Hannah Honors her Vow
Gratefully, Hannah has returned to the temple in Shiloh and to Eli, the high priest. As thanks to the Lord, she has her servants bring three calves, three bushels of flour, and a bottle of wine. But her most important gift is her son, Samuel, whom she vowed she would consecrate to the Lord. Eli, seated behind the altar and the Ark of the Covenant, accepts these gifts on behalf of the Lord and receives Samuel into the ranks of the priesthood. (1 Kings 1:21–28) - Morgan Bible (image 201), medieval illuminated manuscript, 13th century.
- نسخة مورجان للكتاب المقدس (صورة 201)، مخطوطة مزخرفة من العصور الوسطى، القرن الثالث عشر.