Gallery Images: Ridpath's Universal History book: Cyclopedia, 1895, Volume 15 (XV)
صور كتاب التاريخ العالمي لريدباث: موسوعة، 1895، جزء 15

Part II. Events of Man:

XXII. American Middle Ages.
XXIII. Mexican war and 6th decade.
XXIV. Disunion and Civil War.
XXV. Epoch of Reconstruction.
XXVI. Latest Period.

XXVII. Last Two Hanoverians.
XXVIII. Epoch of Chartism.
XXIX. From Hyde Park to Bosphorus.
XXX. Sepoy Rebellion.
XXXI. Suffrage reform and American complications.
XXXII. Fenianism and Disestablishment.
XXXIII. Reforms of the 8th decade.
XXXIV. Battle for Home Rule.

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