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مراجع أجنبية عن القديس مرقس الرسول


هذا القسم به أسماء بعض الكتب والمراجع للاستزادة عن حياة القديس مرقس الرسول، والكنيسة التي أسسها، وكل ما له علاقة به..  سواء كتب تتحدث بصورة كاملة عن القديس مرقس، أو كتب طقسية بها صلوات ومدائح وألحان للقديس مرقس، أو كتب بها فصول أو أجزاء عن أبونا القديس مرقس ناظر الإله.  اتصل بنا واخبرنا بأسماء وبيانات أي مراجع أخرى تفيد هذه الصفحة.


  1. A Practical Commentary on the Gospel According to St. Mark: -1889, James Morison, 2009

  2. Analysis of the Gospel of St. Mark, Oxf and Cambridge Scriptural Analysis, 2008

  3. Angels' work, or, The choristers of St. Mark's, Anonymous, 2009

  4. Background to the Gospel of St. Mark: 13 Lectures Given in Berlin, Munich, Hanover and Coblenz, Between 17th October, 1910 and 10th June, 1911 - Rudolf Steiner (Author), E. H. Goddard (Translator), D. S. Osmond (Translator)

  5. Background to the Gospel of St. Mark: 13 Lectures Given in Berlin, Munich, Hanover and Coblenz, Between 17th October, 1910 and 10th June, 1911, Rudolf Steiner (Author), E. H. Goddard (Translator), D. S. Osmond (Translator), 2000

  6. Biblical Greek (Scripta Pontificii Instituti Biblici) - by Maximilian Zerwick

  7. Call and Consequences: A Womanist Reading of Mark - by Raquel Annette St. Clair

  8. Chronicles of St. Mark's Parish, Santee circuit, and Williamsburg Township, South Carolina. 1731-1885, James M. Burgess, 2009

  9. Expositions of Holy Scripture - St. Mark - by Alexander Maclaren

  10. Gospel According To St. Mark - Greek Text With Introduction, Notes And Indexes, Vincent Taylor, 1966

  11. Gospel of St. Mark: Read and pray : daily Bible readings, with comments, reflections, prayers, one page a day for three months (Read and pray ; no. 4), Philip Van Linden, 1976

  12. Guide to St. Mark's Gospel (TEF Study Guide), John Hargreaves, 1995

  13. Jeremy Cooke (Author), Ronald Bowlby (Foreword), 1989

  14. Let's Study Mark - by Sinclair B. Ferguson

  15. Mark (Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament) - by Robert H. Stein

  16. Mark (The NIV Application Commentary) - by David E Garland

  17. Mark 8-16 (The Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries) - by Joel Marcus

  18. Mark: A Commentary (Hermeneia: a Critical and Historical Commentary on the Bible) - Adela Yarbro Collins (Author), Harold W. Attridge (Editor)

  19. Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross - by Robert Horton Gundry

  20. Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross, Chapters 1 - 8 - by Mr. Robert H. Gundry

  21. Mark: A Commentary on His Apology for the Cross, Chapters 9 - 16 - by Mr. Robert H. Gundry

  22. Mark: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary (The Anchor Bible, Vol. 27) - by C.S. Mann

  23. Mark: Jesus, Servant and Savior (Preaching the Word) Volume One - R. Kent Hughes (Author, Series Editor)

  24. Mark: Jesus, Servant and Savior (Preaching the Word) Volume Two - R. Kent Hughes (Author, Series Editor)

  25. MOSAICI DI SAN MARCO (The Mosaics of St. Mark's Basilica), Giovanni Mariacher, 1992

  26. Mosaics of St. Marks, Pietro Toesca, Ferdinando Forlati, 1958

  27. Our Story According to St. Mark, William H. Barnwell, 1982

  28. Personal Mark: An actor's proclamation of St. Mark's Gospel, Alec McCowen, 1985

  29. St. Mark's : the golden basilica, Angelo Maria Caccin

  30. St. Mark's: The Art and Architecture of Church and State in Venice - Ettore Vio (Editor)

  31. St. Matthew and St. Mark, Austin Farrer, 1966

  32. Synopsis of the Four Gospels: Completely Revised on the Basis of the Greek Text of the Nestle-Aland, 26th Edition, and Greek New Testament, 3rd Edition, English Edition - Kurt Aland

  33. The Basilica of St. Mark - Eugenio Bacchion (Author), Gianni Zanmarchi (Translator)

  34. The Basilica of St. Mark in Venice - Ettore Vio (Editor), Huw Evans (Translator)

  35. The Basilica of St. Mark in Venice, Giovanni Musolino, 1956

  36. The Bible of St. Mark: St. Mark's Church, the Altar, Throne of Venice, Alexander Robertson, 2002

  37. The ESV Study Bible

  38. The Explanation of the Holy Gospel According to St. Mark: Vol. 2, Theophylactus, 1993

  39. The Gospel According to Mark (Pillar New Testament Commentary) - by James R. Edwards

  40. The Gospel according to Mark: The English Text With Introduction, Exposition, and Notes (The New International Commentary on the New Testament) - by William L. Lane

  41. The Gospel According to Saint Mark (Black's New Testament Commentary) - by Morna D. Hooker

  42. The Gospel According to St Mark, A.E.J. Ed Rawlinson, 1956

  43. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARK, an introduction and commentary (Tyndale New Testament Commentaries), R A Cole, 1999

  44. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST MARK, an introduction and commentary, Revised edition, R A Cole, 1995

  45. The Gospel according to St Mark: A devotional commentary, John Daniel Jones, 1913

  46. The Gospel according to St Mark: An Introduction and Commentary (Cambridge Greek Testament Commentaries) - C. E. B. Cranfield (Editor)

  47. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MARK Cambridge Greek Testament Commentary, C. E. B. Cranfield, 1966

  48. The Gospel According To St. Mark: Introduction And Commentary, C. H. (Cuthbert Hamilton) 1860- Turner, 2010

  49. The Gospel According to St. Mark: Revised From the Ancient Greek Mss. Unknown to the Translators of the Authorized Version (No author - 1870), 2009

  50. The Gospel of Mark (Sacra Pagina) - John R. Donahue (Author), Daniel J. Harrington (Author, Editor)

  51. The Gospel of Mark: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary - by Ben Witherington III

  52. The Gospel of Mark: An Expositional Commentary - by D. Edmond Hiebert

  53. The Gospel of Mark: New International Commentary on the Greek Testament (New International Greek Testament Commentary) [Hardcover] - by R. T. France

  54. The Gospel of St Mark : a New Translation in Simple English from the Nestle Greek Text by Vernon, Edward, Edward Vernon, 1952

  55. The Gospel of St. Mark - by Rudolf Steiner (Author), Stewart C. Easton (Editor), Conrad Mainzer (Translator)

  56. The Gospel of St. Mark, Rudolf Steiner (Author), Stewart C. Easton (Editor), Conrad Mainzer (Translator)

  57. The Lion's Roar: A Beginner's Bible Study on the Gospel of St. Mark - James Hornecker

  58. The Message of Mark (Bible Speaks Today) - Donald English

  59. The Navarre Bible: St. Mark (The Navarre Bible: New Testament) - by University of Navarre

  60. The New American Commentary Volume 23 - Mark - by James A. Brooks

  61. The Real Messiah: The Throne of St. Mark and the True Origins of Christianity, Stephan Huller, 2011

  62. The Son of Man in Mark;: A study of the background of the term "Son of Man" and its use in St. Mark's Gospel, Morna Dorothy Hooker, 1967

  63. The Sources of the Synoptic Gospels: Volume 1, St Mark - Wilfred L. Knox (Author), H. Chadwick (Editor)

  64. Treasury of Byzantine Ornament: 255 Motifs from St. Mark's and Ravenna (Pictorial Archive Series), Arne Dehli, 2005

  65. Upon This Rock: Story of Nicholas Rivett-Carnac and St.Mark's Church, Kennington,

  66. Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 34a, Mark 1-8:26 (guelich), 498pp - by Robert A. Guelich

  67. Word Biblical Commentary Vol. 34b, Mark 8:27-16:20 (evans) - by Craig A. Evans (Author), Ralph P. Martin (Editor), Lynn A. Losie (Editor)                     Divider فاصل - موقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت

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