After walking all that time, I discovered that the Monastery was at the foot of that faraway mountain that I saw behind the fogs!! After 105 minutes of walking, I arrived to the mountain and started going down.. I saw no signs for the Monastery, and no one to ask.. I continued walking and walking..
وبعد السير كل هذه المدة، اكتشفت أن الدير أسفل الجبل البعيد الذي كنت قد رأيته في البداية وراء الضباب!! وبعد ساعتين إلا ربع من السير وصلت إلى الجبل وبدأت في نزوله بالفعل.. ولم أرَ أي علامة للدير، ولا أي أحد أسأله.. وظللت أسير وأسير..
All photographs by Michael Ghaly for, April-June 2008
A lonely long tree شجرة طويلة وحيدة
Clouds سحب
We're heading down for the
The man told me that he's
going near St. Mary monastery
And he pointed at the road
that is heading down the mountain for the birthplace of Saint Takla
A look at the back before
starting to descend the mountain
It was the hottest day ever
for me here in Ethiopia
And I couldn't see or find
the monastery..
Hottest sun.. The time
now is 11:30 (I've been walking for 105 minutes so far!)
The mountains on the other
Part 6: |
![]() 247- Descending the mountain نزول الجبل |
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