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Nature of Christ, book by H. H. Pope Shenouda III

21- Agreed Statement on Christology with the Catholic Church Image: Agreed Official Statements on Christology with the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches on 1988, with signatures: "We believe that our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Incarnate-Logos is perfect in His Divinity and perfect in His Humanity. He made His Humanity One with His Divinity without Mixture, nor Mingling, nor Confusion. His Divinity was not separated from His humanity even for a moment or twinkling of an eye. At the same time, we anathematize the Doctrines of both Nestorius and Eutyches." صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: نص الاتفاقية الخريستولوجية المُشتركة ما بين الأرثوذكس والكاثوليك، مع الإمضاءات عام 1988 م.: "نؤمن أن ربنا ألهنا ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح، الكلمة (اللوجوس) المتجسد، هو كامل في ناسوته. وأنه جعل ناسوته واحدًا مع لاهوته، بغير اختلاط ولا امتزاج ولا تغيير. وأن لاهوته لم ينفصل عن ناسوته لحظة واحدة ولا طرفة عين. وفي نفس الوقت نحرم تعاليم كل من نسطور وأوطاخي". Image: Agreed Official Statements on Christology with the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic Churches on 1988, with signatures: "We believe that our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Incarnate-Logos is perfect in His Divinity and perfect in His Humanity. He made His Humanity One with His Divinity without Mixture, nor Mingling, nor Confusion. His Divinity was not separated from His humanity even for a moment or twinkling of an eye. At the same time, we anathematize the Doctrines of both Nestorius and Eutyches."

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: نص الاتفاقية الخريستولوجية المُشتركة ما بين الأرثوذكس والكاثوليك، مع الإمضاءات عام 1988 م.: "نؤمن أن ربنا وإلهنا ومخلصنا يسوع المسيح، الكلمة (اللوجوس) المتجسد، هو كامل في لاهوته وكامل في ناسوته. وجعل ناسوته واحدًا مع لاهوته بغير اختلاط ولا امتزاج ولا تغيير ولا تشويش. ولاهوته لم ينفصل عن ناسوته لحظة واحدة ولا طرفة عين. وفي نفس الوقت نحرم تعاليم كل من نسطور وأوطاخي".

"We believe that our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Incarnate - Logos is perfect in His Divinity and perfect in His Humanity. He made His humanity One with His Divinity without Mixture, nor Mingling, nor Confusion. His Divinity was not separated from His Humanity even for a moment or twinkling of an eye.

At the same time, we anathematize the Doctrines of both Nestorius and Eutyches".


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