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Short Stories (Stories for the Youth), book by Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty

295- Who Deserves This Diamond?


George met his sons and said, “My sons, I’m getting older and I won’t live long that’s why I’m thinking of distributing my money among you.”

George gave each son his share. Everyone appreciated what their father did out of wisdom and love. Finally he said, “Now only one diamond is left and this is the most valuable thing to me, I would give it to him whoever did something good among you.” Image: One white Pearl صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: لؤلؤة واحدة بيضاء - اللؤلؤ Image: One white pearl.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: لؤلؤة واحدة بيضاء - اللؤلؤ.

The first one said, “I think I deserve it because I traveled to far countries. I know nobody there. Yet a rich man made me an overseer over his money and his possessions without making me sign a document. After he came back from his trip, I gave him everything honestly.”

The father said, “You did well my son but you only did what you had to do and if you didn’t, you would be stealer and sinner.”

The second son came to his father and said, “I did better than that dad. While I was walking on my way on the shore, I saw a boy sinking in the lake, asking for help but no body cared about him as if they had stone hearts. I couldn’t stand it any more so I jumped in the lake with my clothes on and rescued him. When the people wanted to thank me I ran away because I did that to satisfy my conscious.”

The old father said, “Well done son but what you did was a duty for any good person who loves others.”

The third son said, “Dad, one day I was walking around, I saw a Shepherd who hated me and used to bother me for no reason. I saw him sleeping on the edge of a big hole and if he moved a little he would fall and die. I thought of taking revenge only for seconds. I looked to my loving Lord and asked for help; then, I ran to the Shepherd and I pulled him away from this deadly edge so he was saved. I tell you the truth dad I really enjoyed what I did and I tasted the sweetness of my Jesus’ commandment:

“Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you,

And pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.”

Since that day the Shepherd became my best friend; his hard heart became like an angel’s heart full of love.

George gave the diamond to his son and said, “You really deserve this because you did something that a normal person can’t do, you saved your enemy’s life. But your true diamond is your enjoyment with Jesus Christ the lover of man kind.”

→ English translation of the story here at من يستحق هذه اللؤلؤة؟ Divider

God, give me the spirit of love,

And a heart full of love.

Give me Your self,

So that my heart would be full of love to everybody.

When I was an enemy, You reconciled between the Father and me,

And opened the doors of heaven before me,

And offered me a place with Your angels.

Can I give back this love even to my enemies?

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