محتويات: |
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* تأملات في كتاب
ملوك أول: |
(1) Keil and Delizsch: Comm. On the O.T, vol. 3, p.1.
هو ابن نبوخذنصَّر وخليفته (562-560 ق.م.)، أخرج يهوياكين من السجن، وكان يعطيه نصيبًا يوميًا من الطعام (2مل 25: 27-30).
(2) Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, 3:1.
(3) Halley`s Bible Handbook, 1965, p 189.
(4) In Luc Serm. 82.
(5) In Jer. Hom. 9:2; In Jos. Hom. 8:7.
(6) Quasten: Patrology, volume 2, p. 82.
(7) Comm. On the Song of Songs, Book 3:3.
(8) Contra Celsus 8:28,29.
(9) John Gray: 1,2 Kings, SCM 1970, p. 77.
(10) Antiq. 8:19:2.
(11) John Gray: 1,2 Kings, SCM 1970, p. 77.
(12) The meaning of Shulammite, American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literature, Chicago, LVI, 1939, p.89.
(13) St. Jerome: Letters, 52:3.
(14) On Ps. 21.
(15) In Eph. hom.20.
(16) J. Simons: Jerusalem in the Old Testament, 1952, p. 158-162.
(17) John Grey, p.87.
(18) John Gray, p. 89.
(19) On Ps. hom. 56.
(20) On Ps. 33 (32).
(21) Eichhorn: Moumen. Antiq. Hist. Arab., p. 220.
(22) Keil, p. 32.
(23) Herodot 3:68.
(24) Antiquities b viii, ch vi.
(25) St. Jerome: Letters, 79:7.
(26) St. Gregory of Nyssa: De opificio hominis cap xii, p.77.
(27) Adv. Haer. 4:20:9.
(28) St. John Chrysostom: Homilies on St. John, 15.
(29) St. Clement of Alexandria: Stromata 1:4.
(30) St. Augustine: On Grace and Free Will, 40 (19).
(31) St. Augustine: On Christian Doctrine, 3:37 (55).
(32) St. Hippolytus: Fragments from Commentaries, On Proverbs.
(33) St. John Chrysostom: Homilies on St. Mathew, Hom 23:5.
(34) St. Jerome: Letters, 74.
(35) The Prayer of Job and David, Book 4, 4:15.
(36) The Prayer of Job and David, Book 4, 4:15.
(37) The Prayer of Job and David, Book 4, 4:16.
(38) St. Ambrose: The Prayer of Job and David, 4:4:16.
(39) Fr. Calsarius of Arles: Sermon 123:1.
(40) Fr. Caesarius of Arles: Sermon 123:3.
(41) St. John Chrysostom: Concerning the Statues, 17:11.
(42) Josephus: Antiq. 8:2,5; Herodot, 2:160.
(43) St. Hippolytus of Rome: Fragments from Commentaries on the Song of Songs, 2.
(44) Origen's Commentary on John, book 10:23.
(45) Josephus: Antiquites b. xv, ch. iv, sec. 1.
(46) In Luc. Hom. 1:35.
(47) Hom on Leviticus 11:3.
(48) Hom. 19 on Ps 89 (90).
(49) Origen's Commentary on John, book 10: 24 etc.
(50) Sermon 132 ;4.
(51) The Prayer of Job and David 4:7:28.
(52) In Jos. Hom. 7:6.
(53) PG 12:244.
(54) On Prayer 31:5.
(55) On Ps. , hom 10.
(56) Comm. On Matt., Book 12:13.
(57) Comm. On John, Book 6:38.
(58) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث، (7: 19).
(59) In Exod. Hom. 13:9
(60) Halley’s Bible Handbook, p. 192.
(61) Vita Moses 2:185.
(62) Origen: In Exod. Hom 13:2.
(63) Methodius: Banquet of the Ten Virgins 5:8.
(64) Origen: In Exod. Hom 9:4.
(65) St. Jerome: Letters 22:24.
(66) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث، 8: 24.
(67) Ephes. 5:2; Tral. 7:2; Philad. 4.
(68) Ephes. 13.
(69) AN Fathers, Vol. 2, P.585.
(70) A Metaphase of the Book of Ecclesiastes, 8.
(71) St. Jerome: Letters, 133:2.
(72) Sermon, 91:3.
(73) Sermon, 91:3.
(74) On Ps. 30:10.
(75) Bell. Jud. V1. 9,3.
(76) Halley’s Bible Handbook, p. 191.
(77) Theophilos of Antioch to Autolycus PG6:1024-36.
(78) Chapter 2.
(79) Chapter 3.
(80) Lactantuis: The Divine Institutes, book 4:18
(81) Antiquites b:viii, ch 7, sec 3.
(82) Antiq. Viii: 6:1.
(83) Halley’s Bible Handbook, p. 192.
(84) Antiquities, b viii, ch 5, sec. 3.
(85) In Matt. 1:8.
(86) Halley’s Bible Handbook, p. 192.
(87) The Prayer of Job and David, 1:5:15.
(88) Halley’s Bible Handbook, p. 191.
(89) Hom. 56 on Ps. on146 (147 A).
(90) St. John Chrysostom: Concerning the Statues, 14:10.
(91) St. John Chrysostom: Homilies on 1 Thessalonians, hom. 5.
(92) On Ps. 32.
(93) Origen: Homilies on Genesis, 9.
(94) On Ps.83.
(95) Tertullian: On Prescription against Heresies , 3.
(96) St. John Chrysostom: Letters to the Fallen Theodore.
(97) St. Jerome: Letters, 22:12.
(98) St. Jerome: Hom. 5 on Ps. 146 (147A).
(99) St. Jerome: Letters, 108:18.
(100) The Treatise of Cyprian 1 on the unity of the Church, 7.
(101) St. Ambrose: Duties of the Clergy, book 2:7:35
(102) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, book 2:3:10.
(103) In 1 Tim. Hom. 1:1.
(104) St. John Cassian: Conf. 18:3.
(105) On Ps. 21.
(106) Hom. 11 on Ps. 77 (78).
(107) Cf. A Letter from Origen to Gregory,1.
(108) Cf. Origen: Homilies on Genesis, 15.
(109) City of God, 19:26,27.
(110) Letter 130:24.
(111) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 1.
(112) St. Ambrose: Concerning Virgins, book 2:5:38.
(113) Sermon 213:1.
(114) Sermon 8:2.
(115) Sermon 117:5.
(116) Discourse 22.
(117) In Defence of His Flight to Pontus, 77.
(118) Cat. Lect. 9:13.
(119) Hom on St John, 1:5.
(120) Hom. on Hebrews, 8:9.
(121) Letter 54:17.
(122) Epistle 16.
(123) Boyd`s Bible Handbook, p. 2.
(124) St. Jerome: Against Jovinianus, book 2:17.
(125) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, book 4:2:7.
(126) Irenaeus against Heresies, 4: 26:2.
(127) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث، 3: 7.
(128) Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 162
(129) On Principiis 4:1:6 (Die griechischen christlichen Schrifsteller, 4:302.)
(130) Sermon 76:3
(131) Confessions 13:14 (15).
(132) Select Demonstration, 1:10.
(133) Antiquities: bviii, ch ii, sec.4.
(134) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث، 7: 22.
(135) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث، 8: 23.
(136) Antiquities viii. 12,5.
(137) Layard: Nineveh and Balylin, p, 6 B.
(138) Recognitions of Clement, book 5:28.
(139) Antiquités, b viii, ch xiii, sec.z.
(140) St. Ambrose: Letter 63:77.
(141) Flight from the world, 6:34.
(142) St. Ambrose: Duties of the Clergy, book 2:4:1.
(143) Fr.Caesarius of Arles: Sermon 124:2.
(144) Fr. Caesarius: Sermon 124:3.
(145) St. Ambrose: Concerning Widows, 5:28.
(146) The Treatises of Cyprian 8 on Works and Alms, 17.
(147) St. Jerome: Letters, 22:32.
(148) St. Jerome: Letters, 54:16.
(149) Treatise on 1 Johm 10:8.
(150) St. Ambrose: Concerning Widows 3:14 etc.
(151) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, book 4: 1:7.
(152) Fr. Caesarius: Sermon 124:4.
(153) Joan Comay: Who’s Who -The Old Testament, N.Y 1993, p. 93; Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p.128.
(154) The Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. 5, p.122.
(155) Homilies ,ed. Wright, p.122.
(156) Adv.Haer. 55:3 , passim.
(157) PG.14:225.
(158) Jewish Ency., vol. 5, p.127.
(159) Jewish Ency., p. 124.
(160) Jellinek, l.c.72.
(161) Ps. 8:9 Hebr.
(162) M id. Teh. ad loc., See also Ber. 4B. Targ. on Eccles.10:20.
(163) Jewish Encyc., p.123.
(164) Ibid 124.
(165) Cf. Unger`s Bible Dict., 1966, p.305.
(166) St. Clement of Alexandria: Paedagogus 3:7.
(167) St. John Chrysostom: Hom. On St. Matthew, hom. 58:6.
(168) St. Jerome: Against Jovinianus, book 1:25.
(169) Fr.Caesarius of Arles: Sermon 124:1.
(170) Fr. Caesarius: Sermon 124:6.
(171) Fr. Caesarius: Sermon 124:5.
(172) On the Gospel of St. John, tractate 108:1.
(173) On Ps. 111.
(174) St. John Chrysostom: Concerning the Statues, hom. 8:3.
(175) On Ps. 53:10.
(176) On Ps 72:32.
(177) Sermon 113:6.
(178) St. Gregory of Nyssa: On the Baptism of Christ.
(179) Duties of the Clergy, book 3:106.
(180) يرى القديس أمبروسيوس أن كلمة "إيزابل" تعني "فيض من الباطل" كما جاء في:
Exhor. Virgin. 5:30 (Pl 16:344-5); Letters 50:10; 2:79; On Naboth 9:41-42.
(181) On Ps. 41:17.
(182) St. Ambrose: On Belief in the Resurrection, book 2:125.
(183) Flight from the world, 6:34.
(184) Methodius: The Banquet of the ten virgins, 10:3.
(185) St. Jerome: Letters, 22:9.
(186) St. Ambrose: Letters, 63:29.
(187) Tertullian: On Fasting , 6 .
(188) Tertullian: On the Resurrection of the Flesh, 61.
(189) Tertullian: On Fadting, 6 .
(190) St. Jerome: Against Jovinianus, book 2:15.
(191) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 309.
(192) Justin's Hortatory Address to the Greeks, 31 .
(193) Irenaeus against Heresies 4: 20:10
(194) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 78.
(195) In Gen. Hom 4:1.
(196) Comm. On Song of Songs 3.
(197) Contra Celsus 7:33.
(198) Comm. on Matt. 17:19 on 22:1.
(199) Comm on Song of Songs, Prologue.
(200) Flight from the World, 2:7.
(201) Dialogue with Trypho, 39.
(202) Constitution of the Holy Apostles , book 8:1.
(203) St. John Chrysostom: Hom. On St. Matthew, hom 78,4, 14:3.
(204) St. Ambrose: Duties of the clergy, book 1:30:149.
(205) St. Ambrose: Duties of the clergy, book 2:20:100, 101.
(206) Tertullian: On Patience, 15.
(207) On Forgiveness of Sins and Baptism, 12.
(208) Epistle 69:6.
(209) Epistle 22.
(210) Concerning Virgins 1:9 (53).
(211) Baptismal Instructions, 3:11.
(212) Baptismal Instructions, 2:7.
(213) Sermon in Gen. 7, PG 5: 614 C -D.
(214) Baptismal Instructions, 3:10.
(215) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 296.
(216) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 296.
(217) On Man’s Perfection in Righteousness 10:21.
(218) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث، 2: 3.
(219) St. Ambrose: Duties of the Clergy, Book 3:9:63
(220) Sermon against Auxentuis, 17,18.
(221) St. John Chrysostom: Hom. On St. Matthew, hom 35:1.
(222) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 125.
(223) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, p. 125.
(224) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, p. 125.
(225) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, book 2:6: 49.
(226) Jacob and the Happy Life, 1:3:10.
(227) Homilies on Genesis, 1.
(228) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث، 4: 10.
(229) St. Jerome: Letters, 77:4.
(230) St. Jerome: Against Jovinianus, book 2:15.
(231) St. Jerome: Letters, 122:3.
(232) St. Jerome: Letters, 147:10.
(233) St. Jerome: Hom 51 on Ps 140 (141).
(234) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, p. 37.
(235) صلاة داود: الكتاب الثالث 3: 6.
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