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Life of Faith, book by H. H. Pope Shenouda III

60- The Experience With God Image: A is for Abraham Faithful and true. He always did gladly what God bade him to do. "We ought to obey God" (Acts 5: 29) - from Providence Lithograph Company Bible Illustrations. صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: A: لإيمان وأمانة إبراهيم، فهو كان يعمل دائما بفرح ما يأمره به الله. "ينبغي أن يطاع الله" (أعمال الرسل 5: 29) - من صور الإنجيل من شركة بروفيدينس المطبوعة حجريًا. Image: A is for Abraham Faithful and true. He always did gladly what God bade him to do. "We ought to obey God" (Acts 5: 29) - from Providence Lithograph Company Bible Illustrations.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: A: لإيمان وأمانة إبراهيم، فهو كان يعمل دائما بفرح ما يأمره به الله. "ينبغي أن يطاع الله" (أعمال الرسل 5: 29) - من صور الإنجيل من شركة بروفيدينس المطبوعة حجريًا.

6-The Experience With God

Throw yourself in the circle of God, live with Him and test Him, try to rely on Him, at that time you will see His miracles working with you. If however you limit yourself, all your life, in the circle of the mind's abilities, the human wisdom, the experiences of society, the people's advice away from God, you eat everyday from the tree of knowledge... so how will you then reach faith? Therefore, test practically the existence of God in your life. Associate with Him so that you know who He is, and as David the Prophet said “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Ps 34:8). Maybe someone will ask: how can we experience God and I say:

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