An officer sat in a field. As he was looking at the wheat store, he saw a wasp taking a seed of wheat and going away. The wasp repeated what he did several times. Being curious, the officer followed the wasp to see where he went. He saw the wasp crossing a certain wall; thus, he crossed it to find the wasp going down to the ground to throw the seed to a sick sparrow and flying to bring him another one.
The Divine Scriptures tells us to learn from the ant (Prov. 6.6). This story invites us to learn from a wasp which made an act of love for a sick sparrow without waiting for a reward.
→ English translation of the story here at الدبور والعصفور.
+ I belittle myself,
When I see a wasp teaching me love.
It loves not asking its own but what for others.
You want me to be lifted up to the level of angels.
While, in my foolishness, I went down the level of flies.
+ Grant me Your Holy Spirit O the Divine Love,
Then, my heart will be kindled with love,
And I become not like an angel,
But a living icon of You.
+ My Lord, You send a wasp to care for a sick sparrow.
Would You not then change nature which You created for my sake!
May I trust in Your love and care O my Creator.
(3) El-Ahram Newspaper.
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