محتويات: |
(إظهار/إخفاء) |
* تأملات في كتاب
دانيال + تتمة السفر: |
(1) Cf. G. Coleman Luck: Daniel, 1958, p.7.
(2) See Bethany Parallel commentary on the Old Testament, 1985, p. 1764.
(3) Cf. Baker’s Pictorial Introduction to the Bible, 1967, p. 196.
(4) Adv. Haer. 4:20:11.
(5) PL 25:61.
(6) Boyd's Bible Handbook, p. 397.
(7) القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: إعجاز الوحي والنبوة في سفر دانيال، ص 69.
(8) The Long Rules: Preface.
(9) ANRrs., vol. 5, p. 177.
(10) Boyd's Bible Handbook, p. 307.
(11) الأنبا ديسقورس الأسقف العام: بحث في تفسير المعادلات الزمنية التي في سفر دانيال؛ القمص بيشوي كامل: دانيال صديق الملائكة، إبريل 1879..
(12) Boyd's Bible Handbook, p. 311-2..
(13) منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، ج 4، ص 337.
(14) John Calvin: A Commentary on Daniel (Banner of Truth Trust), Oxford 1985, p. 40.
(15) Ibid, p. 42.
(16) Hieraphant, N.Y 1844, p. 109.
(17) Cf. J.E.H. Thomson, "Daniel” in Pulpit Commentary, p xliii; Robert H. Pfeiffer: Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 755
(18) Angelo Di Berardino: Encyclopedia of the Early Church, Oxford 1992, vol. 2, p.704.
(19) De vir illus. 81, Ep. 70
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(20) H.E. 3:23
(21) H.E. 8:14
(22) Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 282.
(23) PG 25:619-620.
(24) J.H. Raven: O.T. Introduction, p. 319.
(25) Coleman Luck: Daniel, Moody Press, 1958, p. 9ff.
(26) القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: اعجاز الوحي والنبواة في سفر دانيال.
Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 1162.
(27) W.A. Criswell: Expository Sermons on the Book of Daniel, vol.1, p. 31.
(28) Cf. Robert Dick Wilson: Book of Daniel 1SBE, 2, p.785.
(29) Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 282.
(30) دائرة المعارف الكتابية: بند دانيال.
(31) Cf. Dr. Kitto: Encyclopedia of Biblical Literature; p. 620.
(32) cf. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, p. 1124-26
(33) Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 284.
(34) القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: إعجاز الوحي والنبوة في سفر دانيال، 1995، ص 29.
(35) Boyd’s Bible Handbook, Oregon 1983, p. 307.
(36) القس عبد المسيح البسيط أبو الخير: إعجاز الوحي والنبوة في سفر دانيال، ص 46 إلخ.
(37) J.F. Walvoord: Daniel, The Key to prophetic Revelation, p. 20-21.
(38) Against Apion 1:8.
(39) القس عبد المسيح البسيط أبو الخير، ص 34،35.
(40) R.K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, p 1107.
(41) Ibid 1118.
(42) Antiquities 7:11:8.
(43) Gleanson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, 1982, p. 284.
(44) Raven: O.T. Introduction, p. 319-320.
(45) New Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, p. 655
(46) Josephus: Contra Apionem 1:19; Antiq. 10:11:1.
(47) PL 25:623.
(48) PL 25:623-4
(49) W.A. Criswell: Expository Sermons on The Book of Daniel, vol. 1.
(50) PL 25:625B
(51) Scholia on Daniel 1:8.
(52) PL 25:625A.
(53) Scholia on Daniel 1:12.
(54) PL 25:625C.
(55) PL 25:625C
(56) PL 25:625C.
(57) منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدَّس، ج 4، ص 329.
(58) G. Goleman Luck: Daniel, P. 26.
(59) Antiquites., book 10.
(60) PL. 25:627.
(61) PL. 25:627E-628
(62) Cf. A Treatise on the Soul, 4-7
(63) PL 25: 628D.
(64) PL 25: 628D.
(65) The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 12, ch. 9.
(66) Stromata 1: 4.
(67) Ibid.
(68) Ibid 1: 5.
(69) Scholia on Daniel 2: 3.
(70) Scholia on Daniel 2: 10.
(71) The Pulpit Commentary, Daniel, p.70.
(72) W. A. Criswell, vol. 2, p. 62.
(73) W. A. Criswell, vol. 2, p. 63.
(74) G. H. Lange: The Histories and Prophecies of Daniel, p.76.
(75) Chr. Wordworth: Holy Bible with notes and introduction, p. 8.
(76) Adv. Haer. 5:26:1
(77) AN Frs. Vol. s, P. 178.
(78) Ibid. 179.
(79) Adv. Haer. 3: 21: 7.
(80) Sermon 169:6.
(81) In Exod. hom. 6:12.
(82) On the Baptism of Christ.
(83) Scholia on Daniel 2:49.
(84) l Cor. 45:4-7.
(85) On Idolatry, 15.
(86) On Ps. hom. 55
(87) Institutes, Book 5:14
(88) On Prayer, 16:3.
(89) On Prayer, 16:3.
(90) Exhortation to Martyrdom 33.
(91) On Prayer, 29
(92) Scholia on Daniel, 3:16.
(93) Scholia on Daniel, 3:39.
(94) Scholia on Daniel, 3:79.
(95) Epistle, 80:3.
(96) Epistle, 80:3
(97) Epistle, 55:5.
(98) Treatise, 11:11.
(99) On Renunciation of the World.
(100) The Long Rules, Q.16.
(101) Sermons for Christmas 1:13.
(102) On Detatchment.
(103) Second Discourse on Ps 33 (34).
(104) Third Discourse on Ps 36 (37).
(105) PL 25:644 B.
(106) Ibid.
(107) cf. the New Bible Commentary, Eerdmans, 1971, p.693.
(108) The New Bible Commentary, p. 693.
(109) PL 25:646.
(110) PL 25:647C.
(111) Ibid.
(112) Sermon 31:3.
(113) PL 25:649.
(114) PL 25:649A.
(115) The Bethany Parallel Commentary on the O.T., p. 1779.
(116) PL 25:650.
(117) Ibid.
(118) منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، ج 4، ص335.
(119) On Patience 13.
(120) منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس 1988، ج 4، ص325.
(121) Contra Apionem 1:20.
(122) PL 25:652.
(123) Bethany Parallel Commentary on the O.T., p. 1780.
(124) Institutes, Preface.
(125) G. L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, p.286.
(126) Today’s Dictionary of the Bible; Bethany Parallel Commentary on O.T., p. 1780.
(127) قاموس الكتاب المقدس، ص 208.
(128) W.A. Griswell, p.38-40.
(129) PL 25:652.
(130) PL 25:652A, 653.
(131) PL 25:653
(132) The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 12, ch. 11.
(133) منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدس، ص4، ص337.
(134) PL 25:653B.
(135) PL 25:657.
(136) PL 25:653-5.
(137) PL 25:655.
(138) St. Jerome: Comm. on Daniel, PL 25:651D.
(139) القس عبد المسيح بسيط أو الخير، ص63،64.
(140) PL 25:651D.
(141) دار منهل الحياة: موسوعة الكتاب المقدس، ص147.
(142) Cyrop. 1:5;8:7.
(143) Cyrop. 8:5,19
(144) A New Catholic Commentary on Holy Scripture, Nelson 1959, p. 661.
(145) منشورات النفير: تفسير الكتاب المقدَّس، ج 4، ص 338.
(146) PL 25:658B.
(147) E. Schurer: A History of the Jewish People in the Time of Jesus Christ, 2, I p. 290, n. 248.
(148) PL 25:659.
(149) PL 25:660A.
(150) PL 25:660A.
(151) PL 25:660A.
(152) PL 25:660A.
(153) PL 25:660A..
(154) PL 25:660A..
(155) PL 25:660A..
(156) On Prayer, ch 13:4.
(157) On Prayer, ch 16:3.
(158) The Literal Meaning of Genesis, Book 15:24.
(159) PL 25:662.
(160) R. K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, Eerdmans 1988, p. 1127.
(161) Cf. R. K. Harrison: Introduction to the Old Testament, Eerdmans 1988, p. 1126ff.
(162) Cf. J.G. Eichhorn: Einleitung in das (Altes Testament), 1823 ed, IV, p. 483 ff; S. Davidson: Introduction to the Old Testament, 1862, III, p. 207; R. H. Charles: A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, p. 167 ff.
(163) J.C. Whitcomb: Darius the Mede, p.68 ff.
(164) H. H. Rowley: Darius the Mede and the Four World Empires in the Book of Daniel, p.58.
(165) D. J. Wiseman. Christianity Today, II, no 4 (1957), p.10.
(166) See Clarence Larkin: The Book of Revelation, 1919, p. 111.
(167) PL 25:663A, B; 664
(168) PL 25:664.
(169) PL 25:664.
(170) PL 25:664
(171) AN Frs., vol. 5. p. 178, 209.
(172) PL 25:664C.
(173) Clarence Larkin: The Book of Revelatien, 1919, p. 109.
(174) PL 25:665.
(175) Ibid 109.
(176) AN Frs., vol. 5. p. 178-9.
(177) Clarence Larkin, p. 110.
(178) PL 25:666.
(179) PL 25:666.
(180) PL 25:666.
(181) PL 25:666.
(182) AN Frs., vol. 5. p. 178.
(183) منشورات النفير: دراسات في الكتاب المقدَّس، ج4، ص 344.
(184) PL 25:667A-668.
(185) PL 25:670-671.
(186) PL 25:671.
(187) John Calvin: A Commentary on Daniel, 1986, vol. 2, Oxford, p. 26.
(188) Ibid 27.
(189) Paed. 3:3.
(190) On Ps. hom.. 26.
(191) PL 25:669D.
(192) In Gen. hom. 13:4.
(193) Comm. on John, book 5,7.
(194) On On Ps. hom. 14.
(195) PL 25:669D.
(196) Cf. An Answer to the Jews, 14.
(197) Adv. Haer. 3:19:3.
(198) Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, 26.
(199) 1Cor. 34:7,5.
(200) On Virginity, ch. 24.
(201) Paed. 2:11.
(202) PL 25:671,671A.
(203) PL 25:671.
(204) AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 179.
(205) Cf. AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 179.
(206) القس عبد المسيح بسيط، ص 116.
(207) Cf. AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 180.
(208) Cf. AN Frs., vol. 5., p. 180.
(209) PL 25:674.
(210) PL 25:674.
(211) PL 25:675C.
(212) المتنيح القس منسى يوحنا: كتاب حل مشاكل الكتاب المقدس 1982، ص112 إلخ.
(213) PL 25:677F.
(214) Boyd’s Bible Handbook, p. 309.
(215) Boyd’s Bible Hand book, p.309.
(216) PL 25:677F.
(217) القس عبد المسيح بسيط أبو الخير: إعجاز الوحي والنبوة في سفر دانيال، ص 62.
(218) PL 25:678.
(219) PL 25:678.
(220) PL 25:678-679.
(221) PL 25:679.
(222) PL 25:679.
(223) PL 25:679 A,B.
(224) PL 25:680.
(225) PL 25:680.
(226) PL 25:680A.
(227) PL 25:680A.
(228) De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 40:2.
(229) De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 40:1-4.
(230) Bethany Parallel Commentary on the O.T., p.1798; The Treasury of the Old Testament.
(231) De Incarnatione Verbi Dei, 39:1-3.
(232) Bethany, p. 1764.
(233) دانيال صديق الملائكة، ص 67.
(234) J. Barton Payne: Encyclopedia of Biblical Prophecy, p.383.
(235) Gleson L. Archer: Encyclopedia of Bible Difficulties, p. 290.
(236) Cf. A N Frs, vol. 6, p.134-35.
(237) Bethany parallel Commentary on the O.T., p.1799.
(238) Cf. A N Frs, vol. 5, p.180 -1.
(239) Clarence Larkin: The Book of Revelation, 1919, p. 52.
(240) Cf. A N Frs, vol. 5, p.185.
(241) PL 25:684 - 686B.
(242) PL 25:691 - 694.
(243) PL 25, 694 - 695.
(244) A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Book of Daniel, p. 392.
(245) Bethany Parallel Commentary on O.T., p. 1802.
(246) On Renunciation of the World
(247) The long Rules, Q. 16.
(248) PL 25:696F.
(249) Bethany Parallel Commentary on O.T., p. 1802.
(250) AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 182.
(251) PL 25: 697G.
(252) PL 25: 697G.
(253) Cassian: conf. 9: 34.
(254) PL 25: 699.
(255) PL 25: 700A, B.
(256) PL 25: 700B.
(257) PL 25: 700B.
(258) C. Larkine: The Book of Revelation, p. 113.
(259) St. Justin: Apol. 1: 10.
(260) PL 25: 701.
(261) PL 25: 703.
(262) PL 25: 703.
(263) PL 25: 706.
(264) PL 25: 707.
(265) PL 25: 717.
(266) PL 25: 716.
(267) AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 183.
(268) PL 25: 719B.
(269) PL 25: 721.
(270) PL 25: 723.
(271) Scholia on Daniel, 12: 11.
(272) PL 25: 725
(273) Sermon 7: 4.
(274) On Ps. hom. 56.
(275) Adv. Haer. 4: 26: 1.
(276) AN Frs., vol. 5, p. 180-1.
(277) PL 25: 726 - 727.
(278) PL 25: 729.
(279) PL 25: 728 A-B.
(280) PL 25: 729.
(281) PL 25: 730.
(282) PL 25: 730 B.
(283) John Calvin: A Commentary on Daniel, Oxford 1986,. p. 392.
(284) عن الثالوث 75:9، ترجمة الدكتور إميل ماهر اسحق.
(285) الدكتور إميل ماهر إسحق: موعد المجيء الثاني، 1966، ص18.
(286) Adv. Haer 5:33-35.
(287) Instr. 2:35:8ff.
(288) PL 5:303.
(289) Inst 7:24.
(290) للمؤلف الآباء الرسوليين، 1995، ص 210 [ديداكية 4:16-7].
(291) Ep. to Philippians, 7:1.
(292) Dial. cum. Trypho, 110.
(293) Adv. Haer. 5:25:1.
(294) In 2 Thess. hom.3.
(296) De. Resurr. 24.
(297) Exhort. ad Martyr.
(298) De Fuga 12; cf De An. 50; De Resur. 25.
(299) J. Wendland: Miracles and Chrlstianianity. 1911, p 53f.
(300) See Gomm. on John 2:4.
(301) Brain E. Daley: The Hope of the Early Church, A Handbook of Patristic Eschatolology, Cambridge, 1990, p. 38ff.
(302) De Christo et Antichristo, 6:49.
(303) Ibid 30-36.
(304) Ibid 49-63.
(305) Ibid 64f; 44f.
(306) Ibid 64.
(307) Ibid 65.
(308) Ad Anti Christo, 14.
(309) Adv. Haer 5:30:2.
(310) Carmen 825-36; Instructions 1:41:50.
(311) Carmen 837-41; 891-926.
(312) Instructions 1:41:13-20.
(313) Epist. Pasch. 10:7.
(314) Depositio Arii 1.
(315) Ibid 5.
(317) St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:9.
(318) St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:9.
(319) St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:11.
(320) St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:12.
(321) St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:13.
(322) St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:14.
(323) St. Cyril of Jerusalem: Lect. Cath. 15:15.
(324) Institutiones, 16.
(325) Ibid
(326) Ibid 17.
(327) Ibid 19.
(328) Ibid 17.
(329) Ibid 17-19.
(330) Ibid 20.
(331) Ibid 21
(332) Ibid.
(333) Ibid .
(334) Ibid 24.
(335) Beatus 2:6:82; Sanders 243.
(336) Beatus 6:3:38; Sanders 478.
(337) Beatus 6:3:38; Sanders 478f
(338) Lib. Reg.1; Burkitt 4:21-23.
(339) Beatus 5:6:6; Sanders 423.
(340) Beatus: Praef: 4:12; Sanders 8.
(341) Beatus 5:10:36ff; Sanders 443.
(342) Beatus 7:2:21; Sanders 522.
(343) Beatus 7:2:15; Sanders 522.
(344) In 2 Thess. hom 4.
(345) 33, In 2 Thess hom. 3.
(346) 34.2 Thess. hom.3.
(347) 37. of the Holy Spirit 3:7.
(348) In Joan. hany 29:8.
(349) On Ps. 107:33.
(350) Enarr in Ps. 37:9-12; conf. 12:10:10; 12:11:13; Epistle 55:17f.
(351) On Dan. 11:35
(352) Comm. on Daniel 2:7:7f; 2:7:11; 4:11:21.
(353) Dial. 2:14:4
(354) Hom. 4:4.
(355) Hom.15;52.
(356) Hom. 34.
(357) Hom. 52.
(358) Hom. 18.
(359) Hoskier 217:19-24.
(360) Hoskier 219:1-15.
(361) Hoskier 219: 13-19; 220:19-27.
(362) Hoskier 225:14-20.
(363) Hoskier 131:3-13ff; 128ff; 155:12ff.
(364) Hymn 50:6-14.
(365) str. 7.
(366) str. 9-10.
(367) str. 17.
(368) str. 18.
(369) str. 19.
(370) Schmid 79:3.
(371) Ibid 35:7.
(372) Ibid 142:5-10.
(373) Ibid 137:1; 18:18-21; 202:5f.
(374) Ibid 181:6-9; 202:8-13.
(375) Ibid 216:13-18; 221:15-222:6.
(376) Expositio Fidei (Kotter, Berlin 1973, 232:23).
(377) Ibid 233:39-43.
(378) Ibid 233:44-47.
(379) Ibid 233:47-234:52
(380) Ibid 233:31ff.
(381) الأرشمندريت أدريانوس شكور: المئة مقالة في الإيمان الأرثوذكسي، 1991، ص273-274.
(382) Vita 4:65 PL 75:214 A15- B5.
(383) Hom. in Ev. 1:1:1 PL 76: 1077c ff.
(384) Epistle 3:29 (April 593 AD).
(385) Ep.11:37.
(386) Ep.11:37.
(387) Ep. 11:37.
(388) Bishop Hurd: On Prophecy, vol 2., p28.
(389) Pulpet Commentary, Vol. 21 (2 Thess.) p. 54.
(390) Cf. Victor H. Matthews: Manners and Customs, article: Daniel; Freeman: Manners and Customs of the Holy Bible,1991.
دار منهل الحياة: موسوعة الكتاب المقدس، لبنان، ص310-312.
(391) A. Edersheim: The Temple, 1976, p.69.
(392) Five Ancient Monarchies, vol. 3, p.20.
(393) Smith Dict. of the Bible
(394) Antiquities 7:12:3.
(395) Five Ancient Monarchies, vol.1, p. 537-8.
(396) Smith, Dict. Greek and Roman Ant.
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