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"Aaron's Rod Bears Almonds", Aaron's Rod Budded and Blossomed. Woodcut by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld from the 1860 Die Bibel in Bildern. As reprinted in the 1897. Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us: Containing 400 Illustrations from the Old and New Testaments: With brief descriptions by Charles Foster with the caption: "Moses holds some sticks, or rods, in his hands. The men that we see in the picture brought them to him. After they had brought them Moses wrote the name of each man on his rod. On one rod the name of Aaron was written. Then he put them into the tabernacle, and left them there all night to see what would happen to them. Now we know that rods cannot grow after they have been cut off from the tree. But one of these rods did grow. For in the morning, when Moses brought them all out to show them to the men, one of them had budded and blossomed and had almonds growing on it. We see the rod in Moses' hand. It was the rod that had Aaron's name on it. God made this rod to grow so that the people might know Aaron was the one he had chosen for his high-priest. For the wicked men who would not mind Moses and Aaron had said that Aaron ought not to be high-priest. So Moses put that rod back into the tabernacle to keep it there always." - from "Bible Pictures" book, by W. A. Foster, 1897.

- من كتاب "صور الكتاب المقدس"، و. أ. فوستر، 1897 م.

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