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Nature of Christ, book by H. H. Pope Shenouda III

11- The Example of the Union Between the Soul and the Body Image: Coptic icon of Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo. صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: أيقونة قبطية للقديس أغسطينوس أسقف هيبو. Image: Coptic icon of Saint Augustine Bishop of Hippo.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: أيقونة قبطية للقديس أغسطينوس أسقف هيبو.

This example was used by St. Cyril, St. Augustine and a large number of ancient and recent theologians.

In this simile, the nature of the soul unites with the physical earthly nature of the body to form a union of one nature, which is the human nature.

This united nature does not include the body alone nor the soul alone but both together are combined without mixing, confusion, alteration or transmutation. No transmutation occurs of the soul into the body nor of the body into the soul, yet both become one in essence and in nature, so we say that this is one nature and one person.

Hence, if we accept the idea of the unity between the soul and the body in one nature, why do we not accept the unity of the Divine and the human into one Nature?!

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