محتويات: |
(إظهار/إخفاء) |
* تأملات في كتاب
رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل كولوسي: |
(1)John l. McKenzie: Dictionary of the Bible, 1972,p.145.
(2) Josephus: Antiq. 12: 147.
(3)The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p.1333.
(4) Donald Guthrie: New Testament Introduction, 1975, p. 545.
(5)The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p.1333.
(6) Richard Sturz: Studies in Colossians, the Pre-eminent Christ, Chicago, 1955, p. 13.
(7) Richard Sturz: Studies in Colossians, the Pre-eminent Christ, Chicago, 1955, p. 9.
(8)Henerietta C. Mears: What The Bible Is All About, 1987,P.453.
(9) In Colos. Homily 1.
(10)The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 1333.
(11)R. McL. Wilson: The Gnostic Problem;
C. H. Dodd: The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel, p. 97ff; Rudolf Bultmann:
"Gnosis." Bible Keywords, II.)
(12)The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. 1333.
(13)The Author: school of Alexandria, N.J, 1994, P. 122-155.
(14)E.E. Elias: Paul’s use of the old Testament, p. 92.
(15)cf William S. Deal: Bakers Pictorial Introduction to the Bible, 1967,p.366.
(16)Cf. The Collegeville Bible Commentary, 1989, p.1180.
(17) G. Campbell Morgan: An Exposition of the whole Bible, 1959, p. 496.
(18) In Hebr. hom 10: 7.
(19) Hom. On Ephes. Hom 1
(20) Ep. to Ephess. 1:1:4.
(21) Comm. On 1Cor. 1:2 (1:15).
(22) Marius Victorinus: Ep. to Eph., 1.راجع سيرته في قاموس سير القدّيسين.
(23) Ep. to Ephess. 1:1:4, 18.
(24) Commentary on Colossians C f. Ancient Christian Commentary on Scriptures (ACCS).
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(25) Ep. to Ephess. 1:1:4, 18.On his brother Satyrus, 2:124.
(26) Severian of Gabala: Pauline Commentary from the Creek Church.(ACCS)
(27) Interpretation of the letter to the Colossians.(ACCS)
(28) Homilies, 43.(ACCS)
(29) Maximus of Turin; Sermon 96:1.(ACCS)
(30) ACCS.
(31) ACCS.
(32) Letters, 199:12-51.
(33) Against Marcion, 5:19.
(34) Letters, 185: 1-5.
(35) Sermons, 214:11.
(36) راجع الدكتور يوسف سلامة: كولوسي.
(37) Marius Victorianus, On.Ephes. 1:3:14
(38) ACCS.
(39) Of the Holy Spirit, 1:7:89.
(40) Letters, 177:1-5.
(41) cf. City of God 15:6.
(42) Hom on 2 Tim, 4.
(43) Comm. On John 6:32.
(44) Letters, 217:1:3.
(45) Exhortation to Martyrdom, 18.
(46) Explanatory notes for the Ep. To Colossians, hom. 2. PG 62: 337.
(47) Homilies on Song of Songs, 14. ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار
(48) On the Psalms, 77:30.
(49) St. Augustine: Tractates on John, 55:1.
(50) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 59 :1.
(51) Commentary on Rom. 3:24.
(52) On Perfection.
(53) Hom. On Corinth., 5:4.
(54) Ep. To Ephes. 1 (1:7).
(55) Three Different Questions, 74.
(56) De principiis, 1:2:6.
(57) Orations, 30:20.
(58) On The Trinity, 8:49.
(59) Letters, 20.
(60) Discourses Against Arians, 2:21 (63).
(61) Adv. Haer. 22:1.
(62) Of the Christian Faith, 4:100.
(63) On the Trinity, 5:4.
(64) مقالات لطالبي العماد 11: 24.
(65) St. Athanasius: Discourses Against Arians, Book 2,:18:31.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(66) Letters, 20.
(67) الرسالة السادسة.
(68) St. Athanasius: Discourses Against Arians, Book 2.، ص 79 ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(69) Dionysius the Areopagite Celestial Hierarchy, 6.
(70) ركن 5، الباب 2، فصل 1، مقصد 1،2.
(71) Adv. Arian. 1:4:12.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(72) Adv. Arian. 2:21:62.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(73) Adv. Arian. 2:21:71.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(74) ACCS.
(75) ACCS.
(76) Commentary on the Psalms, 66:1.
(77) Letters, 55:2-3.
(78) Demonstrations by Syllogisms, Proof that the Divinity of the Savior is impassible.
(79) On Perfection.
(80) Homilies on Song of Songs, 13.ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار
(81) Rufinius of Aquileia: Apology for Origen, 1:6-7.
(82) Homilies, 27:4. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(83) Comm. on The Gospel of Saint Luke, Sermon 1ترجمة: دكتور نصحي عبد الشهيد
(84) مقالات لطالبي العماد 13: 23.
(85) راجع للمؤلف: الاصطلاحان طبيعة وأقنوم في الكنيسة الأولى، 1987؛ طبيعة المسيح حسب مفهوم الكنيسة الأرثوذكسية غير الخلقدونية.
(86) ACCS.
(87) Of the Christian Faith, 2:9:82.
(88) Homilies on Leviticus, 9:4.
(89) Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron, 14.
(90) Homilies. 16:10.
(91) مقالات لطالبي العماد 13: 33.
(92) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4
(93) Commentary on the Letter to the Colossians.
(94) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4
(95) Letter to Pamachius against John of Jerusalem, 27.
(96) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4
(97) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4
(98) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4.
(99) Sermon on N.T. lessons, 12:5.
(100) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 4.
(101) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.
(102) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.
(103) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.
(104) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.
(105) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.
(106) St. Chrysostom: In Colos., hom 5.
(107) Letters, 1:5.
(108) In Colos hom. 5
(109) In Colos, hom, 5
(110) In Colos, home. 5
(111) Sromata, 5: 12
(112) On Ps. 12.
(113) On Ps. 50.
(114) On Ps. 119.
(115) Cassian: Conferences, 14:16.
(116) On the Trinity, 9:67.
(117) Of the Christian Faith, 42:1 (2).
(118) Letters, 41:25.
(119) الإنجيل بحسب متى، 1982، ص 503.
(120) Stromata 1:11.
(121) Sermon on the Mount, 25.
(122) Homilies on Colossians, homily 5.
(123) مقالات لطالبي العماد 14: 30.
(124) Homilies on Colossians, homily, 6.
(125) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 1:5.
(126) Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.
(127) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 1:5.
(128) Sermons on Song of Songs, 13.
(129) Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.
(130) Stromata 1 :11..
(131) On the Trinity, 8:53.
(132) On the Trinity, 1:13.
(133) Stromata 1:11.
(134) Stromata, 6:8.
(135) Stromata, 6:8.
(136) Stromata, 6:15.
(137) Concerning Virgins, 3:1 (3).
(138) PG 75:1400.
(139) Letters, 17:9.
(140) Homilies, 1:2. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(141) On the Trinity, 9:1-2.
(142) On the Trinity, 2:8.
(143) On the Trinity, 9:8.
(144) On our Lord, 11.
(145) Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.
(146) Comm. on Luke, Sermon 2.
(147) الأب سليم دكاش اليسوعي: الشيخ الروحاني- مجموعة الرسائل الروحية، بيروت 1992، ص83.
(148) Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.
(149) Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.
(150) On the Trinity, 1:9.
(151) Letters, 69:7.
(152) مقالات لطالبي العماد 5: 6.
(153) Isaac or the Soul, 6:53.
(154) Death is Good, 4:15.
(155) Escape from the World, 9:55.
(156) Homilies, 1:7. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(157) On the Trinity, 10: 48.
(158) Letters, 41:8.
(159) On Joseph, 4:19
(160) Hymns on Nativity, 4.
(161) Sermons On John, Book 2, 17.
(162) Sermons On John, Book 6, 10.
(163) Hom. On 1 John, 1:5.
(164) Demonstrations 4 on Monks, 6.
(165) Against Heresies, 5:17:2.
(166) On Ps., 89.
(167) Fragments on his Lost Works, 37.
(168) Hom. On John, 12:19.
(169) Homilies on 1 Cor., homily 24:7.
(170) De. Incarn. 45
(171) Homilies on Colossians, homily 6.
(172) Hom. on Matt., 12:18.
(173) On Resurrection, 2:108.
(174) Homilies on Colossians, homily 7.
(175) Fragments on his Lost Works, 38.
(176) Homilies on New Testament Lessons, 86:3.
(177) Homilies on Colossians, homily 7.
(178) Homilies, 32:4. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(179) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 86:3.
(180)F.C. Bruce: The Epistle of Colossians, 1988, p. 119.
(181) On Repentance, 1:6.
(182) On Ps. 11.
(183) Death is Good, 3:10
(184) Homilies on Colossians, homily 7.
(185) Stromata 3:51.1-3.
(186) Commentary on John, 32:57-59.
(187) Homilies on Colas, hom. 7.
(188) Interpretation to Colossians 2:23.
(189) On Virginity, 77:2.
(190) Demonstrations 6 on Monks, 1.
(191) Escape from the World 7:44.
(192) Homilies on Col., Hom. 7.
(193) City of God, 20:10.
(194) On Ps. 71.
(195) On Ps. 97.
(196) City of God, 20:9.
(197)Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 3 :14.
(198) Hexmarion, Hom. 9:2.
(199) Homilies on Song of Songs, 9. ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار
(200) الأب سليم دكاش اليسوعي: الشيخ الروحاني- مجموعة الرسائل الروحية، بيروت 1992، رسالة 49: 9.
(201) On Ps. 104.
(202) On Creation of Man, 5.
(203) Homilies on Col., Hom. 7.
(204) On Christian Faith 2:12 (103).
(205) Homilies on Col., Hom. 7.
(206) الرسالة 43 عن التوبة ومواساة الخطاة، 24.
(207) On Ps. 124.
(208) Death is Good, 12:56.
(209) On Ps. 123.
(210) On Ps. 37.
(211) Duties of Clergies, 3:5 (36).
(212) Homilies on 2 Cor., Hom. 5:15.
(213) Sermons on John, 4:7.
(214) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 66 :2.
(215) Homilies on 1 Cor., Hom. 7:20.
(216) Letters, 53:2.
(217) 10 Homilies on Epistles of John, 9:2.
(218) Comm. on Luke, Sermon 118.
(219) Sermons on John, 1:16.
(220) Sermons on John, 11:7, 17
(221) Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.
(222) Homilies on Song of Songs, 6. ترجمة الدكتور جورج نوّار
(223) تأملات في مديحه للقديس غريغوريوس النزيانزي (ترجمة القمص إشعياء ميخائيل).
(224) Letters, 22:17.
(225) Adv. Haer. 5:12;3.
(226) Letters, 14:5.
(227) الدساتير، كتاب 7، فصل 21.
(228) الدساتير، كتاب 7، فصل 22.
(229) الدساتير، كتاب 7، فصل 27.
(230) On Ps. 62.
(231) De institutis caenoborum, Book 8:1.
(232) De institutis caenoborum, Book 8:2.
(233) De institutis caenoborum, Book 8:4.
(234) Adv. Haer. 3:5:1.
(235) Introductory Commentary on 1 John.
(236) في سفر النشيد (نش 3:5) يشير النص إلى الانتظار إلى عدم القيام من السرير للسير مع الرب، لكن القديس يستخدمه هنا بمعنى مُغاير.
(237) مقالات لطالبي العماد 3:7.
(238) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 14 :3.
(239) Homilies, 2:2ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(240) Against Eunomius, 4:3.
(241) In Creation of Man, 33.
(242) Against Jovinianus 1:16.
(243) On Trinity 11:49.
(244) Against Eunomius, 2:1.
(245) مقالات لطالبي العماد 1:2.
(246) On Ps. 6.
(247) Sermons on John, 9:14.
(248) الوجودي هو الذي يتبع المذهب القائل بأن الله والوجود أو الإنسان والطبيعة كيان واحد.
(249) Letters, 63:36.
(250) On Virgins 3:5 (24).
(251) Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.
(252) Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.
(253)Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 33:3.
(254) Sermons on N.T. Lessons, 64:3.
(255) Letters, 82:11.
(256) Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.
(257) Ladder, 26:67.
(258) Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.
(259) Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.
(260) Homilies on Col., Hom. 8.
(261) Isaac or the Soul, 8:70.
(262) Paedagogus, 2:4.
(263) Homilies on Col., Hom. 9.
(264) Homilies on Col., Hom. 9.
(265) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(266) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(267) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(268) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(269) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(270) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(271) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(272) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(273) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(274) Stromata, 5:10.
(275) Letters, 109:3.
(276) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(277) Homilies on Col., Hom. 10.
(278) Letters, 125:1.
(279) Letters, 125:1.
(280) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(281) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(282) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(283) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(284) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(285) Homilies on Col., Hom. 11.
(286) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(287) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(288) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(289) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(290) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
(291) Homilies on Col., Hom. 12.
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