this section of French lessons Tenses f- Groups
tre : to be | avoir : to have | aimer : to love |
Je fus I was كنت |
J'eus I had كان لدي |
J'aimai I loved أحببت |
Tu fus You were here كنت هنا |
Tu eus You had كان لديك |
Tu aimas You loved أنت أحببت |
Il fut He was كان |
Il eut He had كان لديه |
Il/Elle aima He/She loved هو/هي أحبب/أحببت |
Nous fmes We were كنا |
Nous emes We had كان لدينا |
Nous aimmes We loved أحببنا |
Vous ftes You were كنت |
Vous etes You had كان لديك |
Vous aimtes You loved أحببت |
Ils furent They were كانوا |
Ils eurent They had كان لديهم |
aimrent They loved أحببوا |