>   Services  >   Youth-El-Shabab_El-Shabbat

Youth Service

(young women)


* The schedule of both the meetings for young women and men is the same.

* Every month there should be one meeting for both young women and men (mainly held when a Bishop is coming).

* Every Monday there is a meeting for Prayer, Bible study (and sometimes Hymns) held from 7-9 p.m. This meeting has been held for over 10 years now, all the year long.

* The Quiz for Youth.

* Conventions

* In summer, after the Thursday meetings, there is a chance for girls to enjoy their time (from 9-10:30) playing some games like Video Games, Baby Foot, Play Station, ping pong, billiards.. etc.

* Every couple of months there is a gathering for Birthday Day celebrations..


Services every Thursday from 7 - 9 p.m.

Supervising Priest: Father Flimon Soubhy

Servant's Leader: Mrs. Boutamina

Servant's Leader Assistant: Mrs. Gihan

Related pages and links

* Youth Meeting - Men

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