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Short Stories (Stories for the Youth), book by Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty

489- A Friend’s Reproach


At the beginning of the seventies, in Los Angeles, a lady came telling me what her young son had done. He did something wrong. As a punishment, she kept silent and did not talk to him. He tried to talk with her however, she ignored him completely. While she was frying meat with Chresco Butter, he held her dress saying, “Mum! Mr. Chresco sends you his regards.”

Mother laughed and peace was restored.

There is no punishment harder than being ignored especially by some one dear to us. Notwithstanding, we always ignore our Great Friend’s yearning for our love and His desire to create a continuous dialogue with us.

A believer tried to express Lord Jesus Christ’s feelings, when ignored even by those who believe in Him, in a letter written by Lord Jesus Christ himself:         Image: The Sun, with sun flare صورة: الشمس، مع اللهب النهارية Image: The Sun, with sun flare.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: الشمس، مع ألسنة اللهب النارية.

Beloved son, I wish to express my everlasting love and care for you.

Yesterday, I saw you walking with your friends laughing.

I wanted to accompany you, walk and talk with you but you ignored me completely.

I walked beside you and greeted you yet, you didn’t return my greeting.

I made Sunset and sent a gentle breeze for you.

I expected you to utter a word. Again, you paid no attention and throw yourself on the bed to sleep.

Nevertheless, I still love you.

I ordered the Moon to send its beautiful light over your face and you didn’t think of me.

However, I sent an angel to guard you.

Today, I sent the delightful sunlight for you to wake up and thank me for the new day I bestowed upon you.

Instead, you got up quickly and got ready to go out without uttering a single word for me.

I filled the sky with clouds and made rain fall over you to make you remember the tears I shed

because of your ingratitude and you’re still indifferent.

I sent you friends to go with you to a beautiful garden to show you what I’ve created.

Winds blew to murmur in your ears telling you of my love while you’re distracted from me.

I made thunder to warn you and showed you lightening to seek my glory and light.

Still, you insist on turning away from me.

Birds praise me and nature glorifies me while, you’re silent.

You don’t utter a word of thanks.

Dear friend, my love is wider than oceans, deeper than your soul.

My Father sent me from Heaven to lift you up to His bosom.

Call upon me since I wait for a single word or movement in your heart. I love you.

Your unique friend, Jesus Christ.

→ English translation of the story here at صديقي يعاتبني! Divider

Open my mouth, O LORD, to offer thanks to You.

Open my heart to announce my love for You.

Your Holy Spirit kindles my depth.

It makes me always cry,

“You’re inside me deeper than my depth and higher than my height.

You are the unique friend.”

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