Image: morgan bible 16v s4

Civil War
Four hundred thousand Israelite men have sworn vengeance against their brethren from the tribe of Benjamin because of the outrage committed against the Levite's wife. For three days a battle rages around the city of Gibeah. On the third day, the opposing tribes spring a successful ambush and slay over twenty five thousand of the Benjamites. As the victorious cavalry kill fleeing horsemen, foot soldiers deal harshly with men attempting to escape to the city. The victors capture the battlements and begin the destruction of Gibeah. (Judges 20:29–35)

- Morgan Bible (image 162), medieval illuminated manuscript, 13th century.

- نسخة مورجان للكتاب المقدس (صورة 162)، مخطوطة مزخرفة من العصور الوسطى، القرن الثالث عشر.

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