The doorbell rang. John opened the door. A big parcel arrived from a furniture store. It was a bed that he bought for his son. John was happy, since his son outgrew his only bed. He opened the parcel and started right away to fix the bed. It was cold, so his wife asked him to fix it in the kitchen. He did that and the parts of the bed were glued together and the bed was ready to be taken to his son's bedroom.
The son was happy with his new bed. He wanted to sleep in it. His parents asked him to wait for few minutes until the glue was set. John and his wife then tried to get the bed to their son’s bedroom but what a surprise, the kitchen door was too small. The kitchen room should have been one inch wider for the bed to go through it.
There was no solution except to destroy the bed, parts of which were glued together. It was necessary to buy another bed.
Do not be surprised by what these parents did, because you often do the same thing. Your soul is like this child waiting for a comfortable bed. You do your best using human measures that differ from the Divine Measures. As you try to take the bed out, you find your Christ, the narrow door, Who alone is able to take you to the bosom of His Heavenly Father.
If you desire purity for yourself, chastity and real comfort you need to do your calculation correctly, which is to accept the Crucified Lord Jesus working in you.
→ English translation of the story here at الباب ضيق.
+ How do I console my soul? I offered it every worldly comfort, but it got lost! You are the narrow door; You take my soul to Your Father's Bosom. With You I enjoy sharing with You Your Glories.
+ What I thought cheerful for my soul destroyed it. You alone, the Crucified One, are the secret of my comfort and my peace.
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