محتويات: |
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* تأملات في كتاب
رسالة بولس الرسول إلى أهل غلاطية: |
(1) A New Catholic commentary on Holy Scripture, Nelson, 1969, p.1173.
(2) The College Ville Bible Commentary, 1989, p. 1069.
(3) The NIV Study Bible, p. 1779.
(4) The New American Bible, p. 198.
(5) Chapter 1 (N & PN Frs., Vol. 13).
(6) See Henerieta C. Mears: What the Bible is all about, Illinois,1987.
(7) Unger's Survey of the Bible, 1981, p. 285.
(8) John L. Mckenzie: Dict. of the Bible, 1965, p. 293.
(9) Victor Paul Furnish: Interpreter's Concise Comm., Abingdon press, V. 7, p. 272.
(10) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(11) Victor Paul Furnish: Interpreter's Concise comm., Abingdon Press, V. 7, p.273.
(12) Ibid.
(13) Ibid, p. 277.
(14) Boyed's Bible Handbook, 1983, p. 546.
(15) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(16) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(17) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(18) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(19) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(20) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(21) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(22) Against Marcion, 5:2.
(23) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(24) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(25) Against Marcion, 5:2.
(26) Our Lord's Sermon on the mount, 2:1:3.
(27) Ep. 52:13; 66:6.
(28) Oration 37:17.
(29) C. Normann Bartlett: Galatians and You, 1948, p. 13.
(30) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(31) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(32) Collegeville Bible Comm., p. 1071.
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(33) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(34) Comm. On Matt., book 13:27.
(35) A New Catholic Commentary, p. 1176.
(36) In Galat., Chapter 1.
(37) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 6:4.
(38) A New Catholic Commentry, p. 1176.
(39) In Galat., Chapter 2.
(40) In Galat., Chapter 2.
(41) Against Marcion, 5:3.
(42) In Galat., Chapter 2.
(43) V. P. Furnish. P. 282.
(44) Sermons on New Testament Lessons, 51:1.
(45) V. P. Furnish, p. 285.
(46) In Galat., Chapter 2.
(47) V. P. Furnish, p. 286.
(48) Sermon against Auxentius, 24.
(49) A New Catholic Commentary, p. 1178.
(50) Festal Letters 5:4; 7:3.
(51) Comm. On Matt. Book 12:25.
(52) A New Catholic Commentary, p. 1178.
(53) Collegeville Bible Comm. P. 1075.
(54) Cassian, Conferences, 2:15.
(55) Our Lord's Sermon on the mount, 1:9:25.
(56) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(57) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(58) A New Catholic Commentary, p. 1178.
(59) A New Catholic Commentary, p. 1178.
(60) Adv. Haer. 4:21:1; 4:7:2.
(61) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(62) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(63) A New Catholic Commentary, p. 1175.
(64) In Galat., Chapter 95.
(65) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(66) Four Discourses against the Arians, 2:47; Ep. 59 ad Epictetum, 8; De Synodis, 45.
(67) Of the Christian Faith, 5, 14, 178.
(68)Oration 37:1; The Fourth Theological Oration, 5.
(69) Against Eunomius 2:11.
(70) Against Marcion, 5:4.
(71) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(72) Sermons on N.T. Lessons 94:5.
(73) Sermons on N.T. Lessons 75:2.
(74) Adv. Haer. 4:2:5.
(75) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(76) Catech. Lect. 4:33.
(77) Festival letters, 19:2.
(78) A New Catholic Commentary., p. 1174.
(79) A New Catholic Commentary., p. 1174.
(80) A New Catholic Commentary., p. 1174.
(81) In Galat., Chapter 3.
(82) Sermons on New Testament Lessons 1: 28.
(83) The Harmony of the gospels, 3:4.
(84) Ep. 292.
(85) Hom. 64.
(86) On the Mysteries, Lect. 1: 1.
(87) Furnish, p. 291-292.
(88) Panegyric on his brother S. Caesarius.
(89) On the making of man 7, 8.
(90) Catech. Lect. 12:31.
(91) Four Discourses against the Arians, 2. 58, 59; 4:22;2:25; De Decretis, 31.
(92) Sermons on N.T. Lessons 21:29.
(93) Against Eunomius 2:8, 12:1.
(94) Ep. 235:3.
(95) Festival Letters, 3:1; 6:2.
(96) In Galat., Chapter 4.
(97) In Galat., Chapter 4.
(98) In Galat., Chapter 4.
(99) In Galat., Chapter 4.
(100) In Galat., Chapter 4.
(101) Against the Pelagians 1:26.
(102) In Galat., Chapter 4.
(103) Sebastian Brock: This Syriac Fathers on Prayer and Spritual Life, Michigan, 1987, p. 89.
(104) Against Marcion 5:4.
(105)Furnish, p. 295.
(106). In Galat., Chapter 4.
(107) Unger's Survey of the Bible, p. 290.
(108)In Galat., Chapter 5.
(109) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(110) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(111) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(112) An answer to the Jews. 4.
(113) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(114) Furnish, p. 297.
(115) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(116) Sermons on N.T. Lessons 3:11; 31:1; 40:8.
(117) Furnish, p. 297.
(118) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(119) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(120) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(121) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(122) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(123) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(124)Furnish, p. 298.
(125). Furnish, p. 298.
(126) Furnish, p.298.
(127) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(128) In Galat., Chapter 5.
(129) Sermons on New Testament Lessons 78:6.
(130) Sermons 0n N.T. Lessons 6:8.
(131) Cassian, Conferences. 4:10.
(132) Hom. 48.
(133) Comm. On Matt. Book 14:3.
(134) Ep. 22:4.
(135) Against Marcion, 5:10.
(136) Our book "The Divine Providence", Alexandria 1990, p. 35.
(137) Stromata 4:4.
(138) Epistle 1, Philokalia 16, 17, 20.
(139) Sermons on N.T. Lessons 39:1.
(140) Festival letters 6:5.
(141) Cassian, Conferences, 16:23.
(142) Hom. 51.
(143) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(144) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(145) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(146) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(147) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(148) A New Catholic Comm. p. 118. W. Till, Koptish Heiligen-une. Martyrerlegenden, Orientalia Christiana Analecta, 102, Roma, 1935, vol. 1, p. 57.
(149) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(150) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(151) Against Eunomius 5:3.
(152) Comm on Matt., book 12:18.
(153) Catech. Lect. 13:1.
(154) Ep. 69:7.
(155) In Galat., Chapter 6.
(156) Collegeville Bible Comm., p. 1079.
(157) In Galat., Chapter 6.
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