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مكتبة الكتب المسيحية | كتب قبطية | المكتبة القبطية الأرثوذكسية

كتاب التربية عند آباء البرية | آباء الكنيسة كمربين - القمص أثناسيوس فهمي جورج

20- المراجع         Image: References, books and footnotes صورة: مراجع، كتب، و حواشي Image: References, books and footnotes.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: مراجع، كتب، وحواشي.

1) Justin the Martyr, Apology, II, 13, A.N.F. I, p. 193.

2) __________, Apology, I, 46, P.G. 6, 39.

3) Clement of Alexandria, Paedagogus, II. 2, V.H.P., 7, p.214.

4) P. Monroe, History of Education, N. York, 1906, p.222.

5) W.Jaeger, Two Rediscovered Works of Ancient Christian Literature: Gregory of Nyssa and Macarius (Leiden: 1954) p. 34.

6) Basil, Quod Mundanis ...., P.G. 31, 563 – 590.

7) Basil, Letter to Libanius, P.N.F., VIII, p. 325.

8) J. Quasten, Patrology, 1950-1960, III, p. 203.

9) Tertullian, Against Heretics, 7, A.N.F., III, p. 246.

10) Didascalia Apostolorum, ed. Fr. Funk, II. P. 51.

11) Tertullian, Against Heretics, VII, A.N.F., III, p. 246.

12) H. Marrou, A History of Education in Antiquity, N. York, 1964, p. 422.

13) Theodoret, Historica Religiosa, IV. 15, P.G. 82, 1157.

14) P. McCormick, History of Education, Washington, 1957, p. 214.

15) Balsamon, Canonical Questions, P.G. 138, 978.

16) Gr. Dix, The Treatise on the Apostolic Tradition of St. Hippolytus, 2nd ed. London, 1968, p. 25.

17) Vie D`Alexandre L`Acemete, II. 22, P.OR., VI, p. 673.

18) Clement of Rome, Letter to Corinthians, 21, P.G. 1,257.

19) Ignatius , Epistula ad Philadelphios, 4,P.G. 5, 825.

20) Fr. Eby, History and Philisophy of Education, Englewood Cliffs, 1958, p. 602.

21) Eusebius , Apologetica, 12.60, P.G.21, 985 and 988.

22) "Constitutiones Apostolorum" 8.32, ed.Fr. Funk, Didascalia Apostolorum, p.175.

23) L. Sherril, The Rise of Christian Education. N. York, 1944, pp. 175,184 and 192.

24) Eusebius Historia Ecclesiastica, VI.29/IV.15, P.G.20, 582 and 533. See also Jerome, Lives of Illustrious Men, 38, P.N.F., IV, p.371.

25) Eusebius, Historia Ecclesiastica, VI.18, F.T.C., XXIX, p.33.

26) Ch. Cruttwell, A Literary History of Early Christianity, London, 1893, p.430.

27) A. Voobus, History of Asciticism in the Christian Orient, Louvain, 1960, p.413.

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