محتويات: |
(إظهار/إخفاء) |
* تأملات في كتاب
تثنية: |
(1) In Hebr hom. 28:3.
(2) Gerhard von Rad: Deutronomy, 1966, p. 105-107; studies im Deutronomy` 1953, p. 15-16.
(3) Pulpit Commentry
(4) QS 1:16.
(5) QS 10:10.
(6) QS 1:18ff.
(7) J.A. Thompson: Deuteronomy (Tyndale O.T. Commentaires), 1974, p. 11.
(8) Grhard von Rad: The Problem of the Hexateuch and On the Essays, 1966, p. 27-33.
(9) V. Korosec: Hethitische Staatvertrage, 1931.
(10) D. J. McCarthy: Treaty and Covenant Analcta Biblica, 21, 1963, p. 131 ff.
(11) Moshe Weinfield: Deuteronomy and the Deuteronomic School, 1972.
(12) S. R. Driver: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Deuteronomy, 1902, p. Ixxviii-Ixxxiv.
(13) J. Vernon McGee: Deuteronomy, 1991, p. viii.
(14) Ibid.
(15) Cf: The Pulpit Commentary, Deuteronomy.
(16) Josephus: Antiq. 4:8,22.
(18) راجع للمؤلف: الخروج، ص 213، 214.
(19) راجع للمؤلف المزمور 119: غِنى كلمة الله ولذتها.
(20) راجع للمؤلف المزمور 119: غنى كلمة الله ولذتها.
(21) Discourse 22.
(22) In Defence of His Flight to Pontus, 77.
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(23) Adam Clarke, Deuteronomy, 1.
(24) راجع سفر العدد، 1995م، أرض مصر 226.
(25) للمؤلف: سفر العدد، 1995م، ص225.
(26) Barnes’ Notes.
(27) Origen: In Num.
(28) In N um. Hom. 13.
(29) In 1 Cor. hom. 1:4.
(30) J. Vernon McGee: Deutronomy, p. 15,16.
(31) Adam Clarke, Deuteronomy, 1.
(32) Barnes’ Notes.
(34) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(35) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(36) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(37) Barnes’ Notes.
(38) Adam Clarke Commentary
(39) Contra Gentes, 45.
(40) On Exodus, homily, 8:4.
(41) On Ps. Homily, 57.
(42) Paschal Epistles, 4:3.
(43) St. Gregory of Nazianzus: On Pentecost, 12.
(44) St. Ambrose: The Duties of the Clergy, Book 3, 18(105).
(45) St. Ambrose: The Duty of the Clergy, Book 1:14:164,165.
(46) St. Augustine: Confessions 5:30:4.
(47) للمؤلف: الإنجيل بحسب متى، 1983 - ص343.
(48) Letter 123 to Agruchia.
(49) So-called Second Letter of Clement 3:4.
(50) Fr. Caesarius of Arles: Sermons 100,100a.
(51) Sermon 100:1.
(52) Sermon 100:2.
(53) Sermon 100:3.
(54) Sermon 100:4.
(55) Sermon 100:5.
(56) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, trac. 41:2.
(57) See In John, hom. 56.
(59) للمؤلف: المسيح في سرّ الافخارستيا، 1973، أرض مصر 125.
(60) City of God, 22:30.
(61) St. Basil the Great: Letters 46:1.
(62) Letters to the Fallen Theodore 1:15.
(63) St. Ambrose, Letter 63:41,42.
(64) St. Ambrose: Duties of the Clergy, Book 1, ch. 2 (7).
(65) St. Ambrose: The Christian Fait, Book .1,3 (23).
(66) St. Ambrose: The Christian Fait, Book 3, 12 (102).
(67) St. Ambrose: Duties of the Clergy, Book 2, 50 (262).
(68) St. Ambrose: Concerning Virginity, Book 2:6 (40).
(69) Exegetic homilies, hom. 17.
(70) On the Making of Man, 8:5.
(71) St. Augustine: On Ps. 6.
(72) Exegetic Homilies, hom. 17.
(73) Concerning the Statues, hom. 6:18.
(74) Paschal Epistles, 11:6
(75) A Preliminary Discourse Against the Eunomians, 5.
(76) In Acts, hom. 16.
(77) In Acts. hom. 27.
(78) Concerning the Statues, hom. 17:2.
(79) See Adam Clarke Commentary.
(80) Apologia De Fuga, 25.
(81) St. Augustine: On Ps. 91 (90).
(82) St. Augustine: On Ps. 81.
(83) Adam Clorke Comm.
(84) In John hom. 14:2.
(85) St. Ambrose: Letter 50:26.
(86) Discourses Against the Arians, 4:26.
(87) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tract. 43:5.
(88) St. Ambrose: The Duties of the Clergy, Book X, 17 (92).
(89) Ladder, step 14.
(90) St. Jerome: Against Jovinianus, Book 2:15.
(91) St. Jerome: Ep. 22:10.
(92) St. Jerome: Letter 130:10.
(93) Epistle 7:5.
(94) St. Jerome: Letter 69:6.
(95) In Ephes. Hom. 23.
(97) Hom. 2, On Our Lord 1:17.
(98) St. Augustine: On Ps. 8.
(99) الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص147.
(100) المرجع السابق، ص160.
(101) المرجع السابق، ص164.
(102) Origen: Commentary on Matthew, 41.
(103) Sermons 159:6.
(104) In 2 Cor. hom. 30:4.
(105) Comm. On Canticle , sermon 4.
(106) In 1 Tim. Hom. 16.
(107) Book of Perfection, 2.
(108) In Eph. Hom., 17.
(109) See St. Gregory of Nyssa: Against Eunomius, Book 2: 13.
(110) Ancient Christian Comm. On Scripture, Mark, p. 21.
(111) Sermons on the N.T. Lessons. 40:8.
(112) On the Gospel of St. John, 6:21.
(113) On the Psalms, 50:2.
(114) To the Bishops of Egypt, 3.
(115) St. Jerome: Letters 46:2
(116) راجع للمؤلف: المسيحي والعبور إلى السماء، 1998، ص19- 20.
(117) In Matt. hom., 19:7.
(118) In Matt. hom., 22:4.
(119) On Prayer 26:1.
(120) Morals on Job 7:9,10.
(121) De Principiis 2:6:3.
(122) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(123) Comm. On th Gospels.
(124) Sermons, 234.
(125) Cf. Paschal Letters, 1:7f.
(126) St. Basil: On the Spirit, 62.
(128) منشورات النور: مجموعة الشرع الكنسي، لبنان 1975م، ص865.
(129) Sermon 54:3.
(130) Comm. On Matthew, 32.
(131) Commentary on Matthew, 42.
(132) St. Augustine: On Ps. 5.
(133) St. Augustine: On Ps. 6.
(134) On Ps. 6:1.
(135) 2 Apology, 12. راجع للمؤلف: عطية الموت، 1998.
(136) Boniface Ramsey: Beginning to Read the Fathers, p. 218.
(137) In Ephes. hom. 1.
(139) In Ps. Hom. 1.
(140) In John, hom, 18:4.
(141) Ep. Of Barnabas 10:11,12; St. Clement of Alexandria: Paedag. 3:11; St. Irenaeus: Adv.
(142) Origen: In Lev. Hom. 7:6.
(143) St. Jerome: On Ps. hom. 23.
(144) St. Clement of Alexandria: Stromata 5:8; Paedagogus 3:11.
(145) St. Irenaeus: Adv. Haer. 5:8:4.
(146) Disputation with Manes, 42.
(147) Letters 34:2-4
(148) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(149) J. Vernon MeGee: Deuteronomy, ch. 15.
(150) Homilies on Genesis, hom. 55.
(151) St. Jerome: The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary, 10.
(152) St. Jerome: Letter 107:7.
(153) للمؤلف: من تفسير وتأمُّلات الآباء الأوَّلين: الخروج، أصحاح 21.
Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary, article Slave, Slavery,
New Unger's Bible Dictionary, Moody Press of Chicago, Illinois, article Service,
International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia, article Slave, Slavery,
R. H. Barrow, Slavery in the Roman Empire (1928),
I. Mendelsohn, Slavery in the Ancient Near East (1949),
W. L. Westermann, The Slave Systems of Greek and Roman Antiquity (1955),
M. I. Finley, ed., Slavery in Classical Antiquity (1960),
J. Vogt, Ancient Slavery and the Idea of Man (1974),
N. Turner, Christian Words (1980), p. 389-90.
(154) القمص شنودة السرياني (نيافة الأنبا يوأنس): الكنيسة المسيحيَّة في عصر الرسل، 1971م، صفحة 41.
Schaff: History of the Christian Church, vol. 1, p. 445-6.
(155) Josephus: Antiq. 12:2:2-3.
(156) The New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, p. 889.
(157) J. Hastings: Dictionary of the Apostolic Church, 1954, vol. 2, p. 509.
(158) Council of Gangra Canon 3.
(159) Fr. Tadros Malaty: The Coptic Church "Church of Alexandria,” Melbourne, 1975, p. 77.
(160) Frend: Martyrdom and Persecution in the Early Church, 1965, p. 297.
(161) قوانين الرسل القدِّيسين 4، 7، 46.
(162) فصل 4، (راجع للمؤلِّف: قانون الإيمان للرسل والديداكيَّة ص 36).
(163) Paedagogus 3:12.
(164) Lactantus: Instit. 5:16.
(165) Epistl. ad Polycar. 4.
(166) De Civ. Dei. 19:15.
(167) In Cor., hom. 40.
(168) In 1 Cor. hom 40:5.
(169) In Matt. hom 63:4.
(170) In 1 Cor. hom. 40:5, in Eph. hom 22:2.
(171) De rebus suis 80-82.
(172) De Spiritu Sancto 20:51.
(173) De Beatitudinibus,1.
(174) De Oratione Dominica, 5.
(175) Ibid.
(176) Ibid.
(177) De Beatitudinibus, 3.
(178) Contra Eunomium, 1:35.
(179) Antirrheticus adversus Apollinaruim, 23.
(180) De Hominis Oplficio 16:14 PG. 44:185 A.
(181) De Beatitudinibus, 8.
(182) In Eccles. Hom. 4.
(183) Ibid.
(184) Ibid.
(185) Ibid.
(186) Ibid.
(187) Ibid.
(188) Ibid.
(189) In Sanctum Pascha.
(190) Contra Usurarios.
(191) De Morstuis.
(192) Paschal Letters, 19:1.
(193) Paschal Letters, 6:1.
(194) Joseph Parker: The People’s Bible, vol. 4, Deuteronomy 16:11.
(195) Sermon 13.
(196) St. Jerome: On Ps. hom. 61.
(197) J.A. Thompson: Deuteronomy, 1973, p. 201,202.
(198) J. Vernon McGee: Deuteronomy, ch 17.
(199) St. Jerome: Letter 14:8.
(200) St. Augustine: Letter 48:2.
(201) للمؤلف: الحب الرعوي، 1965، ص230.
(202) المرجع السابق، ص230،231.
(203) المرجع السابق، ص233.
(204) On Ps. 33 (32).
(205) On Ps. hom. 9.
(206) On Ps. hom. 56.
(207) Antiqu. 4:4:4.
(208) De Praemiis Sacerdot.
(209) Cf. St. Jerome: Letter 6:1,2 PL 22:608-9; Commmen. On Melach. 2:3,4 PL 25:1554-5.
(210) Cf. St. Jeromeon Mark 11:1-10, hom. 81 (VII).
(211) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(212) In John, hom. 14:2.
(213) St. Jerome: Against the Pelagians, Book 1,14.
(214) Life of Moses, 6.
(215) Life of Moses, 6.
(216) Life of Moses, 7.
(217) Life of Moses, 8.
(218) Life of Moses, 9.
(219) Life of Moses, 10.
(220) Commentary on Galat.2.
(221) In John, hom. 16.
(222) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tract. 15:23.
(223) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(224) راجع كتاب "الكنيسة تحبك" ترجمة المؤلف.
(225) In 1 Tim. Hom. 15.
(226) St. Augustine: Ps. 56.
(227) St. Augustine: On the Gospel of St. John, tract. 36:10.
(228) Pulpit Commentary, Deuteronomy, p. 331.
(229) St. John Cassian: Institutions, 12:17.
(231) The Beatitudes, Sermon 2.
(232) On Ps 17 (18).
(233) Chapters on Prayer, 135.
(234) Josephus: Antiq. 4:8:16.
(235) St. Jerome: Letter 70:2.
(236) Paedagogos 1:5.
(237) راجع تفسير اللاويين، ص208-209.
(238) In Lev. Hom. 11:2.
(239) De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 25:1-2.
(240) St. Augustine: On Ps. 38.
(241) St. Jerome: Against the Pelagians, Book 1:30.
(242) The People’s Bible, vol. 4, p. 305.
(243) In Matt. Hom. 15:15.
(244) In 1 Cor. hom. 26:4.
(245) Laws 8:839 A.
(246) Laws 8:841 D.
(247) Laws 8:839 A.
(248) Laws 8:841 D.
(249) Paedagogos 2:10:91: David G. Hunter: Marriage in the Early Church, Minneapolis, 1992,
(250) St. Jerome: The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary, 4.
(251) راجع تفسير "دانيال"، ص19.
(252) See The Last Farewell, 17.
(253) Herod. 1:99.
(254) Biblioth. Rab of Bartolocei, vol 4, p. 4450 (Adam Clarke Commentary).
(255) cf In Matt. hom. 17.
(256) Mishna: Gittin, 9:10.
(257) Lightfoot, Hor. Heb. Et Talm, on Matt. 5:31, opptom 2:290 (Pulpit Commentary, Deut., p. 381).
(258) Wsther 9:13,14; Herod. 3:118,119p Ammian: Marcell 23:6; Curtius 6:11.20 etc. Pulpit: Deut., p. 382.
(259) Pulpit Comm., Deuteronomy, p. 394.
(260) LXXl Hiseohus: Antiq. 4:8,23, Matt. 25; Maimon: In Jibbum 2:6-9.
(261) Talmud, Jebam, 106, Maimon, In Jibbum 4:6-8.
(262) St. Ambrose: The Christian Faith, Book 3, 10 (71).
(263) Cassian: Conferences 21:22.
(264) In Defense of His Flight to Pontus.
(265) Eratos th, 31:12.
(266) Polluk 10:97.
(267) De Legg. 11., p. 916E.
(268) Hist. 24:4,12, 26:1,4.
(269) Thomson: Land and the Book, ii, p. 204.
(270) Pulpit Commentary, Deuteronomy, p. 419.
(271) On the Death of His Father, 10.
(272) Talmud Bab. Sotah, c.7; Targum Hierosp in lot; Surenhus, mishna, 3:262.
(273) Commentary on Galat. 3:13.
(274) In Hebr. hom. 14:6.
(275) Life of Moses 287-290.
(276) Josephus: Wars of the Jews, Book 5:10:3; 6:3:3,4; 6:6:2.
(277) Paschal Letters 7.
(278) In Matt. hom. 2:10.
(279) Caes. Hisp. 30; cf Matt. 24:28.
(280) De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 35:2.
(281) Paschal Letters, 10:5.
(282) Josephus. De Bell, Jud. 6:9:2; Philo: Flace and Leg. Ad Laium.
(283) In Hebr. hom. 31:1.
(284) Contra Gentes, 30:1-2.
(285) St. Gregory of Nyssa: On Virginity, ch, 23.
(286) Origen: On Prayer 25:1.
(287) Sermon 150:2.
(288) Sermon 151:5.
(290) Adam Clarke Commentary.
(292) In Heb. Hom 23:8.
(293) Stromata 4:26.
(294) On Ps. hom. 73.
(295) Sermon 1:6.
(296) Discourses Against the Arians, 2:6.
(297) In Matt. hom. 54.
(298) On Ps. hom. 61.
(299) Commentary on Canticle, hom. 1.
(300) On Ps. 17 (16):8.
(301) Commentary on Canticle, 15.
(302) On Ps. hom. 68.
(303) Life of Moses, 268.
(304) In 1 Cor. hom. 39.
(305) In Hebr. hom. 33:8
(306) On Ps. hom. 51.
(307) In Rom. hom. 18.
(308) St. Gregory of Nyssa: Answer to Eunomius’ Second Book.
(309) Sermons on Cant. 4.
(310) Comm. On Cant. 3:8.
(311) St. Augustine: On Ps. 102.
(312) St. Augustine: On Ps. 51.
(313) On Ps. 114:7.
(314) St. Augustine: Letter 219:2.
(315) Discourses Against the Arians, 1:36; 2:10.
(316) Defense of His Flight, 18.
(317) St. Ambrose: Letter 41:19,20.
(318) المؤلف: إشعياء، 1988، ص19-21.
(319) St. Jerome: Letter 109:1.
(320) St. Jerome: Letter 60:6.
(321) Life of Moses, 314-317.
(322) Life of Moses, 318.
(323) Sermons on N.T. Lessons 39:2.
(324) In Num. Hom. 3.
← تفاسير أصحاحات التثنية: مقدمة | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34
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