محتويات: |
(إظهار/إخفاء) |
* تأملات في كتاب
عزرا: |
(1) Commentary on Micah 4:10.
(2) PL 25: 697G.
(3) On Prayer, 16:3.
(4) Exhortation to Martyrdom 33.
(5) Paschal Letters, 10.
(6) Cf. Exegetic Homilies, Homily 15, Catholic University of America, vol 46, p. 237.
(7) Kaiser, Davids, Bruce and Brauch: Hard Sayings of the Bible, 1996, p.248.
(8) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(9) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(10) Homilies on Corinthians, Homily 9:7.
(11) On the Soul, 54: 5.
(12) الرسالة 2: 9.
(13) الرسالة 7: 4.
(14) على الحياة الرهبانية، 96.
(15) On Ps. homily 41.
(16) On Free Choice of the will, 1:6:15.
(17) The way of Life of the Catholic Church, 1:23:42.
(18) Christian Instruction, 1:3:4
(19) cf. on Ps. Homily 48.
(20) Cf. Adam Clarke Commentary.
(21) Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary.
(22) Cf. Adam Clarke Commentary.
(23) Homilies on Genesis, 9.
(24) Fifth Letter to Florentium. PL 22:336.
(25) Paschal Letters 7.
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(26) Against the Anomoens, homily 6:3.
(27) In 1 Cor. Hom 27:4.
(28) PG 82:422-423.
(29) In 1 Corinth., hom. 31:4.
(30) Paedagogus 1:5:31.
(31) Augustine: Sermon on the Mount 10: 72.
(32) ST. Clement of Alexandria: Miscellainies, book 7.
(33) St. Augustine: City of God 10: 6, 23..
(34) St. Augustine: Sermon 829 to the Newly - baptized..
(35) St. Augustine: Sermon 2 - 2 to the Newly - baptized.
(36) Sermons on New Testament Lessons.
(37) On Perfection.
(38) Kaiser, Davids, Bruce and Brauch: Hard Sayings of the Bible, 1996, p.248-49.
(39) Barnes’ Notes.
(40) Nelson’s Illustrated Bible Dictionary, article Dinaites.
(41) The New Unger Bible Dictionary, article Dinaites.
(42) International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, article Apharstchites.
(43) Fausset’s Bible Dictionary.
(44) International Bible Dictionary.
(45) The New Unger’s Bible Dictionary.
(46) In Matt hom 41
(47) الرسالة السادسة.
(48) On Ps. hom. 20.
(49) Com. on 1 John, 4:3.
(50) Robert Llewelyn, The Joy of the Saints, Spiritual Readings throughout the Year, Springfield, Illinois, 1989, p. 56.
(51) On Ps. 112 (111 Vulgate).
(52) Letter 80.
(53) Eccl. Hist. 10:4.
(54) Letter 50.
(55) On Ps., homily 27.
(56) Cassian: Conf. 3; 13. (See N. & P.N. Frs).
(57) Ibid 4:5. (N. & P.N. Fathers).
(58) Sel. Ps. 14:44.
(59) Contra Celsus 4:99.
(60) Unity of the Church, 8; Epistle 75:4.
(61) In Eph. hom 6.
(62) Hermas: The Shepherd, Commandment 7:1-2.
(63) In Matt. hom 34:2.
(64) Homilies, 11:4, 5.
(65) Barnabas, 16.
(66) Ephes. 15:3.
(67) Ephes. 9:1, 2.
(68) On Ps. Hom. 46.
(69) Ephes. 13.
(70) Ephes. 5:2; Tral. 7:2; Philad. 4.
(71) من رجال القرن الثاني.
(72) Mileto of Sardis: Paschal Homily.
(73) للمؤلف: الحب الإلهي.
(74) رسائل القيامة 6: 11.
(75) St. Augustine: On Ps. 112.
(76) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 75: 5.
(77) راجع الأب الياس كويتر المخلصي: القديس باسيليوس الكبير، منشورات المكتبة البولسية، بيروت، 1989، ص 313. عظة 3: 1.
(78) 1 Clem 34: 1.
(79) On Virginity, 23.
(80) Ser. on N. T. 37:8.
(81) Ser. on N. T. 37:11.
(82) In Joan. hom 19.
(83) Procatchesis 16.
(84) Cat Mys. 2:4.
(85) عظة 1: 6؛ ص 17-18.
(86) عظة 1: 7؛ ص 20.
(87) الرسالة الثامنة والثلاثون.
(88) On Man’s Perfetion in Righteousnes 20:43.
(89) On Man’s Perfetion in Righteousnes 20:40.
(90) On the Christian Faith, Book 1:2:12.
(91) On the Soul 39:4.
(92) Commentary on 1 Cor. 3:34:42-45.
(93) On Prayer 2:2.
(94) Epistle 6.
(95) Letter, 77:4.
(96) In Jer. hom 3:49; In Luc. hom 18.
(97) On Ps. 94 (93).
(98) Ascetical Homilies, 48.
(99) Hom. 30, PL 76: 1220. Forty Gospel Homilies,
(100) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tractate, 75: 5.
(101) Letter 62 : 1.
(102) On Genesis, hom 57.
(103) Homilies on 1 John 1:8:2.
(104) Barnes’ Notes; Keil and Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament on Ezra 10:15.
(105) راجع المقدمة " شخصية عزرا"؛ والقس انطونيوس فكري: عزرا.
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