Mr. Washington used to take his younger son George to his farm, so the child could learn how to ride horses and to look after the fields and the sheep. Mr. Washington planted fruit trees, which included apples, pears and peaches.
A friend of Mr. Washington presented him with a cherry tree. It was imported from overseas and it was a good tree. The tree grew and was full of flowers and Mr. Washington was waiting for fruits from the only cherry tree he had.
A few days later, the young George was fooling around with his new saw. He was cutting some tree branches. While he was playing with his saw; he accidentally killed the cherry tree.
At sunset, as Mr. Washington was passing by, he saw the dead cherry tree. He was upset and asked, “Who killed that tree?”
The farmers did not want to tell him that his son did it.
As the son passed by his dad, his father asked him harshly, “Do you know that you killed the cherry tree?”
The son looked sad and told his father, “I can’t lie, I killed the tree while I was playing with my new saw.”
His father told him to go home.
The son went home sad; he waited in the library for his upset dad, realizing how sad his father was for losing the cherry tree. A few minutes later, his father came home, asked his son again why he had cut the tree.
“I was fooling around with my new saw not knowing what I was doing.”
“Now the tree is gone. It was dear to me. It was a gift and the only cherry tree I had.”
“Dad, I’m sorry.”
In a kind manner the father put his arm on his son’s shoulder and said, “I lost the cherry tree but I gained a lot.”
“What did you gain dad?”
“I realized that you’re brave, and you say the truth. I’d rather have a truthful son than have a whole garden full of cherry trees.”
The son never forgot those words and he behaved bravely and was honest all his life.
→ English translation of the story here at جورج واشنطن وشجرة الكريز.
Lord, grant me the spirit of truth.
Give me the courage to speak the truth always.
This is the work of your Holy Spirit.
O the Truth who is never dishonest.
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