Votre/ta Your |
maison house |
est jolie is pretty |
Je I |
suis alle went |
chez lui to his place |
Leur jardin Their garden |
est magnifique is wonderful |
J'irais I'll go |
l bas there |
demain tomorrow |
soir evening |
Ce livre This book |
est moi is mine |
Ces Theses |
framboises rapsberries |
sont are |
toi yours |
Je dois aller I must do |
des courses some shopping |
J'ai trouv I found |
ce livre this book |
hier yesterday |
matin morning |
I |
n'avais jamais had never |
vu seen |
cette personne this person |
before avant |
Ils They |
ne reste jamais never stay |
longtemps long |
Attends Wait |
une a |
minute minute |
Ce magazin This shop |
ouvre toujours always opens |
neuf heure at nine O'clock |
Cela This |
arrive often |
souvent happens |
Aujourd'hui Today |
aprs dner after lunch |
nous irons nous we'll have |
promener a walk |
Le temps The weather |
est nuageux is cloudy |
Voici Here is |
ta fourchette, your fork, |
ton couteau, your knife, |
ta cuillre, your spoon, |
ton assiette, your plate, |
ton verre your glass |
Je suis dans I am in the |
la cuisine, the kitchen, |
la chambre, the room |
la salle de
bain the bathroom |
Il It |
pleut is raining |