1) John Climacus, The Ladder of Divine Ascent, tr. Moore, London, 1959, p. 206.
2) Macarius the Egyptian, Homily LXXV, V.H.P., XLII, 93.
3) Gregory of Nazianzus, Oration II,2,P.N.F. VII, 207.
4) Macarius the Egyptian, Homily XXVII, 10, V.H.P., XLI, 286.
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5) John Climacus, Ladder. XXV, p. 188, See also Macarius the Egyptian, Homily XV, V.H.P., XLI, 230, And Irenaeus, Against Heretics, XXXVIII. A.N.F., I, 519.
6) Palladius, Historia Lausiaca, XCV, P.G.34,1201. John Climacus, Ladder, XXV, p.180.
7) Basil, Hexaemeron, Homily IX. 4, N.P.F., VIII, 103.
8) Macarius the Egyptian, Homily LIV, V.H.P. XLII, 42.
9) Clement of Alexandria, Stromata, VI, I I and 12, V.H.P., VIII, p.213-4.
10) Macarius the Egyptian, Letter, V.H.P., XLII, p.146.
11) G. Ralles, Syntagma Hieron Kanonon, Athens, 1825-1859,IV, p.341.
12) John Climacus, Ladder. XXVIII, p.189 and 206.
13) Apophthegmata, V.H.P., XLII, 256.
14) Ibid. P.G.LXV, 77, 116, 361.
15) Vita Parima Pachomii, quote., in Chitty`s The Desert A City, Oxford, 1966, p.21.
16) Macarius the Egyptian, Letter, V.H.P., XLII, p.146.
17) Dobzhansky, Th., Heredity and Nature of Man, New York, 1964, p.4.
18) Apophthegmata, P.G.65, 281.
19) Clement of Alexandria, Instructor , I, 12, A.N.F., II, 235. See also: Macarius the Egyptian, Ascetic Homily, V.H.P., XLII, p.188, and John Climacus, Klimax, I I , p.78.
20) Varsanuphius and John, Question XIII, P.OR. XXXI, Fsc 3, 469.
21) Basil, Reg. Fus., XV, P.G. 31, 956A.
22) John Climacus, Klimax, XXVI, Athens, 1970, p.148.
23) Chrysostom, Homilia, LXVIII, 3 IN Mt., P.G. 58, 643 D.
24) Diadochus of Photices, (451 A.D.), On Spiritual Perfection, 54. See also: Palladius, Historia Lausiaca. P.G. 34, 1003.
25) Didache VIII, V.H.P., II, p.217-18.
26) Ignatius, Letter To Polycarpus. II, ed. K. Bihlmeyer, Die Apostolischen Vater, Tubingen, 1924, p.112.
27) Basil, Constitutions, P.G. 31,1388 A.
28) Athanasius, Vita Antonii, P.G. 26,632A, and 889A.
29) John Climacus, Ladder I, p.50.
30) Apophthegmata, V.H.P.,XLII, 269.
31) Ibid., P.G.65, 257.
32) Ammonas, Peri Psyches, V.H.P., XL, 272 and 4th Letter, V.H.P., XL. P.54.
33) Apophthegmata, P.G.65, 204A.
34) Ibid., 425C.
35) Ibid., 368A.
36) Basil, Reg. Brev., 92, P.G. 31, 1145. Reg. Fus. P.G.31, 965B.
37) Apophthegmata, P.G.65, 168 and 156.
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