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Christ the Lord is Risen Lyrics

(Arabic: Ekhrestous Anesti إخرستوس آنيستي) *


Christ the Lord is Risen, Truly He is risen

Ekhrestos Anesty, Alythos Anesty

1) He forgave our sins
He redeemed our souls
by His wounds we are healed
By His death we are saved

2) The sting of death He broke
when He died and He rose
He came to show us the way
and chase all darkness away

3) If the cross was the end
of the story of Your love
I would not now be alive
Singing, "Christ is risen"!

4) How can I remain alone
wondering, searching for my Lord?
In God is my faith and hope
Halleluiah He's risen

* Translated to English by: Pauline Gamil Girgis.

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