Image: 9 22 rome peter basilica b 0268

Right to left:
St. Nicholas of Tolentino
Born - c.1245 in Pontano, Italy
Died - 10 September 1305

Feastday - 10 September
Canonized - 1446 by Pope Eugene IV

Statue Installed - c. 1702-1703

Sculptor - Nicola Artusi
He entered into a contract with the Fabbrica on 5 June, 1702. The payment of 80 scudi was made in two installments; the first of 20 scudi was on 29 November, and the balance on 28 February 1703.

Height - 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine
The saint is depicted in traditional Augustinian habit, and with a star in the middle of his chest.

St. Francis de Borja
Born - 28 October 1510
Died - 30 September 1572

Feastday - 30 September
Canonized - 1670 by Pope Clement X

Statue Installed - c.1702-1703
The artist agreed on 20 June 1702 to perform the work, and to deliver it by 27 August 1703.

Sculptor - Vincenzo Mariotti
He was paid 80 scudi in two instalments during 1703.
This is the only known sculpture of the artist.

Height - 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine
The saint is depicted with surplice and cope in adoration of the Eucharist above the cup he holds. At his feet is a crown, referring to his renunciation of the title Duke of Gandia.

St. Francis de Sales
Born - 21 August 1567
Died - 28 December 1622

Feastday - 24 January
Canonized - 1665 by Pope Alexander VII

Statue Installed - c.1702-1703
The sculptor agrees on 1 August 1702 to deliver the statue by 4 July 1703

Sculptor - Paolo Reggiani
He received payment of 80 scudi during 1703.
The work is rather crude and rough in the upper body, but the face draws characteristics from the funeral mask of the saint.

Height - 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine
Francis is depicted with his eyes looking up and his hands across his chest. At his feet is a miter, rarely present in the iconography of the saint.

- St. Peter's Basilica: The Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican: Basilica Papale di San Pietro in Vaticano, Rome, Italy. Completed on 18 November 1626 - Photograph by Michael Ghaly for, September 22, 2014.

- صور كاتدرائية القديس بطرس الرسول، الفاتيكان، روما، إيطاليا. انتهى العمل بها في 18 نوفمبر 1626 م. - تصوير مايكل غالي لموقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت، 22 سبتمبر 2014 م.

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