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تفسير الكتاب المقدس - العهد القديم - القمص تادرس يعقوب

سلسلة "من تفسير وتأملات الآباء الأولين"

مراجع شرح سفر ميخا




* تأملات في كتاب ميخا:
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نص سفر ميخا: ميخا 1 | ميخا 2 | ميخا 3 | ميخا 4 | ميخا 5 | ميخا 6 | ميخا 7 | سفر ميخا كامل

(1) Cf. The Collegeville Bible Commentary, Minnesota, 1989, p. 510-511.

(2) Cf. Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Chicago, 1966, p. 851-852.

  The Jerome Biblical Commentary, London, 1970, p.283.

(3) The Collegeville Bible Commentary, Minnesota, 1989, p. 509-510.

(4) Cf. Henerietta Mears: What the Bible is All About, chapter 23.

(5) The Collegeville Bible Commentary, Minnesota, 1989, p.  511.

(6) The Jerome Biblical Commentary, London, 1970, p.283.

(7) J.H. Raven: Old Testament Introduction, 1910, p. 229 ff.         Image: References, books and footnotes صورة: مراجع، كتب، و حواشي Image: References, books and footnotes.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: مراجع، كتب، و حواشي.

(8)  Letter, 45.

(9) In Thess., hom 5.

(10) Cf. Theodoret of Cyrus Commentary on Isaiah 1:2.

(11) In John, homily 20: 152-156.

(12) In Genesis, homily 4: 5.

(13) Life of Pachomius (Coptic-Bohairic) 1: 155.

(14)  Commentary on Micah 1: 1:  4.

(15) Letter to Marcella, 40:1.

(16) Letter 62: 1.

(17) Homilies on Matthew, homily 38:2.

(18) Homilies on Matthew, homily 14:6.

(19) Homilies on Matthew, homily 14:6.

(20)  تأملات في مديح للقديس غريغوريوس النزينزي.

(21)  عظة 7: 3.

(22) In 1 Corinth., hom. 9:8.

(23) Homilies on Ezekiel, homily 18 (2: 6).

(24) Cassian: Institutes, 7:1-2.

(25) الأب الياس كويتر المخلصي: القديس باسيليوس الكبير، منشورات المكتبة البولسية، بيروت، 1989، ص 96.

(26) الأب الياس كويتر المخلصي: القديس باسيليوس الكبير، منشورات المكتبة البولسية، بيروت، 1989، ص 115.

(27) Cassian: Institutes, 7:7-8.

(28) Cassian: Institutes, 7:23.

(29) Against Noetus, 15.

(30) On Ps. 138.       . LXX معناها سبعون، وتشير إلى الترجمة السبعينية

(31) St. Cassian: Conferences, 24:24 .

(32) Flight  from the World 5: 31.

(33) Hamilieson Ps. 60.

(34) Commentary on Isaiah 28:7.

(35) Commentary on Micah 1: 2: 13.

(36) Homilies on John, 52.

(37) Commentary on Micah 3: 1-4 PG 81: 1756.

(38) Homily 2 on Ps.5.

(39) Comm. On Ps.18.

(40) Homilies on Jer., hom. 19: 14: 9.

(41) Fragments from the catena, 15 (F. of the Church, vol. 97)

(42) Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron, 11: 8.

(43) James M. Freeman: Manners and Customs of the Bible, 1972, article 612.

(44) cf. St. John Chrysostom: Homilies on Second Corinthians, Homily 24:3.

(45) St. John Chrysostom: the Gospel of St. Matthew, Homily 68:1.

(46) Commentary on Micah 1: 3: 11.

(47) In defense of His Flight to Pontus, 2: 58.

(48) Theodoret of Cyrus, Commentary on Isaiah 2:2.

(49) PG 70:68D.

(50) PG 16:3.

(51) Commentary on Isaiah 2:2

(52) Tertullian: On Modesty

(53) St. Augustine: City of God 18:30.

(54) St. Athanasius: letter 59 to Epictetus, 2.

(55) On Ps 48

(56) City of God, 18: 30.

(57) Sibylline Oracle, 8: 299-300.

(58) Epitome of the Divine Institutes, 4: 17.

(59) Euripides Hippolytus.       اقتبسها من ايريبيدس هيبولتيس 612

(60) Apology 1: 39.

(61)  يوجه القديس يوستين حديثه لقضاة روما وشعبها.

(62) Commentary on Isaiah 2:2.

(63) Oration on the Holy Baptism, 25.

(64) Commentary on Micah 4: 1-3.

(65) Commentary on Micah 4: 13.

(66) Commentary on Isaiah 2:3.

(67) St. Irenaeus: Against Heresies, 4:34:4.

(68) The Incarnation of the Word, NPNF, Vol. 4, p. 64.

(69) James M. Freeman: Manners and Customs of the Bible, 1972, article 613.

(70) Jacob and the Happy Life, 2: 13.

(71) Banquet on the Ten Virgins 10: 5.

(72) On Paradise 1: 2.

(73) Commentary on Micah 2:4:5.

(74) Dialogue with Trypho, 110.

(75) Commentary on Micah.

(76) Commentary on Micah.

(77) Commentary on Micah.

(78) Commentary on Micah.

(79) Commentary on Micah  5:1 PG 71:709-712.

(80) St. John Chrysostom: the Gospel of St. Matthew, Homily 7:2.

(81) Tertullian: An Answer to the Jews, 13.

(82) St. Jerome: Letter 108:10.

(83) Homilies on Leviticus Homily 8: 4:3.

(84) On Ps 45.

(85) Sermon 373:4.

(86) Commentary on Micah.

(87) Dialogues 1.

(88) Letters, 151.

(89) Marius victorinus: Epistle ti the Ephesiaus 10: 2: 17.

ماريوس فيكتورينوس (حوالي 280-355م): عالِم نحو قام بترجمة أعمال الأفلاطونيين، وإذ قبل الإيمان مؤخرًا (حوالي 355م) استخدم ذلك ضد الأريوسيين.

(90) Homilies on Matthew, homily 25: 1.

(91) St. Hippolytus of Rome: Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, 57.

(92) On Ps 45.

(93) Victorinus of Petau: Commentary on Apocalypse, from seventh chapter, 8..

(94) On Ps 50.

(95) Cassiodorus: Exposition of the Psalms 134:14.

(96) Against the Arians and on Himself, Oration 33:2.

(97) St. John Chrysostom: the Gospel of St. Matthew, Homily 68:2.

(98) Cf. Letter 41:24.

(99) Flight from the world, 6:33.

(100) Stromata 3:16:101.

(101) On Isaiah 1:11 Commentary.

(102) Origen: De Principiis, 3:1:6..

(103) St. Augustine: City of God 10:5.

(104) Sermon 48:2.

(105) On Purity, 2.

(106) Flight from the world, 6:33.

2 Homily 2 on Ps. 5.

(107) Theodore of Mopsuestia: Commentary on Micah 6:6:8.

4 Concerning Statues, 3: 12.

2 Concerning Statues, 3: 12.

3 On Ps 140.

3 Homily 2 on Ps. 5.

(108) Concerning Statues, 2: 14.

(109) Homilies on Jeremiah, 15:3:2.

(110) The Prayer of Job and David, 2:5:18.

(111) St. Ambrose: Concerning Repentance, 2:7 (52).

(112) On Ps. 12.

(113) St. John Chrysostom: The Gospel of St. John, Homily 64:4.

(114) On Psalm 120.

(115) St. Cassian: Conferences 17:20.

(116) St. Cassian: Conferences 9:35.

(117) On the Holy Lights, Oration 39:15.

(118) St. John Chrysostom: The Gospel of St. Matthew, Homily 35:2.

(119) On Ps. 146.

(120) Homily 55 on Ps. 145.

(121) Exposition on the Psalms 37:15.

(122) St. Ambrose: Concerning Repentance, 2:8 (78).

(123) The long Rules, 55.

(124) On Ps. 46.

(125) On Ps 100.

(126) Explanation of the Psalms 114:5.

(127) St. Ambrose: Concerning Repentance, 1:13 (60).

(128) De Synods, part 3, 49.

(129) St. John Chrysostom: The Paralytic Let Down Through the Roof, 6.

(130) Four Discourses Against the Arians, 2:67.

(131) On the Incomprehensible Nature of God, homily 10: 23.

(132) Letter 45.

(133) Homilies on the Gospel of Luke, 23:5.

(134) St. Jerome: Letter 69:6.                     Divider فاصل - موقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت

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