Image: Moseslaw

Moses breaks the two tablets of Testimony - Moses remained on the mountain for 40 days and when he got down, he saw the people adoring a gold calf and then he became very angry and broke the two tablets of Testimony. “So it was, as soon as he came near the camp, that he saw the calf and the dancing. So Moses' anger became hot, and he cast the tablets out of his hands and broke them at the foot of the mountain. Then he took
the calf which they had made, burned it in the fire, and ground it to powder; and he scattered it on the water and made the children of Israel drink it.”
(Exodus 32:19,20) - Bible Clip Arts from NHP.

موسى يكسر لوحي الشريعة - ظل موسى على الجبل مع الله 40 يوماً وعندما نزل وجد الشعب يعبدون العجل الذهبي فحمي غضبه وكسر لوحي الشريعة. "وكان عندما اقترب إلى المحلة أنه أبصر العجل والرقص، فحمي غضب موسى، وطرح اللوحين من يديه وكسرهما في أسفل الجبل. ثم أخذ العجل الذي صنعوا وأحرقه بالنار، وطحنه حتى صار ناعما، وذراه على وجه الماء، وسقى بني إسرائيل" (سفر الخروج 32: 19-20) - صور الإنجيل من إن إتش بي.

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