Several Verses in the Holy Bible Prove the One Nature:
(1) God the Father Himself testified for Jesus Who was baptized by John the Baptist saying, "This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. " (Matt. 3:17).
Certainly, He did not say this about the human nature of His Son, as His human nature is inseparable from His Divine nature. This verse cannot indicate two, it refers to one, and here it indicates the One Nature of the Incarnate Word.
(2) John the Baptist gave the same testimony when he pointed at Christ and said: "This is the One of Whom I spoke. He that comes after me is preferred before me for He way before me. " (John 1:15,30).
So how could He have been before him and come after him? Our Lord came after John the Baptist by human birth and was before him by the Divine nature.
The Baptist did not separate between the human nature and the Divine nature, as he said, "This who came after me (the Incarnate Logos) Was before me". Here the One Nature is obvious, for the One Who John baptized was He Himself who was before him.
(3) St. John the Evangelist says in his Gospel "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the
(4) The same words are spoken by the same apostle in his first epistle, "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life" (1 John. 1:1). He talks about Him Whom he has seen and touched, as the One Who was from the beginning, that is, God. So how did they see God and touch him unless He was the Incarnate logos? These words are not about the human nature alone, nor about the Divine nature alone because the human nature was not eternal from the beginning and the Divine nature alone cannot be touched.
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(5) The same meaning is conveyed in the conversation between our Lord Jesus Christ and the man who was born blind. When the Lord opened his eyes, the man asked Jesus "Who is the Son of God" and the Lord told him "you have seen Him and it is He that talks with you. " (John. 9:35-37).
The Son of God is God the Logos incarnate, that is, the Divine nature. But who was speaking with the blind man, was it merely the human nature? It cannot be the human nature alone because the Lord Jesus Christ confirms that "it is He that talks with you, the Son of God. " Thus He is the Incarnate God Who was manifest in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16).
(6) St. Paul the Apostle says about the Jews when they were in the desert of Sinai, "and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them, and that Rock was Christ" (1 Cor. 10:4).
It is well known that those Jews were in the desert of Sinai fourteen centuries before the birth of Christ, so how could He be with them quenching their thirst unless St. Paul is speaking about the Divine nature which is God the Logos? Yet God the Logos was not called Christ until the time of His Incarnation, as we have discussed this issue before here on in other sections. But due to the One Nature the Apostle Could not distinguish and spoke about the eternity of Christ and His presence before His Birth.
The Apostle proceeds in the same manner: "nor let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed by serpents" (1 Cor. 10:9).
(7) Before whom did the Wisemen fall down and worship (Matt. 2:11)? Did they worship the Divine nature alone? No, they fell down and worshipped a Child in a manger and they presented unto Him gifts. Did they worship the human nature? The human nature cannot be worshipped.
Thus the only answer left is that they worshipped the Incarnate God just as the man born blind did later, and as those who were in the ship did, when the Lord rebuked the wind and walked on the water; They did not worship Him merely out of respect for "Those who were in the boat came and worshipped Him, saying, 'Truly You are the Son of God." (Matt. 14:23).
(8) We also ask who it was who walked on the sea water and rebuked the wind, was it the Divine or the human nature? There is no doubt that He was the Incarnate Logos.
The same applies to all the other miracles of Christ; Who worked those miracles? Was it the Divine nature alone?
Then what is the meaning of the Phrase "and He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them. (Luke. 4:40)? and what can we understand from the healing of the woman, who had a flow of blood and it dried up when she touched His clothes (Mark. 5:29)? In opening the eyes of the blind, who was it who spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and anointed the eyes of the blind with the clay.
No doubt it was He Who performed all those miracles and several similar ones, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Logos. St. John, the Evangelist, says "And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book" (John. 20:30). Notice here the use of the name (Jesus).
We shall be satisfied with presenting the above examples, because if we follow closely the Holy Bible we may indulge in an endless process, as the verses referring to the One nature are extensively used throughout. For this reason we shift now from discussing the One Nature to a related subject, ie. "the One Will".
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