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The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant (Matthew 18:23-34): Pay me that thou owest: "But that servant went out and found one of his fellow servants who owed him a hundred denarii; and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, ‘Pay me what you owe!’ So his fellow servant fell down at his feet and begged him, saying, ‘Have patience with me, and I will pay you all.’ And he would not, but went and threw him into prison till he should pay the debt." - from: Christ's Object Lessons, by Ellen G. White, 1900.

مثل العبد القاسي (متى 18: 23-34): ولما خرج ذلك العبد وجد واحدا من العبيد رفقائه، كان مديونا له بمئة دينار، فأمسكه وأخذ بعنقه قائلا: أوفني ما لي عليك. فخر العبد رفيقه على قدميه وطلب إليه قائلا: تمهل علي فأوفيك الجميع. فلم يرد بل مضى وألقاه في سجن حتى يوفي الدين" - من كتاب دروس المسيح الموضوعية، إلين ج. وايت، 1900 م.

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