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Nature of Christ, book by H. H. Pope Shenouda III

9- The Nature of the Union: Union Without Mingling, Confusion, Alteration or Transmutation: Coptic Orthodox icon of Jesus Christ the King of Kings - by Bedour Latif and Youssef Nassif. صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: أيقونة قبطية تصور السيد المسيح ملك الملوك - رسم الفنانة بدور لطيف والفنان يوسف نصيف. Image: Coptic Orthodox icon of Jesus Christ the King of Kings - by Bedour Latif and Youssef Nassif.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: أيقونة قبطية تصور السيد المسيح ملك الملوك - رسم الفنانة بدور لطيف والفنان يوسف نصيف.

By "one Nature", we mean a real union. This does not involve mingling as of wheat and barely, nor confusion as of wine and water or milk and tea. Moreover, no change occurred as in the case of chemical reaction. For example carbon dioxide consists of carbon and oxygen, and the nature of both changes when they are combined; each loses its properties which distinguished it before the unity. In contrast, no change occurred in the Divine or Human nature as a result of their unity.

Furthermore, unity between the two natures occurred without transmutation.

Thus, neither did the Divine nature transmute to the human nature, nor did the human nature, transmute to the Divine nature. The Divine nature did not mix with the human nature nor mingle with it, but it was a unity that led to Oneness of Nature.

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