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O God of compassion Lyrics

(Arabic original: كنيسة يا صاحب الحنان: aka.: Ya Saheb Al-Hanan)

1- O God of compassion
O refuge of my soul
You are the guarantee
In my sojourn
(I need You)2
I need Your power
To lift me up
(Only you)2
Support my weakness and have mercy on me
(O my Master
I genuinely need You
Satisfy me and revive me
I need the light of Your love
To shine within me)2


(O God of compassion
Hear my cry
I am returning to You
Returning to You)2
(Returning to Your bosom
Returning to Your way
I am returning to Your light
O God of compassion)2

2- O God of compassion
O source of my strength
During time of sorrow
You comfort my soul
(I long for You)2
I long that You abide in me
O my King
(You with Your Spirit)2
You guide my life and my journey
(O my Master
Change my life with Your Spirit
And reign over my will
Touch my heart and my senses
And all my life)2

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