Image: morgan bible 07r s4

A new pharaoh has risen to power and fears the numerous and prosperous Hebrews among his people. The Hebrews are enslaved and set to work on vast building projects. Pharaoh directs the oppression of the Jews, who are beaten by slave drivers even as they labor. In the bottom right foreground, a figure not unlike a medieval stonemason is struck on the back as he squares a stone; his partner busily works with hammer and chisel. (Exodus 1:8–11)

- Morgan Bible (image 70), medieval illuminated manuscript, 13th century.

- نسخة مورجان للكتاب المقدس (صورة 70)، مخطوطة مزخرفة من العصور الوسطى، القرن الثالث عشر.

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