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How Lovely is Your Dwelling Place Lyrics

(Arabic translation: Ma Ahla Deyar Rabbana ما أحلى ديار ربنا) *

How lovely is Your dwelling place
My soul yearns for Your house and faints
My heart praises and rejoices
My Master and my Lord

How I long, how I long
To see Your face O Lord
How I long, how I long
To live in Your court

Those who live forever in Your courts
They remain in joy forevermore
They sing to the Savior and the Lord
In worship forever

Those that cross the valley of the tears
And drink of fountains and are filled
They are blessed with peace and comforted
Until they see the Lord

One day in Your courts O Lord
Is better than a thousand more
You are the sun of joy and hope
To those who live by faith

* Translated to English by: Pauline Gamil Girgis.

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