There was also a tomb for one of the Egyptian Bishops, His name is Abuna Petros (Bishop Botrous).. I couldn’t know when he came to that place.. Why he was buried there. And who he was exactly.. I remembered seeing a portrait for Egyptian Bishop named Anba Petrus in the Museum of the Patriarchate Library.. Maybe it was Him.. Mainly He is His Grace Bishop Botros the Metropolitan of Habesha, that was ordained during the Papacy of His Holiness Pope Kozman III, Pope of Alexandria number 58.
يوجد كذلك مقبرة لأحد الآباء الأساقفة المصريين واسمه أبونا بيتروس (الأنبا بطرس).. لم أستطع أن أعرف متى أتى إلى ذلك المكان.. ولماذا هو مدفون هنا.. ومَنْ هو بالضبط.. أتذكر أنني رأيت صورة أسقفاً مصرياً اسمه الأنبا بطرس في متحف مكتبة البطريركية.. ربما يكون هو.. غالباً يكون هو الأنبا بطرس مطران الحبشة الذي سيم مطراناً على الحبشة وقت البابا قزمان الثالث بابا الإسكندرية الثامن والخمسون.
All photographs by Michael Ghaly for, April-June 2008
This tomb is for an Egyptian
Coptic Bishop named Abune Petros (Anba Botros)
My guide, who insisted on
speaking Amharic most of the time
The tomb of the Coptic
Bishop who lived and died in Ethiopia
The tomb of the Coptic
Bishop of Ethiopia, Abune Petrus
Another surprise.. The existence of the stone that Saint Taklehaimanot was born on.. It was about 1 meter wide.. Put in front of the tomb of His mother St. Sarah..
مفاجأة أخرى.. هي وجود الحجر الذي وُلِدَ عليه القديس الأنبا تكلا هيمانوت.. وعرضه حوالي المتر.. موضوع أمام مقبرة والدته القديسة سارة..
They told me that St. Takla
Himanot was born over this rock
It is about one meter wide
Part 6: |
![]() 255- The Church of St. Takla Himanot at His birthplace كنيسة الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت في محل مولده |
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