A domestic cat came in, and saw the animal, and ran after it, the animal ran till it stopped because of some boxes blocking the way, then it faced the cat courageously.. And stepped forward lifting its chest.. The cat backed off, but kept following the animal and stopping, and so on.. The animal climbed up a window, and was bumping on the glass trying to get out..
ثم دخل قط أليف، ورأى الحيوان، وأسرع وراءه، فجرى الحيوان، وتوقف عند بعض الصناديق لا يعرف من أين يخرج، ثم واجَه القط بشجاعة.. وتقدم نحوه، ورفع صدره.. فتراجع القط، ولكنه ظل يلاحقه ثم يتوقف، وهكذا.. وصعد الحيوان على النافذة، وهو يتخبط في الزجاج ويحاول الخروج..
All photographs by Michael Ghaly for
St-Takla.org, April-June 2008
It was so afraid trying to
run away, seems it came in at night and got stuck there..
which made me wonder about the cleanliness of this restaurant in
I took the chance that everyone was out, and opened a door and one of the windows, and chased the animal to get out.. The plan succeeded, and the animal escaped.. At the very same moment the man entered, then I looked through the window in a stupid way as if I was watching the scenes around.. He was looking to try to find the animal, and I was like as if I knew nothing, then they got me the food, I ate it quietly and left..
فاستغليت فرصة خروج الجميع، وفتحت الباب، وأحد الشبابيك، وبدأت أطارد الحيوان ليخرج.. ونجحت الخطة، وهرب الحيوان.. ثم في نفس اللحظة دخل الرجل، فنظرت من الزجاج بطريقة بلهاء كأنني أشاهد الطبيعة من النافذة.. وهو ينظر ويحاول أن يرى أين هو الحيوان، وأنا وكأنني لا أدرى شيئاً، ثم جاء الطعام، فتناولته في هدوء وخرجت..
All photographs by Michael Ghaly for
St-Takla.org, April-June 2008
It looks so nice, and has a long tail, longer than its body (the tail could be more than 70 cm.) شكله جميل جداً، وله ذيل طويل أطول من جسمه، ربما يكون الذيل أطول من 70 سم
The people working there
wanted to catch the poor thing, they said to keep it.. Later
someone told me they mainly wanted to take its fur! But we
managed to smuggle it from the door :)
![]() 113- Smaller than a Tiger?!! !!أصغر من النمر؟ |
Feast of St. Taklahimanot in His Monastery |
![]() 115- Come the third day! !تعال في اليوم الثالث |
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