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Short Stories (Stories for the Youth), book by Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty

405- A Revolution Against a Water Path


Tony noticed that the mirror in the bathroom was missing so he asked, “Mother, where is the mirror, which used to be here?”

“It was broken son. Your father felt it does not suit the bathroom so he broke it.”

Tony decided to surprise his father by buying a modern mirror that suits the bathroom on his father's birthday. The father opened it and put it in one of the corners of the room. While his father was at work Tony mounted the mirror on the bathroom’s wall. When his mother came back from work she thanked him for his help and she said, “Your father will like that.”

The next day Tony noticed that the mirror was not there. He asked his mother but she was not able to answer him. Her husband got hold of the mirror and broke it and when she asked him why he did that, he was mad and said to her, “You and your son do not know how to buy a good mirror.”

“Don’t you like its shape?” the mother asked.

“No, I don’t like the mirror itself.”

“But it’s of a good quality and expensive.”

“No, when I looked at it, it showed my face ugly and miserable.”

The wife was silent and she realized that her husband is miserable and he always blamed the mirror not himself. Image: Another river at the bottom of the valley, watercourse, stream, waterway, gully, canal - Gondar Nature - From's Ethiopia visit - Photograph by Michael Ghaly for, April-June 2008. صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: نهر آخر أسفل الوادي، مجرى مياه - من ألبوم صور طبيعة مدينة جوندر، الحبشة - تصوير مايكل غالي لموقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت، من رحلة موقع الأنبا تكلا إلى إثيوبيا، إبريل - يونيو 2008. Image: Another river at the bottom of the valley, watercourse, stream, waterway, gully, canal - Gondar Nature - From's Ethiopia visit - Photograph by Michael Ghaly for, April-June 2008.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: نهر آخر أسفل الوادي، مجرى مياه - من ألبوم صور طبيعة مدينة جوندر، الحبشة - تصوير مايكل غالي لموقع الأنبا تكلاهيمانوت، من رحلة موقع الأنبا تكلا إلى إثيوبيا، إبريل - يونيو 2008.

The husband became madder and decided to leave the house but he said to himself, “Where shall I go? My colleagues treat me badly and my family criticizes me. I will leave the city and go to a far-away village for two weeks.”

He left the house and went to a village. Two days later, Tony, after consulting with his mother, decided to bring his father back. As Tony approached the village he saw his father throwing stones to the water. Tony greeted his father saying, “Peace unto you dad.”

“Where will peace come from?”

“What happened dad?”

“I ran away from the mirror that showed my miserable face. I came here to enjoy nature but this morning I came to this water path and I saw my miserable face, so I brought some stones to throw in this water path that showed my face ugly and miserable.”

→ English translation of the story here at ثورة ضد مجرى مياه! Divider

I see in the world numerous mirrors,

That manifest my soul’s revolution,

And declare my inner weakness.

Your Holy Spirit renews my inner most.

I blame no body.

I am afraid from no body, or any thing.

Rather, I carry Your peace within me.

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