(1) Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, 1969, p. 308.
(2) The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, 1969, p. 828. J.L. Mckenzie: Dictionary of the Bible, 1972, p. 767.
(3) Oesterley and Robinson: An Introduction to the Books of the Old Testament, SPCK 1961, P. 85.
(4) The Talmud (Baba Bathra 15 a).
(5) J. Hastings: Dictionary of the Bible, N.Y. 1963, p. 884.
(6) قاموس الكتاب المقدس، 1971، ص 544 .
(7) Layman: Interpreter's One Volume Commentary on the Bible, 1980, p. 1085.
(8) New Westminister Dict. Of the Bible, p. 831.
(9) Welhausen, Cornill, Budde, Kittel and Sellin.
(10) Interpreter's One Volume Commentary, p 1082.
(11) Eissfeldt.
(12) Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 87-88.
(13) Cf. J. H. Raven: Old Testament Introduction, 1910, p. 166.
Driver: Notes on the Test of Samuel, Oxford 1890, p. 173.
(14) د. فرنسيس داندس: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، ج 2، ص 154.
(15) Raven, p. 167.
(16) The Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 792, 791.
(17) Nelson: New Catholic Commentary.., p. 308.
(18) Stromata 6: 12, 7: 7.
(19) Treatise 4: 5.
(20) In Matt. Hom 19.
(21) In Eph. Hom 24.
(22) In Matt hom 6.
(23) In Eph. Ho 24.
(24) On Prayer 13: 3.
(25) Scripture Union: Bible Study Books, books 2, p. 48.
(26) In Eph. Hom 21, 24.
(27) J. H. Raven: O. T. Introd., 1910, p/ 168.
(28) Nelson: New Catholic Commentary, p. 309.
(29) Ibid.
(30) St. Chrysostom: In Matt. Hom 61.
(31) Treatise 12: 19.
(32) On Ps. Hom 20.
(33) On Ps. 21.
(34) St. Cassian: Conf. 3:15.
(35) Against Eunomius 3: 6.
(36) On John. Hom. 50:1.
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(37) Concerning Repentance 1: 40.
(38) Treatise 10-15.
(39) In Rom. Hom. 8.
(40) In 1 Tim. Hom. 4.
(41) In 2 Tim. Hom. 2.
(42) Frag. From Comm. On Daniel 2: 14.
(43) Nelson: A New Catholic Commentary, p. 309.
(44) Stromata 2: 10; 7: 10.
(45) Ibid 6: 8.
(46) Ladder, Step 4.
(47) الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص 68 .
(48) المرجع السابق، ص 70 .
(49) Cassian: Conf. 2: 14.
(50) Apo. Poemen 54. PG 65: 333-6.
(51) On the need for Consultation.
(52) الحب الرعوي، ص 68 .
(53) الحب الرعوي، ص 71 .
(54) الحب الرعوي، ص 15 .
(55) الحب الرعوي، ص 17 .
(56) McKenzie: Dict. Of the Bible, p. 38.
(57) On Ps. 78 (32).
(58) Ibid 78 (33).
(59) On Ps. 66.
(60) Nelson: A New Catholic Comm., p. 310.
(61) Serm. On the N. T. Lessons 3: 7.
(62) Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, article 1712.
(63) McKenzie: Dict. Of the Bible, p. 168.
(64) Strong's Exh. Concordance of the Bible, art. 795.
(65) Ibid, art. 1660.
(66) McKenzie. P. 224.
(67) In Matt. Hom. 6.
(68) On Prayer 25:3.
(69) Dial. With Trypho.
(70) Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. P. 310.
(71) Strong's Exh. Concordance.., art. 7157.
(72) Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. P. 310.
(73) Strong's Exh. Concordance.., art. 41.
(74) In Ep. Rom. Hom. 19.
(75) الحب والعطاء، 1970، ص 27.
(76) Strong's Exh. Concordance.., art. 499.
(77) McKenzie: Dict. Of the Bible, p. 72.
(78) Strong's Exh. Concordance.., art. 4709.
(79) On Priesthood 6: 4.
(80) الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص 30.
(81) المرجع السابق، ص 53 .
(82) On Ps. 18 (1).
(83) Ep. 159: 1.
(84) Strom. 7: 13.
(85) Strong's Exh. Concordance, artic. 8031.
(86) Ibid, 8171.
(87) Nelson: A New Catholic Comm. P. 311.
(88) A. N. Frs, vol 7, p. 531.
(89) De Principiis 1: 1: 3; Comm. Rom 1: 5; 9: 24; Comm. John 32: 7.
(90) Paed, 1: 6.
(91) De Prin. 2: 6.
(92) The Ascetical Homilies, 64.
(93) Nelson: A New Catholic Comm., p 312.
(94) Cf. Our Lord's Sermon on the Mount, 1: 13 (37).
(95) Strong's Exh. Concordance, art. 1568.
(96) قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 264.
(97) Strong's Exh. Concordance, art. 3002.
(98) الحب الرعوي، ص 218-221.
(99) In 2 Cor. Hom 24.
(100) الحب الرعوي، ص 170؛ In Eph. PG 62: 150.
(101) On Priesthood 6: 4.
(102) للمؤلف - القديس يوحنا الذهبي الفم، 1981، ص 3-182.
(103) Strong's Exh. Concordance, art. 4363.
(104) Ascetical hom. 51, 62.
(105) Const. of the Holy Apostles 2: 4: 27.
(106) Ibid 8: 5.
(107) Commentary on an Easter Hymn of St. Greg. Nazian.
(108) Treat. 9: 13.
(109) On self-accusation.
(110) City of God 17: 6.
(111) Ibid 17: 7.
(112) On Ps. 137.
(113) Ascetic Hom. 64
(114) Unger's Bible., 1966, p. 1074.
(115) Ibid 627.
(116) Ibid 459.
(117) Ibid 1022.
(118) الحب الرعوي، ص 607.
(119) المرجع السابق.
(120) المرجع السابق.
(121) In Acts hom. 3, 44.
(122) Ad Haer. 4: 17:1.
(123) St. Cassian: Conf. 2:2, 3.
(124) Answer to Eunomius' second book. N.P. Frs, series 2, vol 5, p 293.
(125) In Matt. Hom 5.
(126) Paed. 3: 2.
(127) Cf. St. Jerome: Om Ps. Hom. 3.
(128) Nelson: A New Catholic Comm., p 314.
(129) On Ps. 78 (9).
(130) On John, book 10: 5.
(131) Ad Serapion 1: 22, 23.
(132) On the Spirit, ch 26 (61)
(133) In Matt. Book 2.
(134) Unger's Bible Dict., p 315
(135) Caesarius of Arles: Serm. 121: 1, 2.
(136) Ibid 121: 3-8.
(137) Duties of the Clergy 1: 35: 177.
(138) Ibid 2: 78: 32, 33.
(139) On Ps. 125.
(140) للمؤلف: الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص 465.
(141) المرجع السابق، ص 467.
(142) المرجع السابق، ص 467.
(143) المرجع السابق، ص 468.
(144) Const. of the Holy Apostles 7: 1.
(145) الحب الأخوي، ص 397-398.
(146) الحب الأخوي، ص 399.
(147) الحب الأخوي، ص 400.
(148) Serm. On N. T. Lessons 27: 3; In 1 Tim. Rom.
(149) In 1 John hom 7.
(150) On Ps. 59 (1).
(151) القمص بيشوي كامل: تأملات في المزامير، مز 7.
(152) On Ps. 7.
(153) On Ps. 7.
(154) In 1 Cor. Hom 33.
(155) الحب الأخوي، 1964، ص 315.
(156) الحب الأخوي، ص 317.
(157) الحب الأخوي، ص 320.
(158) عظة 22 على إنجيل لوقا.
(159) راجع تفسيرنا إنجيل متى، ص 268 .
(160) On Ps. 52.
(161) On Ps 56.
(162) On Ps 34.
(163) Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p 18.
(164) On Ps. 57.
(165) On Ps. Hom. 52.
(166) In Acts. PG 60: 302.
(167) In ps. PG 55: 317.
(168) الحب الرعوي، ص 678.
(169) On Renunciation.
(170) Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 534.
(171) Strong/s Exh. Concordance of the Bible, article 7084.
(172) On Priesthood 6: 4.
(173) Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 1025.
(174) On Ps. 54.
(175) كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، سفر صموئيل الأول، ص 110.
(176) قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 652.
(177) كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، سفر صموئيل الأول، ص 113.
(178) City of God 17: 6.
(179) On Humility.
(180) In Matt. Hom 3.
(181) Duties of the Clergy 3: 9 (60).
(182) De Principiis 2: 7: 3.
(183) De Principiis 2: 7: 4.
(184) Sel Ps. 43: 3.
(185) Stromata 5:1.
(186) On Refusal to Judge our Neighbor.
(187) Cassian: Conf. 17: 25.
(188) Maxims on the Spiritual Life, 1, 12, 19.
(189) Duties of the Clergy 1: 21: 94.
(190) كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، ، ص 122.
(191) Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 6.
(192) PG 45: 1017 D.
(193) In Acts hom 17.
(194) Hymns on the Nativity 1.
(195) On Ps. Hom 3.
(196) On Ps. 56.
(197) From Glory to Glory, N. Y. 1977. ch. 1: 10.
(198) New Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 1024.
(199) Matthew Henery: Comm. On the Whole Bible, 1963, p. 321.
(200) New Westminster Dict., p. 456.
(201) Ibid, p. 534.
(202) كتاب السنن القويم في تفسير أسفار العهد القديم، ص 128.
قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 262.
(203) Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p. 877.
(204) Ibid, art. Gilboa,.
(205) In Matt. Hom. 86.
(206) Ibid 62.
(207) Frag. From Comm. A N Frs. Vol. 5, p. 169.
(208) A Treatise on the Soul, 57.
(209) Strong's Exh. Concordance, art 293. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 36
(210) Ibis art. 26. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 201
(211) Westminster Dict. Of the Bible, p 113. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 392
(212) Ibid 791. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 1053
(213) Ibid 448. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 619
(214) Ibid p. 65. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 470
(215) Ibid, p. 887. قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 390
(216) Ibid, p 277.
(217) Ibid , p 789.
(218) Ibid , p 40.
(219) Ibid 68.
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