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Christian & Coptic Venerations and Glorifications of Saints and Holy Figures: Lyrics Archive

Veneration of Father Pishoy Kamel: Lyrics

Arabic version: مديح أبونا القمص بيشوي كامل

1.With heavenly wisdom

With Spiritual Prayers

O sweet aroma of Rakoti

Our beloved father Pishoy


2. With the heart of  Jesus Christ

With deep compassion

With a meek humble spirit

Our beloved father Pishoy


3. By carrying Bible and Cross

By vigils and hymnology

By going above and beyond

Our beloved father Pishoy


4. With exemplary dedication

Inspired by the Savior

You walked the second mile

Our beloved father Pishoy


5. With deep devotion

You became a walking bible

O Beloved of Emmanuel

Our beloved father Pishoy


6. O gushing and pure spring

O outpouring love

O who loved everyone

Our beloved father Pishoy


7. A role model for us

For many years to come

Ascetic in every way

Our beloved father Pishoy


8. Hail to you O Saint

O Beloved of our Lord Jesus

You are in all our hearts

Our beloved father Pishoy


9. You loved the little children

You served all the youth

You prayed for the sinners

Our beloved father Pishoy


10. Going round about

Glowing like a candle

Attracting many to Christ

Our beloved father Pishoy


11. Like Saint Anthony you were

Taken by the words of Christ

Sharing your great love

Our beloved father Pishoy 


12. You handed us the Coptic church

With her valuable history

With her mysteries and Saints

Our beloved father Pishoy


13. You kept telling us about

The Cloud Of witnesses to Christ

First and Foremost the Theotokos

Our beloved father Pishoy


14. Saint Mary is above all Saints

Michael is Chief of the heavenly

A quick caring responder

Our beloved father Pishoy


15. And John the forerunner

Saint Mark the Apostle

Demiana and the Chaste Justina

Our beloved father Pishoy


16. And Mary Magdalene

Chose to be at the cross

As sweet fragrance of a repentant

Our beloved father Pishoy


17. Your intercessor Abba Pishoy

And your beloved Saint George

And Mina the wonderworker

Our beloved father Pishoy


18. Avva Macarius and the two Romans

Also John Kame

Bessarion who won sinners

Our beloved father Pishoy


19. Athanasius, Dioscorus,

And Peter the hieromartyr,

Avva Abraam and Avva Cyril

Our beloved father Pishoy


20. You built many churches

With zeal and courage

With bitter sweet struggles

Our beloved father Pishoy


21. Also in the Americas

Our beloved has served

In the spirit of the hermit Paul

Our beloved father Pishoy


22. As for the power of the cross

He traced for us the path

A clear sign of his life

Our beloved father Pishoy


23. Remembering your children

In the midst of your sickness

you never ceased guiding them

Our beloved father Pishoy


24. You bore many sufferings

In peace and joy

Completed your endeavor

Our beloved father Pishoy


25. On the 12th of Paremhat

You  were called by the Lord of hosts

To join the heavenly

Our beloved father Pishoy


26. You left this vain world

You struggled to keep the faith

You concluded your life in peace

Our beloved Father Pishoy


27. Your children do praise you

The angels greet you

Christ is crowning you

Our beloved father Pishoy


28. Remember the unity of faith

The ministry of your children

Before the mighty Savior

Our beloved  father Pishoy


29. O children of our father

Sing praises with diligence

With the psaltery and the harp

Our beloved father Pishoy


30. The mention of your name

Is in the believers mouth

They all say, O God of father Pishoy

Help all of us.

A different format from

1.With heavenly wisdom

With Spiritual Prayers

O sweet aroma of Rakoti

Our beloved father Pishoy


بحكمة الهيه

 وصلاة روحانية
عطرت اسكندرية

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




2. With the heart of  Jesus Christ

With deep compassion

With a meek humble spirit

Our beloved father Pishoy


بقلب يسوع المسيح

اشفق على القطيع
روحه الوديع

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




3. By carrying Bible and Cross

By vigils and hymnology

By going above and beyond

Our beloved father Pishoy


بصليبه وانجيله

وبسهره وتهليله
فاق كثيرين من جيله

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




4. With exemplary dedication

Inspired by the Savior

You walked the second mile

Our beloved father Pishoy


وبذله المثالى

بقوة الفادى
الى الميل الثانى

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




5. With deep devotion

You became a walking bible

O Beloved of Emmanuel

Our beloved father Pishoy


ببذلك الجزيل

 صرت لعصرك انجيل
يا حبيب عمانوئيل

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




6. O gushing and pure spring

O outpouring love

O who loved everyone

Our beloved father Pishoy


يا نبع جارى فياض

ينبوع حبك قد فاض
علينا وايضا زاد

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




7. A role model for us

For many years to come

Ascetic in every way

Our beloved father Pishoy


يا قدوة ومثال

على مدى الاجيال
يا زاهد الاموال

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




8. Hail to you O Saint

O Beloved of our Lord Jesus

You are in all our hearts

Our beloved father Pishoy


السلام لك يا قديس

يا حبيب يسوع العريس
نلت مقام نفيس

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




9. You loved the little children

You served all the youth

You prayed for the sinners

Our beloved father Pishoy


الاطفال الصغار حبيت

والشباب قد راعيت
وللخطاة صليت

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




10. Going round about

Glowing like a candle

Attracting many to Christ

Our beloved father Pishoy


السلام لمن جال الربوع

وذاب مثل الشموع
فجذب حوله الجموع

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




11. Like Saint Anthony you were

Taken by the words of Christ

Sharing your great love

Our beloved father Pishoy 


هو انطونيوس الجديد

صاحب الراى السديد
ذو الحب الشديد

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




12. You handed us the Coptic church

With her valuable history

With her mysteries and Saints

Our beloved father Pishoy


عرفنا الكنيسة

بذخائرها النفيسة
باسرارها وقديسيها

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




13. You kept telling us about

The Cloud Of witnesses to Christ

First and Foremost the Theotokos

Our beloved father Pishoy


عرفنا بسحابة شهود

كان هو عليها مسنود
اولهم ام المعبود

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




14. Saint Mary is above all Saints

Michael is Chief of the heavenly

A quick caring responder

Our beloved father Pishoy


دى الست العذراء مقامها رفيع

وميخائيل لابليس مريع
وفى النجدة سريع

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




15. And John the forerunner

Saint Mark the Apostle

Demiana and the Chaste Justina

Our beloved father Pishoy


ويوحنا الصايغ مرسول

ومارمرقس الرسول
ودميانة ويوستيناالبتول

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




16. And Mary Magdalene

Chose to be at the cross

As sweet fragrance of a repentant

Our beloved father Pishoy


والمجدلية صاحبة النصيب

اختارت اقدام الصليب
بالتوبة وسكب الطيب

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




17. Your intercessor Abba Pishoy

And your beloved Saint George

And Mina the wonderworker

Our beloved father Pishoy


وانبا بيشوى شفيعه

ومارجرجس حبيبه
والعجايبى معينه

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




18. Avva Macarius and the two Romans

Also John Kame

Bessarion who won sinners

Our beloved father Pishoy


انبا مقار والروميان

ويؤنس كامى كمان
وبيصاريون صياد تمام

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




19. Athanasius, Dioscorus,

And Peter the hieromartyr,

Avva Abraam and Avva Cyril

Our beloved father Pishoy


اثناسيوس وديقسقوروس

وخادم الشهداء بطرس
وانبا ابرام وكيرلس

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




20. You built many churches

With zeal and courage

With bitter sweet struggles

Our beloved father Pishoy


انشا مذابح كثيرة

بشجاعة وغيرة
باتعاب مريرة

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




21. Also in the Americas

Our beloved has served

In the spirit of the hermit Paul

Our beloved father Pishoy


ايضا فى المهجر الفسيح

خدم حبيب المسيح
بقوة بولس السايح

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




22. As for the power of the cross

He traced for us the path

A clear sign of his life

Our beloved father Pishoy


اما قوة صليبنا

اللى رسمه امامنا
هو حياته وحياتنا

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




23. Remembering your children

In the midst of your sickness

you never ceased guiding them

Our beloved father Pishoy


لم ينسى اولاده

فى وسط امراضه
اعطاهم ارشاده

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




24. You bore many sufferings

In peace and joy

Completed your endeavor

Our beloved father Pishoy


تحمل الالام

بفرح وسلام
واكملها بتمام

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




25. On the 12th of Paremhat

You  were called by the Lord of hosts

To join the heavenly

Our beloved father Pishoy


فى 12 برمهات

 دعاه رب القوات
ليستوطن السموات

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




26. You left this vain world

You struggled to keep the faith

You concluded your life in peace

Our beloved Father Pishoy


انهى غربته قوام

جاهد حفظ الايمان
واكمل سعيه بسلام

 بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




27. Your children do praise you

The angels greet you

Christ is crowning you

Our beloved father Pishoy


شعبك يطوبك

والملايكة تهنئك
والمسيح يكللك

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




28. Remember the unity of faith

The ministry of your children

Before the mighty Savior

Our beloved  father Pishoy


اذكر وحده الايمان

الخدمة واولادك كمان
امام الفادى الديان

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




29. O children of our father

Sing praises with diligence

With the psaltery and the harp

Our beloved father Pishoy


يا ابناء ابونا البار

رتلوا بانتصار
بالدف والمزمار

بنيوت امنريت بيشوى




30. The mention of your name

Is in the believers mouth

They all say, O God of father Pishoy

Help all of us.


تفسير اسمك

فى افواة كل المؤمنين
الكل يقولون

يا اله ابونا بيشوى اعنا اجمعين

* Notes: (a): Rakoti is an old Coptic name 
Rako5 of Alexandria - (b): Theotokos is a Coptic word )e`otokoc meaning the Mother Of God - (c): Paremhat is the Coptic month of Paremhat.

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