محتويات: |
(إظهار/إخفاء) |
* تأملات في كتاب
ملاخي: |
(1) John Howard Raven: O.T. Introduction 1910, p. 248.
(2) R. K Harrison: O.T. Introduction, 1988, p. 958.
(3) Paschal Letters, 1:1.
(4) Paschal Letters, 5:4.
(5) Paschal Letters, 4:4.
(6) Paschal Letters,11:11.
(7) Paschal Letters, 13:3.
(8) On Psalm 58:4.
(9) On Ps. 107 (106).
(10) Homilies on Timothy, homily 7.
(11) Four Discourses Against the Arians, 1:12:52. ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(12) Commentary on Hosea 11:1-4.
(13) Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron 3:8.
(14) On the Gospel of St. John, tr. 11:10.
(15) Enchiridion 25:98.
(16) Sermon 104:1.
(18) On Jon 9:4.
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(19) Confessions (N&P N Frs., vol. 1, p. 47(.
(20) On the Spirit, 51. ترجمة د. جورج حبيب
(21) On the Spirit, 46.
(22) Sermon on the Mount 2:15.
(23) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 7:2:14.
(24) On Isaiah 1:2.
(25) On Ps. 145.
(26) On the Incomprehensible Nature of God, homily 2: 39.
(27) Maximus of Turin: Sermon 73:1.
(28) Lactantius: The Divine Institutes, 4.
(29) St. Cassian: Conferences 11: 9.
(30) St. Cassian: Conferences 11: 13.
(31) Letter 52:7.
(32) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 2:3:15.
(33) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 8 2:2.
(34) Sahdona: Book of Perfection 18.
ساهدونا (635-640) مؤلف سرياني، كان أسقفا على بيت جارمي Beth Garmai، درس في نصيبين، ونُفي بسبب أفكاره الخاصة بطبيعة المسيح. أهم عمل وضعه هو "كتاب الكمال، له طابع كتابي، يُعتبر قطعة رائعة عن الأدب الرهباني السرياني. يحسبه اليونانيون شهيدًا.
(35) On Ps 66 (62).
(36) Letter 53:8.
(37) Discourses Against Judaizing Christians 5:12:3.
(38) On Ps. 113.
(39) On the Gospel of St. John, tr. 35:7.
(40) In Answer to the Jews 9.
(41) Dialogue with Trypho, 28.
(42) City of God 18:35.
(43) Dialogue with Trypho, 41.
(44) Dialogue with Trypho, 117.
(45) Lactantius: The Divine Institutes, 11.
(46) Adv. Haer. 4:17:5.
(47) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 6:5:23.
(48) الأرشمندريت أدريانوس شكور: المنة مقالة في الإيمان الأرثوذكسي، لبنان 1991، ص 236.
(49) On Prayer, 4.
(50) Concerning Baptism, F.C., vol. 9, p. 409.
(51) Against Marcion 5:4:11.
(52) On Ps. 8.
(53) Against Judaizing Christians, Discourse 5: 4.
(54) Dialogue with Trypho 42.
(55) Adv. Haer. 4:17:5, 6.
(56) Homilies on Genesis 13:3.
(57) Lactantius: The Divine Institutes, 48.
(58) Didache, 15.
(59) On Ps 47 (46).
(60) St. Cyprian: Epistle 104:13.
(61)Pastoral Care 1:2.
(62) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles 2: 3: 15.
(63) Letter 67:3.
(64) Commentary on Hosea 8.
(65) Commentary on Isaiah 17:10.
(66) On Ps. 105 (104).
(67) Homily II on Ps 78 (77).
(68) Homily 66 on Ps 89 (88).
(69) Homily 75 on St. Mark 1:1-12.
(70) Homily 25 on Ps. 98 (97).
(71) Homily 34 on. Ps. 108 (107).
(72) Homilies on Rom., Homily 2.
(73) Sermon 1:5
(74) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 2:4:28.
(75)Pastoral Care 1:4.
(76)Pastoral Care 1:1.
(77) Maximus of Turin: Sermon 28:2.
(78) Commentary on Isaiah 59:10
(79) Commentary on Matthew 11:14.
(80) Demonstration 22:12 On Death and Later Times.
(81) Demonstrations, 22:13 On Death and Later Times.
(82) Homilies on Rom., Homily 14.
(83) Four Discourses Against Arians 2:21:59.
(84) Adv. Haer. 4:20:2.
(85) On Ps. 119:158.
(86) On Ps 25:3.
(87) Against Jovinianus 1:10.
(88) Catech. Lectures 13:2.
(89) On the Baptism of Christ.
(90) On Perfection.
(91) Against Marcion 4:34.
(92) Exhortation to Chastity5.
(93) To His Wife 2:8.
(94) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 1:3:14.
(95) Ser. on Mount 1:39.
(96) Homilies on St. John, Homily 6:1.
(97) The Gospel of Matthew, homily 37:2.
(98) Comm. on Matthew 2: 11:9.
(99) Epistle to the Galatians 3:19:1.
(100) City of God 18:35.
(101) On Ps. 50 (49).
(102) Demonstration Against the Pagans 11:1-3.
(103) On the Great Athanasius, 7.
(104) Incomplete work on Matthew, homily 27. PG 56:774.
(105) The Seven Books on Incarnation of the Lord, Against Nestorius, 7:1
(106) The Gospel of Matthew, Homily 6:4.
(107) Fragment 27.
(108) On Virginity, 23.
(109) On Romans, 83
(110) Commentary on Isaiah 57:3.
(111) Commentary on Hosea 2:11.
(112) Homily 22 on Ps 94 (93).
(113) Homily 22 on Ps. 94 (93)
(114) Against Celsus 14:11.
(115) Catena (James 1:17).
(116) Epistles on the Arian Heresy, 2:3.
(117) On the Trinity 11:47.
(118) Dialogues, 1.
(119) Letter 144, to the Soldiers.
(120) St. Cassian: Conferences, 6:14.
(121) Letter 59 Ad Epicetum, 5
(122) Four Discourses Against the Arians, 1:35-36.ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة.
(123) Four Discourses Against the Arians, 2:9. .ترجمة مركز دراسات الآباء بالقاهرة
(124) St. Cyprian: Treatise 9 on the Advantage of Patience, 4.
(125) Ascetical Homilies 5:76-77.
(126) Letter 147:8.
(127) Sermon 33:2.
(128) City of God, 20:28.
(129) City of God 28:35.
(130) City of God 20:28.
(131) Against Judaizing Christians, Discourse 5: 8.
(132) On Ps. 139.
(133) Letter 147:2.
(134) St. Cyprian: Treatise 9 on the Advantage of Patience, 22.
(135) 2 Clement 16.
(136) Adv. Haer. 4:33:1.
(137) The Treatises of Cyprian, 5:22
(138) St. Hippolytus: Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, 61
(139) The Acts of Philip.
(140) On Psalm 51 (50).
(141) On Psalm 148.
(142) Letter 48: 21.
(143) The Hexaemeron, homily 6:1.
(144) Dialogues, 1.
(145) Against the Anomoeans, homily 7:5:6.
(146) Six Days of Creation 4:1:2.
(147) Homilies on Leviticus 9:10:2.
(148) Commentary on Matthew 12: 37.
(149) Commentary on the Gospel of John 32:315-317.
(150) عظة 17: 3.
(151) عظة 28: 4.
(152) The Second Oration on Easter, 13.
(153) On Perfection.
(154)Sermon on the Mount, 1:79.
(155)Sermons on N. T. Lessons, 8:7.
(156) Exposition of the Orthodox Faith, 12.
(157) Letters, 39.
(158) Sermon on N.T. Lessons, 67:4.
(159) Homilies on St. John, 78:3.
(160) City of God 20:28.
(161) Constitutions of the Holy Apostles, 6:4:14.
(162) Commentary on Malachi 4:1:2.
(163) On the Gospel of St. John, tr. 4:5.
(164) On the Antichrist 46.
(165) Commentary on the Gospel of John 6:125.
(166) Victorinus of Petovium: Commentary on Apocalypse 11.
(167) Lactantius: The Divine Institutes, 17.
(168) St. Hippolytus: Treatise on Christ and Antichrist, 43.
(169) Victorianus: Commentary on the Apocalypse, From the Seven Chapter, 2.
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