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Short Stories (Stories for the Youth), book by Father Tadros Yacoub Malaty

557- I Found Her


A beloved son, in Ottawa, the capital of Canada, told me about a Canadian lady married to an Egyptian man. He tried to convince her to leave Canada and settle in Egypt. As she refused, he alas pretended to agree with her. Some days later, as she returned home, she did not find her husband, her son, their clothes and some other things. When she asked the police, they told her that he went to America and she did not know if he was in one of the states or returned to Egypt.

This event reminded me of a real story that took place in Virginia:

Tausmy Harris from Roanoke, Virginia, suffered bitterly for being deprived of her biological mother. Her mother delivered her to a family to adopt her when still a baby. She felt thirsty for her mother though it was her mother who left her to that family. Miss Harris had been working for years in one of the big markets. One day, a lady responsible for the affairs of the employees asked her, "Do you allow me to ask you a personal question?"


"I knew that you're suffering for being unable to recognize your biological mother." Image: A hand holding a key, success, Got it! Success key symbol صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: يد تحمل مفتاح، النجاح، وجدتها! رمز مفتاح النجاح Image: A hand holding a key, success, Got it! Success key symbol.

صورة في موقع الأنبا تكلا: يد تحمل مفتاح، النجاح، وجدتها! رمز مفتاح النجاح.

"Yes, I'm always unhappy because of these feelings."

"Don't you know where she is?"


"Do you remember how she looks like?"


"What would you present to the person who would tell you where she is?"

"A valuable present."

"You've been meeting her for years here while, you don't know each other."


"As I was revising the files of the employees, I discovered that your colleague Schultz Joyce is your biological mother. These are the papers."

Pens fail here to express how the daughter met her mother with tears running down their cheeks.

→ English translation of the story here at وجدتها! Divider

You descended to our earth and became near to us.

You dwelt in us.

Nevertheless, we, fools, do not see You or meet You.

Let our eyes see You.

You are the Father and the Brother.

You are the Greatest Friend.

You are all to me.

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