A Fish Swallowing a Man Whole? | Jonah - "The Lord, his God" | How many days exactly did the people of Nineveh fast? Is this fast the same as Jonah’s fast? | Readings Recommended during Jonah's Fast | Subtly, God Spoke to Jonah | The Sign of the Prophet Jonah | Jonah the Prophet and the Lord Christ | The Prophet Jonah, the Whale, and the Great City of Nineveh | Jonah and Jesus | The Mystery of Jonah | The Flight of Jonah
"Where can I flee from Your presence? If I
ascend into Heaven, You are there;
if I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the
even there Your hand shall lead me, and Your right hand shall hold me."
(Psalm 139: 7-10)
Dear Brethren,
May the loving compassion of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Jonah, according to Hebrew tradition, was the son of the widow, whom Elijah,
the prophet, raised from the dead at Zarephath of Sidon (II Kings 17: 10-24). He was a prophet in the Northern Kingdom of Israel around 825-784
BC. Therefore, Jonah prophesied during the reign of Jeroboam II, the King of
Samaria (II Kings 14:25).
The Holy Book of Jonah in the Old Testament tells the familiar story of
Jonah, the fleeing prophet. Forty-eight verses comprise the entire story.
This is a story of a legendary character with a nature similar to our own.
Jonah, a contemporary of the prophet Amos, had faults, shortcomings, and
The Lord chose Jonah the Prophet despite his faults and used his weaknesses
to make him stronger. The Lord worked through him, in him, and with him to
give him guidance and to teach him. Mentally and spiritually Jonah benefited
from many lessons within his Old Testament Book. Let us more closely examine
why perhaps the Lord loved Jonah.
"Now the Word of the Lord came to Jonah, saying 'Arise, go to Nineveh, that
great city, and cry out against it; for their wickedness has come up before
Me.' Upon hearing this, Jonah arose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of
the Lord. He went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tarshish; so he
paid the fare, and went down into it, to go with them to Tarshish from the
presence of the Lord." (Jonah 1: 1-2)
As you know, Jonah attempted to flee from the presence of the Lord. On route
to Tarshish a mighty and powerful wind came upon the sea. So strong was this
wind that the ship was threatening to break into pieces and sink. Jonah and
his troubles were discovered to be the cause of the tribulations upon the
mariners of the ship. After much contemplation, prayer, and the casting of
lots, Jonah was finally thrown overboard into the raging sea.
Here God's care for Jonah becomes very evident. Events do not happen without
Divine Providence. God sent the great winds and strong gales to show His
displeasure with Jonah's disobedience. Even so, the Lord also sent Jonah a
place of safekeeping in his oppression. Jonah could have met death as he was
tossed over the ship. But the Lord in His Goodness chose to protect Jonah.
Why did God love Jonah?
Perhaps the answer lies within the belly of the great fish that swallowed
Jonah. God sent a fish beside the boat to swallow Jonah. Jonah inside this
fish's belly was most probably in darkness with the exception of when the
fish surfaced for oxygen. He was most probably tossed about constantly with
the diving and swimming motions of the fish. Further, one can imagine the
salty water ever present and immersing most of his human body. As Jonah
underwent all of these perils within the fish we are not told of anything
negative he said against the Lord.
I am quite sure Jonah realized the God of the sea received him and protected
him. The fish was Jonah's shelter and not a punishment. It would take a very
wise man to rationalize this message under these dire circumstances. He was
given a place of safekeeping not death. For three days and three nights he
remained in the belly of the whale.
Perhaps God loved Jonah for his inspiring faith while captive in the
Inside the whale, Jonah the Prophet blessed the Lord. He called upon the
Lord in his affliction. Jonah did not demonstrate fear nor are we told he
appeared troubled. There is no documentation that he grieved his
circumstances. Jonah in his wisdom knew the Lord created this great fish
that consumed him. He knew the great fish's life and direction were both
guided by the Lord. Perhaps God loved Jonah for his trust in the Unseen.
Within the belly of the whale, Jonah returned to his senses. He knelt down
and prayed to God. He beheld the Lord "his" God and rejoiced in His
presence. He returned once again to his prophetic rites. He returned to an
obedient God-loving man, believing in His Holy promises. Jonah offered
thanksgiving. Perhaps this nature of Jonah during hardship was what made God
love him so.
Previously Jonah called the Lord, "God of Heaven," but in oppression, "The
Lord HIS God." Jonah realized the Lord was the Savior of the oppressed and
the sufferers. Just as Jonah came upon this realization we should too. Jonah
is a symbol of our weaknesses, which can also help to make us stronger.
The waves did not suffocate Jonah. The whale caught him up and he did not
perish. After three days and three nights, the Lord commanded the fish to
"vomit Jonah onto dry land." (Jonah 2: 10) His salvation came from the Lord.
As the billows and waves of life also encompass us, let us follow Jonah's
example and trust in the Lord. Remember Jonah's whale and be assured of our
God's long suffering. Be careful in your complaints. Jonah's example of
blessing your circumstances and having faith preserved his life.
The great fish can come in many disguises in the contemporary world of
today. As Christians we need to take on this spirit of wondrous faith and
assurance of the Unseen. Jonah was given another chance. I believe our God
is long-suffering. He does not hastily abandon or become angry with those
servants who fall by the wayside.
Let us pray that we will all learn many lessons from Jonah's example inside
the belly of the whale. Let us draw closer to the Lord "his" God realizing
through his Biblical example that this also makes Him the Lord "our" God.
Bishop Youssef
Bishop, Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the
Southern United States
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