1- متى نستخدم المضارع المستمر؟نستخدم المضارع المستمر للتحدث عن شئ يحصل الآن مثلا: I am writing an exercise now. أنا أكتب تمرينا الآن Ali is playing football now. علي يلعب الكرة الآن The children are writing at the moment. الأطفال يكتبون الآن |
2 . تركيبة المضارع المستمر ( نأخذ فعل play كمثال )
يتكون المضارع المستمر من (am/are / is )+ verb + ing
playing | am | I |
playing | are | You |
playing | is | He |
playing | is | She |
playing | is | It |
playing | are | We |
playing | are | You |
playing | are | They |
يستخدم المضارع المستمر غالبا مع هذه الكلمات:now / at the moment
playing | not | am | I |
playing | not | are | You |
playing | not | is | He |
playing | not | is | She |
playing | not | is | It |
playing | not | are | We |
playing | not | are | You |
playing | not | are | They |
playing? |
I | Am |
playing? |
you | Are |
playing? |
he | Is |
playing? |
she | Is |
playing? |
It | Is |
playing? |
we | Are |
playing? |
you | Are |
playing? |
they | Are |
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