Image: morgan bible 13r s2

The Sign of the Fleece
Again, Gideon asks the Lord for a sign to confirm that he shall deliver Israel. He leaves a wool fleece on the floor overnight. If in the morning there is dew on the fleece only, and the ground is dry, he will know that he has the Lord's favor. Indeed, come morning, the fleece alone is wet with dew, as Gideon requested. He wrings the dew from the fleece and collects it in a vessel. With a golden trumpet, Gideon calls messengers and charges them to assemble an army. (Judges 6:34–38)

- Morgan Bible (image 124), medieval illuminated manuscript, 13th century.

- نسخة مورجان للكتاب المقدس (صورة 124)، مخطوطة مزخرفة من العصور الوسطى، القرن الثالث عشر.

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