Image: sweet bible Ru 02 09

Ruth threshed the barley she had gathered and took it home to Naomi. It was a large amount, about 30 pounds (13 kilograms). She also brought Naomi the food leftover from the meal she had with Boaz and the harvesters. (Ruth 2: 17-18) - Ruth, Bible illustrations by James Padgett (1931-2009), published by Sweet Media.

"وخبطت ما التقطته فكان نحو إيفة شعير. فحملته ودخلت المدينة. فرأت حماتها ما التقطته. وأخرجت وأعطتها ما فضل عنها بعد شبعها" (راعوث 2: 17-18) - صور سفر راعوث، رسم جيمز بادجيت (1931-2009)، إصدار شركة سويت ميديا.

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