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Priesthood, book by H. H. Pope Shenouda III

2- Denying the role of priesthood and attempts to seize it Image: See no evil, a scared man, a man covering his eyes. صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: إغماض العين عن الخطأ، رجل خائف، رجل يغطي عينيه. Image: See no evil, a scared man, a man covering his eyes.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: إغماض العين عن الخطأ، رجل خائف، رجل يغطي عينيه.

1) Those who deny the priesthood and the evidence they present.

2) What does spiritual priesthood and universal priesthood mean?

3) The attempt to seize the priesthood, was an ancient rebellion, which was swiftly crushed by the Lord.

4) Is there only one priest?


Those who object to priesthood tend to take one of two conflicting basis;

First basis for objection

Christ is the only priest

That Priesthood is limited to the blessed Person of Christ, and there is no priesthood for any other human.


Second basis for objection we are all priests

All believers, without exceptions, are priests, as we have discussed this issue before here on in other sections. All are equal and no one has any privilege above others, i.e. all share the same level of responsibility and the same honour.

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