6.
(604) Antiq. 1:13c. 15:2; 1:16c.1:4.
(605) Joseph, Antiq. lib. 18c. 5.
(606) Letter 228 to Honiratus
(607) In 2Cor. hom 26:1-2.
(608) The Hesychast Method of Prayer and the Transformation of the Body, The Trial 2:2:5 (14)
(609) On Priesthood, book 4:6.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 2.(610)
(611) To Olympias, 17.
(612) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 3:12.
(613) In 2 Cor. hom 26. PG 61: 618-619.
(614) On the Trinity 11(23).
(615) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 3.
(616) The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 1:5.
(617) On Christian Doctrine, Preface 5, 6.
(618) In Ephes., hom. 8.
(619) Against Eunomius, 1:23.
(620) Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.
(621) Letter, 94.
(622) In 2Cor. Hom 26:2.
(623) CSEL 81:301
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 5.(624)
(625) Sermon 7. Question 3.
(626) In 2 Cor. hom 26. PG 61: 620-621.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 6.(627)
(628) Pauline Commentary from the Greek Church.
(629) PG 82: 450.
(630) Against the Manicheans, 2:28:42.
(631) To Proba, 130.
(632) Mortality, 13.
(633) To Olympias, 90.
(634) In 2Cor. hom 26. PG 61:621.
(635) PG 82:450.
(636) Letter to Emperors, 1.
(637) In 2Cor. Hom 26:3.
(638) In Ephes., hom. 9.
(639) On Divine Providence, Dis., 10:10. (ACW)
(640) On Ps. Hom. 16.
(641) On Ps. Hom. 35.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 2.(642)
(643)Hom. 20 On Ps. 59.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 5.(644)
(645) In 2Cor. hom 27:1.
(646) PG 82:451.
(647) In 2Cor. hom 27:2.
(648) In 2Cor. hom 27:2.
(649) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 40:10.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 3.(650)
(651) In 2Cor. hom 27:2-3.
(652) In 2Cor. hom 28:2.
في مديح القديس بولس، عظة 3.(653)
(654) In 2Cor. hom 28:2.
(655) In 2Cor. hom 29:1.
(656) In 2Cor. hom 29. PG 61: 640.
(657) In 2Cor. hom 29:1.
(658) On Ps., hom 16.
(659) In 2Cor. hom 29:2.
(660) In 2Cor. hom 29. PG 61: 61:642.
(661) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 3.
(662) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 7.
(663) Commentary on Song of Songs, Homily 7.
(664) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 32:8.
(665) Sermons for Christmas and Epiphany (ACW), 16:5.
(666) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 78:3.
(667) Homily 11:4 (Frs. of the Church).
(668) Commentary on John,6:3.
(669) Commentary on John,10:8.
(670) In 2Cor. hom 29. PG 61: 61:642.
(671) In 2Cor. hom 29. PG 61: 61:644.
(672) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 38:1.
(673) In 2Cor. hom 29:4.
(674) In 2Cor. hom 29. PG 61: 61:644.
(675) In 2Cor. hom 29. PG 61: 61:645-646.
(676) In 2Cor. hom 29:5.
(677) In 2Cor. hom 30:1.
(678) In Matt. Hom. 18:9.
(679) In 2Cor. hom 30. PG 61: 61:649-650.
(680) In 2Cor. hom 30:1.
(681) The Song of Songs, Comm., Book 3:13. (ACW)
(682)CSEL 81: 313- 314.
(683) In 2Cor. hom 30:2.
(684)The Holy Spirit 1: 12: 13.
(685) In 2Cor. hom 30:3.
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