(1) J. Vernon McGee: Isaiah, 1982, p. 7.
(2) أنطون يعقوب: تفسير نبوات إشعياء، 1949، ص 8.
(3) H. A. Ironaide: Expositary notes on the Prophet Isaiah, 1985, p. 3.
(4) See: Epistle of Barnabas; St. Justin: Apology 1, dial. With Trypho.
(5) Harry Bultema: Commentary on Isaiah, Michigan 1981, p. 19.
(6) Ibid, 1.
(7) Origen: Comm. On Is. 3:6-12; St. Justin: Dial with Trypho.
(8) J. Bultema, p. 12-15.
The New Century Bible Comm.: R. E. Clements, Isaiah 1-39, 1988, p. 9-11.
(9) H. Bultema, p. 3.
(10) Ibid, p. 10-11.
(11) The New international Comm. On the O.T., Book of Isaiah 1-39, John N. Oswalt, 1986, p. 28.
(12) H. Bultema, p. 4.
(13) Ibid, p. 5-6.
(14) القس لوقا سيداروس: تأملات في سفر إشعياء، ج 1، مقدمة للقمص بيشوي كامل، ص 5.
(15) Oswalt, p. 29.
(16) Ibid, p. 53.
(17) H. Bultema, p.20.
(18) Oswalt, p. 33.
(19) Ibid, p. 39.
(20) C. R. North: Isaiah 40-55, 1981, p. 29-30.
(21) C. R. North: The Suffering Servant in Deutro-Isaiah:
An Historical and Critical Study, 1956, p. 192-219.
(22) Oswalt, p. 51.
(23) Ironside, p. 8.
(24) Cf. Augustine: Sermons on the Liturgical Seasons, trans. By M. S. Muldowney: The Fathers of the Church, vol. 38 (N. Y. 1959), p. 80-81.
(25) Bultema, p. 363.
(26) Antiq. 11:1:2.
(27) Oswalt, p. 21.
(28) The Unity of Isaiah in the Light of Statistical Linguistics, Hildeshein 1973, p. 274-7.
(29) Cf. E. G. Young: Who wrote Isaiah?1958, p. 58-60.
(30) L. L. Adam& A. C. Rincher: The popular Critical View of the Isaiah Problem in the Light of Statistical Style Analysis, Computer Studies 4, 1973, 149-157.
(31) للاستفاضة في هذا الشأن (في الكتب العربية) راجع انطون يعقوب: تفسير نبوات إشعياء/ ص 25، 26، وبالإنجليزية H. Bultema, p. 368/371..
(32) In Hebr. Hom. 23:8.
(33) Stromata 4:26.
(34) The Coptic Liturge of St. Gregory.
(35) On Jealousy and Enby 14.
(36) Adv. Haer.
(37) Fest. Letters 8.
(38) On the Ascension of Christ.
(39) In John hom. 50:2.
(40) Ibid, p. 80-1.
(41) On Ps. 78.
(42) Paed. 19.
(43) Ibid, p. 2:8.
(44) On Virginity 18.
(45) In Exod. Hom. 6.
(46) Cat. Lect. 12:7.
(47) Cat. Lect.
(48) Comm. On John, Book 10-18.
(49) Comm. On Matt. Book 14:19.
(50) Institutes 4:38.
(51) Adv. Haer. 4:17:1.
(52) Frag. 38.
(53) Stromata 2:16.
(54) Fest. Letters 6.
(55) Ep. Of Barnabas 2.
(56) In John Book 10:11.
(57) Fest. Letters 12.
![]() |
(58) Dial. With Trypho 32.
(59) Fest . Letters 12.
(60) Dial with Trypho 12.
(61) Justin: Apology 1:61: Greg. Naz. Oration on the Holy Lights 20: Cyril of Jerusalem: Cat. Lect. 1:1 etc.
(62) In John Hom. 70:2.
(63) Cat. Lect. 1:1.
(64) The Great Catechism 40.
(65) Cassian: Conf. 7:4.
(66) On Ps. 104.
(67) Ep. 1:8,9.
(68) In John hom. 70:3.
(69) In Heb. Hom 12:7.
(70) Ibid.
(71) Exhort. To Heath 10.
(72) Who is the rich that shall be saved? 39.
(73) In Hebr. Hom 12:7.
(74) Ad pop. P.G. 49:66,67.
(75) In John 1:5.
(76) Stromata 1:19.
(77) Comm. On Matt. Book 12:4.
(78) Adv. Haer 4:12:1.
(79) In Defense of His Flight to Pontus 46.
(80) Adv. Haer. 4:1:6.
(81) On Ps. Hom 51.
(82) Ep. 118:1P 22:39.
(83) Ep. 7:5.
(84) Comm. On John Book, 1 2:1.
(85) Ironside, p. 18,19. Bultema, p. 50,51.
(86) Sermons On N.T. Lessons, 39:2.
(87) In 1John, hom, 1:13.
(88) City of God 10:22.
(89) In John tr. 6:9.
(90) City of God 18:54.
(91) In Num. Hom 3.
(92) Apology 1:39.
(93) Dial, with Trypho 135.
(94) In Matt. Hom 2:10.
(95) In Num. Hom 1.
(96) Dial. With Trypho 133.
(97) Cat. Lect, 13:12.
(98) In 1 Tim. Hom. 8:3.
(99) In 1 Tim. Hom 8.
(100) Ibid.
(101) Bultema, p. 70.
(102) Oration on the Holy Baptism 38.
(103) Adv. Haer. 4:22:1
(104) Paed. 3:9
(105) Ibid
(106) In Heb. Hom. 28:3
(107) In Eph. Hom. 5.
(108) In Lue.20:9-19.
(109) Catena Aurea. St. Mark Ch. 12.
(110) Ep. 74:5.
(111) In Luc. 20:9-19.
(112) Adv. Haer. 4:36:2.
(113) On John tr. 80:1.
(114) In Ps. 80.
(115) Cat. Lect. 13:29.
(116) Stromata 4:12.
(117) See St. Iren. Adv Haer. 3:17:3.
(118) In Heb. Hom. 10:2.
(119) Serm. On N.T. Lessons 1.
(120) In Ps. 77.
(121) In Matt. Hom. 48:8.
(122) In John tr. 80:1.
(123) On Ps. 119.
(124) On the Trinity 11:6.
(125) Paed. 3:12.
(126) In Gal. Hom. 1.
(127) In John hom 15:1.
(128) In Isai. Hom. 2:2.
(129) راجع للمؤلف: القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1988، ص 299.
(130) المرجع السابق، ص 32.
(131) The author: Church, House of God, 1982, p. 333.
(132) Gregory Dix: The Shape of the Liturgy, p. 237.
(133) Greg. Nyssa: Adv. Eunomius 2:14.
(134) Ibid 1:23.
(135) Bultema, p. 93.
(136) Ep. 1:34.
(137) Conc. The Statues, hom. 7:9.
(138) On Ps. 50.
(139) St. Cassian: Conf. 23:17.
(140) Ibid.
(141) In John tr. 53:6.
(142) Adv. Haer. 3:19:1.
(144) On the Trinity 7:6:12.
(145) Ibid 15:2.
(146) Reply to Faustus and Manichacan 12:46.
(147) Ibid 4:2.
(148) Sermons on the N.T. Lessons 39:4.
(149) Stromata 4:21.
(150) Adv. Haer. 3:21:6.
(151) Against Marcionists and Manichaeans 3.
(152) Apology 1:33.
(153) J.B. Carol: Mariology, 1955, vol. 1, p. 51.
Cf. Fr. T. Malaty: St. Mary in the Orthodox Concept, ch. 1.
(154) Adv. Haer 4:33:12.
(155) Comm. on Luke 2:57.
(156) Hymn 3 on Nativity.
(157) PG. 76:15-18.
(158) Bultema, p. 112.
(159) Ep. 164:7.
(160) Instructuions to Catechumens 2:2.
(161) In Heb. Hom. 4:5.
(162) Cat. Lect. 1:6.
(163) In Eph. Hom 20.
(164) On the Words of the Gospel, Or. 37:2.
(165) On the Theophany, Or, 38:2.
(166) On Ps. 88.
(167) Comm, on John, Book 2:21.
(168) Ep. 61:3.
(169) Of Christian Faith 3:84.
(170) Comm, on John, Book 1:42.
(171) Apology 1:35
(172) Ccontra Celsus 1.
(173) Comm, in Rom. 5:6.
(174) In John hom, 81:1.
(175) Stromata 5:1.
(176) Contra Celsus 6:67.
(177) Cat. Lect. 12:24.
(179) In Rom. Hom. 17.
(180) In 2 Cor,2.
(181) City of God 18:33.
(182) Apology 1:32.
(184) De Bapt. Christii.
(185) Oration 5 on the Holy Spirit, 29.
(186) Strom. 4:6.
(187) Hom. 18:10.
(188) Bultema, p. 149.
(190) للمؤلف: قاموس آباء الكنيسة وقديسيها، ج 1 1986، ص113
(191) On Repentance 1.
(192) PG. 33:333A, 428 A..
(193) PG. 61:418.
(194) PG. 46. 429C.
(195) On Eutropius, hom 2.
(196) Ep. To the fallen Theodore, 2.
(197) القمص سمعان السرياني: سيرة وأقوال مار آفرام السرياني، 1988، ص 123.
(198) Cassian: Conf. 7:32.
(199) Bultema, p. 158.
(200) Institutionss 5:2.
(201) Whitaker: Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy, p. 37, 40.
(202) للمؤلف: الكنيسة تحبك، للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1968 المقدمة.
(203) Bultema, ch. 14.
(204) On Eutropius, hom. 2.
(205) PG. 33:333A.
(206) PG. 33:357A.
(208) Institutions 12:4.
(209) Ibid 12:8.
(210) القمص سمعان السرياني: سيرة وأقوال مار آفرام السرياني، 1988، ص 132-133.
(211) On Nativity, hymn 1.
(212) On Virginity 11.
(213) Cf. R.E. Clements: The New Century Bible Commentary, Isaiah 1-39, 1987, p. 152.
(214) Ibid 152.
(215) Ser. On N.T. Lessons 6:9.
(216) المطران أبيفانيوس: الأماني الذهبية من مقالات إكليل القديسين يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1972، ص 49.
(217) New International Comm, on the O.T., Isaiah 1-39, p. 338-9.
(218) Cf. Bultema, p. 177.
(219) In Rom, hom 20.
(220) On Ps, hom, 23.
(221) Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, 1985, p. 99; The New Westminster Dict, of the Bible: Arcor.
(222) On Nativity, hymn 2.
(223) للمؤلف: الحب الرعوي، ص 45.
(224) In Matt. In Gen. PG. 57:30; 53:228.
(225) In Paralyt. PG. 51:51.
(226) In Act. PG. 60:124.
(227) C.F. Keil: Comm, on the O.T., vol 7, p. 343.
(228) J.N. Oswalt: The Book of Isaiah, p. 352.
(229) Cf. Oswalt, p. 353.
(230) Ibid 351, n. 1.
(231) Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, p. 103/4.
(232) Oswalt, p. 359.
(233) Ibid.
(234) Ibid.
(235) Cassian: Conf 5:5,6.
(236) Serm, on N.T. Lessons 1; On the Holy Trinity 4:13.
(237) Fr. T. Malaty: Introduction to the Coptic Orthodox Church, Ottawa 1088, ch 1.
(238) للمؤلف: الكنيسة القبطية الأرثوذكسية والروحانية، أتاوا، كندا، ص 5-6.
(239) Bultema, p. 195.
(240) للمؤلف: آباء مدرسة الإسكندرية الأولون.
(242) On Nativity, hymn 2.
(243) Bultema, p. 204.
(244) Ibid.
(245) In Hebr. Hom 23:9.
(246) Ibid.
(247) On Ps. 65.
(248) On Ps. 126.
(249) H. Bultema, p. 216.
(250) Ibid 216-7.
(251) الإنجيل بحسب لوقا، 1985، ص 589- 590.
(252) Comm, on Luke, hom 131.
(253) In Evang, hom 39.
(254) Fest. Ep. 7.
(255) Bultema p. 221-2.
(256) راجع تفسيرنا رؤيا يوحنا اللاهوتي، 1979، ص 42-43.
(257) In Joan, book 5:4.
(258) للمؤلف: حزقيال، 1981، ص 176-180.
(259) PL. 25:24,.
(260) H. Bultema, p. 226.
(261) Ibid 227.
(262) Cassian: Conf. 6:6.
(263) Against Arians 1:14.
(264) In Defense of His Flight to Pontus.
(265) Adv. Haer. 3:20:3.
(266) De Sacram. 5:12,13.
(267) De Trinit. PG. 39:708C.
(268) In 1Cor. Hom 24.
(269) Ep. 63:11.
(270) Myst. 43.
(271) Cat. Hom 15:20.
(272) Ibid 13:12; 16:30.
(273) Fr. Malaty: Christ in the Eucharist, 1985, book 1, ch. 6.
(274) PG. 33:841C.
(275) J.J. Collins: Collegeville Bible comm.. 13, Isaia p. 59.
(276) On Ps. 55.
(277) City of God 11:1.
(278) On Ps. 24.
(279) للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي، 727-729.
(280) City of God 19:26,27.
(281) الحب الإلهي، ص965.
(282) On Ps. 16.
(283) On Ps. 16.
(284) In Loan, hom 12.
(285) On the Holy Trinity 14:19:25.
(286) On the Spirit and the letter, ch. 37.
(287) St. Chrysostom: In Heb. Hom 5:5; the Paralytic let down through the roof 6.
(288) On Ps. 48.
(289) On the Holy Virginity 39.
(290) Ep. 36:31.
(291) Incar, of the Word 31.
(292) الحب الإلهي، ص467-468
(293) الحب الإلهي، ص469.
(294) Whitacker: Documents of the Baptismal Liturgy, p. 37, 39.
(295) الحب الإلهي، ص480.
(296) Paed. 1;9.
(297) Contra Arians 2:42; 3:24.
(298) R.E. Clements: The New Century Bible comm.., Isaiah, p. 220.
(299) الحب الإلهي، ص432-433.
(300) الحب الإلهي، ص366.
(301) Adv. Haer. 4:4:1.
(302) Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, p. 167.
(303) الحب الإلهي، ص378-380.
(304) Demonstration 4 on Prayer, 4.
(305) St. Augustine: Sermons on N.T. Lessons 1:14,15.
(306) In Luc. Serm. 134.
(307) On Ps. 118.
(308) Jamieson, Fausset and Brown: Comm. On the Whole Bible, p. 543.
(309) قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص530.
(310) Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, ch, 29.
(311) Jamieson, p. 544.
(313) In Matt. Hom 55.
(314) In Rom. Hom. 19.
(315) In Matt. Book 11:11.
(316) Instr. 1:9.
(317) On Ps, 49.
(318) Ibid 38.
(319) Ep. 1:15.
(320) Adv Eumon 1:37.
(321) Martyrius: Book of Perfection 5.
(322) قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص285.
(323) Dialogue sur l' ame et les passions 4; trans. I. Hausherr, Orientalia Christiana Analecta 120, Rome 1938, 99
(324) Ep. to Olympias 10:2.
(325) In Jer. Hom.6:3.
(326) Sel. Ps. 119:85.
(327) De Baptismo 2.
(328) PG. 46:416C.
(329) De Mortuis. PG. 46:529A.
(330) De hominis opificio. PG. 44:237B.
(331) Ibid 161AB; In Christ; resurrectionem 3.
(332) Contra Eunom. 4. PG. 45:637A.B.
(333) On Ps. 146.
(334) سفر التكوين، 1988م، ص377.
(335) To Eutropius, hom.2.
(336) الحب الإلهي، ص50.
(337)الحب الإلهي، ص70-75.
(338) الحب الإلهي، ص38-40.
(339) ميمر عن المعمودية المقدسة.
(340) الحب الإلهي، ص80-83.
(341) On the Holy Baptism 27.
(342) J.J. Collins, p. 73.
(344) In Matt. PG. 58:592.
(345) In Gen. PG. 53:76, 77.
(346) In Rom. PG. 60:499.
(347) Cf. St. Cassian: Conf. 11:13.
(348) De verb Habents.
(349) Apology 2:11:2.
(350) Oratio 42:12.
(351) Origen: Fragmenta in Joannem, IX.
(352) Cf. Henri Crouzel: Theologie de l'image de Dieu chez Origene, Paris 1,956,239ff.
(353) Cf. Ironside: The Prophet Isaiah, ch 34.
(354) On Ps. 8.
(355) De Principiis, Pref. 8.
(356) Bultema, ch 34.
(357) Bultema, p. 318.
(358) On the Baptism of Christ.
(360) المرجع السابق، ص131.
(361) Sermon 5.
(362) In Heb. Hom. 30:2.
(363) Serm. on N.T. Lessons 16:3,4.
(364) On Matt. Book 11:18.
(365) On Ps. 46.
(366) Cat. Lect. 5:4.
(367) In Hebr. Hom.6:10.
(368) Ibid 23:9.
(370) In 2 Tim. Hom. 8.
(371) On Ps. 71.
(372) De Anno Sermo 4; PG. 54:666.
(373) Cf. Tomas' Spidlik: The Spirituality of the Christian East, 1986, P.307. Nacertanye christianskago nravoucenija (Christian Moral Teaching), Moscow 1895, p. 122.
(374) Ibid. 406.
(375) Cf. Spidlik: Theophane la Recluse, p. 240.
(376) Ibid 241.
(377) The histories of the Monks who lived in the Desert of Egypt.
للمؤلف: قاموس آباء الكنيسة وقديسيها، العهد الجديد 1 1986، ص40.
(378) In Librum Jesu Neve, hom. 8:4.
(379) De Principiis 3:21.
(380) Bultema, p. 344/5.
(381) R.E. Clements, p. 291.
(382) The Literal meaning of Genesis 6:17.
(383) Expos. In Ps. 4:4; PG. 55:44 ff.
(384) Demonstration 4, on Prayer 1,8,9.
(385) The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual life, p. 36.
(386) Ibid p. 219.
(387) In Joan. Hom 12:3.
(388) Ad Autolyeus 1:1-7; PG. 66:1024-36.
(389) Dwar. Ep. 7.
(390) Ibid 8.
(391) The Syriac Fathers p.249.
(392) Ibid p. 229.
(393) Fragments from Comm. On the prophet Isaiah, 1.
(394) In John hom. 3,5.
(395) In Ezech. 9:2 PG. 13:734 CD.
(396) In John hom 16:4.
(397) Comm. On John, book 2:26.
(398) On St. Luke, Serm. 6.
(399) To whom who had invited Him, 8.
(400) Comm. On Luke 3:1-5. ترجمة مدام عايدة حنا بسطا
(401) In Luke hom 21.
(402) On the Soul and its origin.
(403) On Ps. 52.
(404) Ibid 103.
(405) Ibid 62.
(406) On the Catechising of the Uninstructed 16:24.
(407) Ep. To Olympias 1:1.
(408) Adv. Haer. 5:33:4.
(409) Against Eunom. 2:12.
(410) Institutes 8:3.
(412) المرجع السابق، ص8-9.
(413) Against Eunom. 2:11.
(414) للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي، ص836-837.
(415) Demon. 4 on Prayer, 7.
(416) Hymn of Faith 20:9.
(417) The book of Perfection 43,45,82.
(418) Ibid 46:47.
(419) Bultema, p. 390.
(420) R.N. Whybray: New Century Bible Comm., Isaiah 40-60; p. 61.
(421) Ep. 1:10.
(422) Theolog. Orations 4:3.
(423) Bultema, p. 396.
(424) On Ps. 22.
(426) In Matt. PG. 58:79C.
(427) راجع للمؤلف: الإنجيل بحسب متى، 1987م، ص273-275.
(428) City of God 20:30.
(429) الحب الإلهي، ص866.
(430) De Spirit. Sanct. 15 .
(431) On Ps. 4.
(432) On Ps. 43.
(433) الحب الإلهي، ص62.
(434) Apophthegmanta. Poemen. 84.
(435) On Repentance.
(436) Bultema. P. 404.
(437) Justin: Dial. with Trypho 122.
(438) Ibid 65.
(439) Fr. Malaty: Christ in the Eucharist, book 1 (The Mystery of the New Testament).
(440) PG. 81:128B.
(441) . On Ps. 43.
(442) الحب الإلهي، ص70-71.
(443) الحب الإلهي، ص75.
(444) De Incarn. 8,9.
(445) Ibid 54.
(446) Orat. Against Arians, Disc, 3:19.
(See our book: The Coptic Orthodox Church as a church as a church of Erudition and Theology, 1986, p. 82-83.)
(447) In joan; in Rom,; PG. 59:79; 60:466.
(448) In 2 Cor; 1 Tim.; PG. 61:477-480; 62:536-7.
(449) In Rom.; PG. 60:477.
(450) الحب الإلهي، ص15-18.
(451) الحب الإلهي، ص467.
(452) On Modesty 16.
(453) Ep. 63.
(454) Bultemore, ch. 43.
(455) In John hom 19:2.
(456) Adv. Haer. 4:5:1.
(457) Fr. M.F. Wahba: The Doctrine of Sanctification in St. Athanasius' Paschal letters, 1988, 77;
Fl Syr 14:4; p. 543; cf De Inc. 1:4 p. 36: 20:1, p. 47 Con. Gen. 1:5, p. 4.
(458) Fl Syr 10:4, p. 528; cf 1:1, p. 506.
(460) Book of Perfection, 40.
(461) Adv. Haer 4:17:3.
(462) Resisting the Temptation of the Devil, hom 2,6.
(463) Letters to the Fallen Theodore. 1:15.
(464) In 1 Cor. Hom. 11.
(465) In 2 Cor. Hom 5.
(466) In Heb. Hom 14:7.
(467) In Zek. Hom 6:5.
(468) In Joan 5:2.
(469) ميمر عن المعمودية.
(470) Comm. On Cant. 3:1.
(471) Ep. To Furia 54.
(472) In Matt. PG. 57:99,80.
(473) On the Holy Spirit 9:22.
(474) Cat. Lect: Pref., 1:4.
(475) R.N. Whybray: The New Century Bible Comm., Isaiah 40-46, p. 104.
(476) قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص795-796.
(477) On Ps. 110.
(478) In John hom 9:1 (St. Chrysostom).
(479) That Demons do not govern the World, hom 1:15.
(480) Conf. 6:6.
(481) On Ps.85.
(482) Ibid.
(483) الحب الإلهي، ص233-234.
(484) In Hebr. Hom 17:4.
(485) In John hom 17:1.
(486) Ibid 18:1.
(487) الحب الإلهي، ص421.
(488) الحب الإلهي، ص429.
(489) الحب الإلهي، ص167، 170.
(490) A.J. Wensinck: Mystical Treatises, St.Isaac Syrian, p. 219.
(491) الحب الإلهي، ص730 إلخ.
(492) الحب الإلهي، ص432.
(493) الحب الإلهي، ص70، 74.
(494) In Hebr. 29:33.
(495) Ep. 118:1.
(496) On Ps. 89.
(497) On Ps. 116.
(498) On Ps. Hom. 51.
(499) Pasch. Ep. 2,3.
(500) On Ps. 138.
(501) Comm. On Cant., Serm 4.
(502) In John, book 1:36.
(503) Comm. On Cant. 3;8.
(504) On Pa. 38..
(505) On Ps. 144.
(506) In John 1:37.
(507) In John, Book 1:37.
(508) الحب الإلهي، ص71، 74-75.
(509) On Ps. 118.
(510) On Ps. 166.
(511) Letter to Hesychius, 25.
(512) Ibid 26.
(513) Ibid 27.
(514) Ibid 29.
(515) Ibid 30.
(516) Ibid 22.
(517) Pasch. Letters 6.
(518) Cassian: Conf. 13:17.
(519) On Providence. 6. ترجمة مدام عايدة حنا بسطا
(520) Cassian: Conf. 24:24.
(521) In Matt. Book 14:17.
(522) In John hom. 68:2.
(523) On Providence, 6.
(524) In 1 Cor. Hom 7.
(525) In 2 Cor. Hom 2.
(526) Pasc. Letters 8.
(527) To Olympias, 1:2.
(528) On Ps. 92.
(529) الحب الإلهي، 424.
(530) الحب الإلهي، ص424-425.
(531) Oration on the Holy Baptism 40:36.
(532) In Hebr. Hom 24:8.
(533) In Matt. Hom 11:3.
(534) In Matt. 3:9.
(535) الكنيسة تحبك، ص42.
(536) De poen PG. 49-336.
(537) Strom. 4:8:66.
(538) Prot, 10:108.
(539) An Acts hom 20:4 PG. 60:162.
(540) In MRR. HOM 18:1.
(541) الحب الإلهي، ص644.
(542) الحب الإلهي، ص638.
(543) الحب الإلهي، ص654- 657.
(544) الحب الإلهي، ص643-644.
(545) On John 1:11.
(546) On Rebuke and Grace, St. John Chrysostom 46.
(547) On Ps. 52.
(548) On Ps.68.
(549) In John hom 57:3.
(550) Ep. 1:16.
(551) Cat, Lect, 13:13.
(552) الحب الإلهي، ص341-342.
(553) الحب الإلهي، ص244.
(554) On Ps. 71.
(555) On Ps 86.
(556) On Ps 104.
(557) On the Son, 19.
(558) On the Good, Widowhood, 23.
(559) Orat. On Easter, 2:13.
(560) Orat, On the Son, 20.
(561) Cat. Lect. 13:34.
(562) Ep. To Barnabas, ch5.
(563) Pasch. Ep. 1.
(564) الحب الإلهي، ص421-422.
(565) الحب الإلهي، ص423.
(566) الحب الإلهي، ص426.
(567) In John hom 13:3.
(568) On the Catechizing of the Uninstructed.
(569) On Ps. 38.
(570) On Ps. 45.
(571) On Ps. 50.
(572) الحب الإلهي، ص246.
(573) On the Creed, 8.
(574) In John hom 85:1.
(575) On Ps. 38.
(576) Orat. On Easter, 34.
(577) In Joan tr. 56:4
(578) Comm. On Matt. 10:23.
(579) Against 2 Letters of the Palagians 3:13.
(580) In Matt. Hom 16.
(581) On Ps. 89.
(582) On Ps. 102.
(583) On Ps. 59.
(587) In John hom 46:1
(588) On the Grace of Christ 13.
(589) Vita Antonii 14
(590) الحب الإلهي، ص 960.
(591) On Holy Baptism 28.
(592) الحب الإلهي، ص 45-46.
(593) الحب الإلهي، ص 51.
(594) الحب الإلهي، ص 46-47.
(595) On Ps. 70.
(596) City of God 16:41.
(597) On Ps. 104.
(598) On Ps. 135.
(599) Hymns on Nativity 4.
(600) Collationes 1:13.
(601) Fragm. In Joan 1X.
(602) See Henri Crouzel: Théologie de I’image de Dieu chez Origène. Paris 1956, p. 239 ff.
{See T. Spidik: The Spirituality of the Christian East, p. 291}.
(603) Carminum Liber 1.11.9, r 19ff; PG. 37:668.
{See T. Spidik, p. 291}.
(604) In Eph. Hom 1.
(605) In Matt., In Gen. PG. 57:30; 53:228.
(606) In Paralyt. PG. 51:51.
(607) City of God 17:4.
(608) City of God 22:30.
(609) Treat. On Christ and Antichrist, 3.
(610) On Prayer, 28.
(612) الحب الإلهي، ص 519.
(613) الحب الإلهي، ص 521.
(614) الحب الإلهي، ص 522.
(615) On Ps. 82.
(616) للمؤلف: الكنيسة تحبك، للقديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1968، ص 61 إلخ.
(617) On Ps. 40.
(618) Lowliness of Mind.
(619) On Ps. 77.
(620) In 1 Cor. Hom 23.
(621) Letters to the Fallen Theodore. 1:6.
(622) Ep. 130:3.
(623) On Ps. 97.
(624) Cassian: Conf. 21:14.
(625) On His Father’s Silence, 20.
(626) On Ps. 43.
(627) Ibid.
(628) Ibid 138.
(629) To the Fallen Theodore, 1:8.
(630) Tomas Spidlik: The Spirituality of the Christian East, p. 187.
(631) Treat. 5:11.
(632) On Ps. 140.
(633) الحب الإلهي، ص 169.
(634) الحب الإلهي، ص 171.
(635) الحب الإلهي، ص 167.
(636) الحب الإلهي، ص 71.
(637) Against 2 Letters of the Pelagians 4.8.
(638) The Coptic Liturgy of St. Gregory the Theologian.
(639) On Repentance 1.
(640) Ibid 2.
(641) Kay’s Writings of Clement of Alexandria, p. 437.
(643) ميمر عن المعمودية المقدسة.
(644) City of God 5:14.
(645) للمؤلف: الكنيسة بيت الله، 1979م، ص 311-314.
(646) On Ps. Hom 23.
(647) On the Baptism of Christ.
(648) . On Virginity 18.
(649) القمص متياس فريد: التجسد والروح القدس، 1981، ص 10.
(650) Adv. Haer 3:18:3.
(651) On Myst. 3:1.
(653) The Eialogue against Luciferians.
(654) الحب الإلهي، ص 683.
(655) On the Baptism of Christ.
(656) On the Myst. 4:8.
(657) . Ibid 5:10.
(658) De Virginibus 1:5:22. PL. 19:195.
(659) On the Nativity of our Saviour 2.
(660) Strom 4:26.
(661) Orat. On Easter 35.
(662) Book of Perfection 77.
(663) On Nativity hymn 2.
(665) Anti-Niciene Frs, bol 5, p. 253.
(666) On Repentance, 2.
(667) Ladder 5; PG. 88:764B.
(668) De Paenitentia 2:2, PG 49:285.
(669) Book of perfection, 10.
(670) St. Cassian: Conf. 23:4.
(671) Ep. 44.
(672) In Rom. Hom 18.
(673) Ibid.
(674) Against the Heresy of One Noetus 12.
(675) See Ep. Of Barnabas 12; St. Justin Apol. 1:35.
(676) St. Sassian Conf, 3:22.
(677) On Ps. 88.
(679) Dial with Trypho, 32.
(680) In Exod. Hom 9.
(681) Serm. On N.T. Lessons 7:6.
(682) On Ps. 122.
(683) On Ps. 99..
(684) On Ps. 132.
(685) On Ps. 104.
(686) In John hom 7:1.
(687) Ep. 6:3.
(688) Adv. Haer. 4:18:3.
(689) Hugo Rahner: our Lady and the Church, p. 72.
(690) In Exod. Hom. 10:4.
(691) De Sargiusga 8:2.
(692) De Virginitate 2:13; PG. 46:324, 380.
(693) Sermon 181:4.
(694) De Virginitate 4:20 PL. 16:271.
(695) Comm. On Luke 10:25 Pl. 15:1810.
(696) City of God 20:21.
← تفاسير أصحاحات إشعياء: مقدمة | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66
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